Clinton: US can't prevent Israel attacking Lebanon if Hizbullah continues arming
dandelion salad | 02.03.2010 22:55 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Other Press | World
During the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006, the then US Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice wrongly predicted the outcome by announcing "the birth pangs of a new Middle East"
Four years later, her successor Hillary Clinton's threats against Lebanon indicate that the next step of the "New Middle East" project will involve a war on multiple fronts: Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
Four years later, her successor Hillary Clinton's threats against Lebanon indicate that the next step of the "New Middle East" project will involve a war on multiple fronts: Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
Editorial note: During the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006, the then US Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice wrongly predicted the outcome by announcing "the birth pangs of a new Middle East"
Four years later, her successor Hillary Clinton's threats against Lebanon indicate that the next step of the "New Middle East" project will involve a war on multiple fronts: Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
Clinton to Lebanon: US cannot prevent Israel from attacking Lebanon if Hizbullah continues to arm itself
[propaganda alert]
1) Clinton to Lebanon: US cannot prevent Israel from attacking Lebanon if Hizbullah continues to arm itself (1 March 2010)
from the archives:
2) Clinton threatens to attack Iran ‘the way that we did’ Iraq (7 June 2009)
3) Obama: The Israelis don’t need to convince me of their ultimatum to Iran (2 June 2009)

excerpts from: Clinton to Berri: Israel Cannot be Controlled as long as Hizbullah Continues to Arm Itself
Naharnet, 1 March 2010
“Washington cannot make an effort to prevent Israel from making any aggression if Hizbullah does not stop replenishing its arsenal,”
[US Foreign Minister Hillary Clinton, letter addressed to Lebanon’s speaker of the parliament Nabih Berri]

excerpts from: Transcript: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on ‘This Week’
transcript of ABC-TV’s ‘This Week with George Stephanopoulos’ programme on 7 June 2009
ABC News website, 7 June 2009
[emphasis added]
CLINTON: If […] [the Iranians] believe that the United States might attack them the way that we did attack Iraq, for example…
ABC: Before they attack, as a first strike?
CLINTON: That’s right, as a first strike, or they might have some other enemy [i.e. Israel] that would do that to them, part of what we have to make clear to the Iranians is that their pursuit of nuclear weapons will actually trigger greater insecurity, because […]
ABC: Because Israel will [pre-emptively] strike before they can finish?
CLINTON: Well, but not only that. I mean, other countries, other Arab countries are deeply concerned about Iran having nuclear weapons. […]

excerpt from: Obama interview: the transcript
BBC World Service website, 2 June 2009
[emphasis added]
BBC: What the Israelis say is that they have managed to persuade you at least to concentrate on Iran and to give what, behind the scenes, they’re calling it a bit of an ultimatum to the Iranians: By the end of this year there must be some real progress.
OBAMA: Well, the only thing I’d correct on that is I don’t think the Israelis needed to convince me of that, since I’ve been talking about it for the last two years.
[US President Barack Obama, interview with Justin Webb of BBC World News, 1 June 2009]
related link:
CSIS report: Turkey would be the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack on Iran (March 2009)

dandelion salad
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