Behind the "war on terror": Cynthia McKinney talk in London - Monday March 8
Ian Henshall | 03.03.2010 21:18 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Cynthia had been a member of the US House of Representatives for 12 years and now a global campaigner for many human rights causes, including Palestine. She was targeted for removal from the US Congress after asking what the White House knew about 9/11 and when they knew it.
Cynthia McKinney talk in London (PDF)
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Confronting the Empire: Cynthia McKinney's previous talk in 2007
Behind the "War on Terror"
with Cynthia McKinney, Dr Nafeez Ahmed and Ian Henshall
Meeting organised by Reinvestigate 911
venue: Lecture room V211 SOAS Vernon Square Campus
time: 7.00 for 7.30 Monday March 8
Entrance free, donations welcome.
Directions: King's Cross Tube, East on Pentonville Road, right onto King's Cross Road
Large old building, corner of King's Cross Road, Penton Rise and Vernon Rise. WC1X 9EW
Cynthia McKinney
Member of the US House of Representatives for 12 years and now a global campaigner for many human rights causes, including Palestine. Cynthia was targeted for removal from the US Congress after asking what the White House knew about 9/11 and when they knew it. Last year she was snatched by Israel from a ship trying to lift the blockade of Gaza and held illegally for a week.
Dr Nafeez Ahmed
UK based terrorism expert. He has questioned some of the key tenets of Bush's "War on Terror", a posture which has continued in all but name under the new administration. He is the author on The London Bombings and The War on Truth.
Ian Henshall
Is author of 911 The New Evidence and a co-ordinator or Reinvestigate 911
Reinvestigate 911 is supported by Coffee Plant 180 Portobello Road London W11, organic and Fairtrade coffee
Ian Henshall
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