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lappersfort callout, eviction expected soon

lappersfort | 03.03.2010 14:57

support needed at lappersfort, get there if you can!

Yesterday, the federal police was seen in the neighbourhood of the
Lappersforest. Several people were chased when they wanted to leave or
enter the forest. There is constant patrolling in the surrounding of
the forest. At this moment (Wednesday 8:00), everything seems quiet in
the forest.

The eviction is still expected to happen this week.

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eviction executed

04.03.2010 09:26

the eviction has begun since this morning,
it is still unclear how far the eviction is goin, and if there are still people present to resist
this night at 8pm manifestation in bruges, at 't Zand

mail e-mail: anar