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Liverpool Antifascists Folk Night

Liverpool Anti-Fascists | 03.03.2010 23:11 | Anti-racism | Culture | Liverpool

After the success of our first benefit gig, Liverpool Antifascists will be holding another one in order to continue our involvement with the local music scene and to raise further awareness of the antifascist cause.

This time, the event will be a Folk Night, and it will be held in The Pilgrim Pub. You can view a map of the location here: The event will be held in the pub's upstairs room on Saturday 20th March, and the doors open at 7pm.

Flyers and a poster are attached, so please feel free to publicise the gig wherever you can. Printed flyers will be available soon. Spread the word!

Download gig flyers here (PDF):

Download the gig poster here (PDF):

Liverpool Anti-Fascists
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See You There

05.03.2010 12:15

Will Tara Hewitt be in attendence? I hear Phil Dickens wants to shag her.

Liverpool Front