§278a: Trial Against Animal Rights Activists in Austria -- Solidarity Worldwide
solidarity for freedom | 02.03.2010 09:31 | Animal Liberation | Repression | Terror War | World
On May 21, 2008 the repression against animal rights activists reached a new high: numerous raids, 10 arrests and three and a half months of pre-trial detention. There were numerous solidarity actions, yet the investigations into the activists continued. Starting on March 2, 2010 thirteen activists will stand trial in Wiener Neustadt in Lower Austria. They are charged with Forming/Being Members of a Criminal Organisation according to §278a of the Austrian Penal Code. Thereby they all face 6 months to 5 years jail time.
Around the opening day of the trial there are actions planned to support the defendants. On the one hand the actions focus on direct solidarity, on the other hand they protest against a political tendency towards surveilling and eventually criminalising revolutionary and critical structures. The actions were kicked off by 800 activists with a protest on Saturday, February 27, 2010 in Vienna. There is a call out for a global day of action on the opening trial date, March 2. Further actions are expected during the (minimum) 32 trial dates in Wiener Neustadt.
https://at.indymedia.org/node/17315 Newsticker March 2nd, 2010 (de)
https://at.indymedia.org/node/17196 Feature in german (de)
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?&lang=en main solidarity page (de/en)
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=886&lang=en The Story So Far
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=1493&lang=en Court Dates
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=1490&lang=en The Trial
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=1506〈=en Background Knowledge to §278a of the Austrian Penal Code
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=1481〈=en International Repression
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=10&lang=en Solidarity Actions
http://antirep2008.lnxnt.org/?page_id=6&lang=en Downloads
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de solidarity page from germany
Call for global action day on March 2, 1010:
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de/globaler-aktionstag/#German Globaler Aktionstag gegen Repression
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de/globaler-aktionstag/#English Global day of action against state repression
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de/globaler-aktionstag/#Russian Всемирный день акций против репрессий
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de/globaler-aktionstag/#Spanish Día de Acción Global contra Represión
http://antirep278a.blogsport.de/globaler-aktionstag/#French Journée globale d’action contre la répression
Demonstration on February 27th, 2010:
https://at.indymedia.org/node/17317 report
https://at.indymedia.org/node/17319 photos
http://austria.kanalb.org/clip.php?clipId=2519 video (de)
Background Information from 2008 - arrestations and solidarity:
https://at.indymedia.org/node/10496 english
https://at.indymedia.org/node/10361 german
http://www.indymedia.org/es/2008/06/908000.shtml español
http://www.indymedia.org/el/2008/06/907950.shtml Ελληνικά
https://at.indymedia.org/10361#comment-9250 polski

Call for global action day on March 2, 1010:

Demonstration on February 27th, 2010:

Background Information from 2008 - arrestations and solidarity:

solidarity for freedom