Defend the Yarl's Wood Five - Release them from Prison Today!
John O | 01.03.2010 07:30 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
None of the women have been charged with any offences or were in any way involved in any actions at Yarl's Wood that were other than peaceful. UK citizens cannot be remanded to prison, except they have been brought before a judge and the judge orders it so. Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, have not and will not be brought before a judge, they have been remanded to prison on the whim of Phil Woolas MP, Minister of State for Borders and Immigration.
Denise McNeil from Jamaica
Aminata Camara from Guinea
Sheree Wilson from Jamaica
Shellyann Stupart from Jamaica
Gladys Obiyan from Nigeria
Should be released from prison today without fail, returned to their communities or immediate return to Yarl's Wood IRC.
Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, were resident in Yarl's Wood IRC on Monday 8th February 2010, when an absolute and unwarranted response to a peaceful hunger strike by Serco staff, led to eight hours of chaos. Many of the detainees were injured.
Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, were removed from association and transferred to Bedford police station, where they remained overnight. They were then transferred to Colnbrook STHF and on Thursday 11th February; Aminata & Shellyann were moved to HMP Bronzefield and Gladys & Sheree to HMP Holloway.
Denise McNeil, was put into segregation in Yarl's Wood on Monday 8th February and remained there till Sunday 20th. Then she was moved to Colnbrook STHF and remained there in segregation until Friday 26th February, when she was moved to HMP Holloway.
None of the women have been charged with any offences or were in any way involved in any actions at Yarl's Wood that were other than peaceful.
UK citizens cannot be remanded to prison, except they have been brought before a judge and the judge orders it so.
Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, have not and will not be brought before a judge, they have been remanded to prison on the whim of Phil Woolas MP, Minister of State for Borders and Immigration.
No doubt there will be a full investigation into the events of Monday 8th February, until that investigation is completed. Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, should under no circumstances be detained in a prison establishment.
Immigration bosses to be quizzed after asylum seekers were 'beaten' by guards
On Tuesday 2nd March 2010, Lin Homer, chief executive of the UK Border Agency, and John Vine, the agency's chief inspector, are expected to be questioned by the home affairs select committee over the claims, that women in Yarl's Wood detention centre were physically abused by officers during hunger strike, which are denied by staff.
Legal challenge over Yarl's Wood women|
* Centre breaching human rights, say lawyers * Treatment of inmates is 'cruel and degrading'
Lawyers are due to launch a legal challenge today on behalf of four women held at Yarl's Wood detention centre, claiming their incarceration amounts to "cruel, inhumane and degrading" treatment that breaches their human rights.
What You Can do to Help:
The detained women are asking you to Email/fax/phone/write to: Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, are returned to Yarl's Wood immediately or released into the community.
Download model , which you can copy/amend/write your own version, there are no Home Office reference numbers available as the women were moved from Yarl's Wood, with out their belongings.
Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office
3rd Floor, Peel Buildings
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Telephone: 020 7035 0195
Fax: 0870 336 9034
Please let the campaign know of faxes/emails sent:
Please keep sending Solidarity messages
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Women Behind the Wire @ Yarl's Wood
Aminata Camara from Guinea
Sheree Wilson from Jamaica
Shellyann Stupart from Jamaica
Gladys Obiyan from Nigeria
Should be released from prison today without fail, returned to their communities or immediate return to Yarl's Wood IRC.
Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, were resident in Yarl's Wood IRC on Monday 8th February 2010, when an absolute and unwarranted response to a peaceful hunger strike by Serco staff, led to eight hours of chaos. Many of the detainees were injured.
Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, were removed from association and transferred to Bedford police station, where they remained overnight. They were then transferred to Colnbrook STHF and on Thursday 11th February; Aminata & Shellyann were moved to HMP Bronzefield and Gladys & Sheree to HMP Holloway.
Denise McNeil, was put into segregation in Yarl's Wood on Monday 8th February and remained there till Sunday 20th. Then she was moved to Colnbrook STHF and remained there in segregation until Friday 26th February, when she was moved to HMP Holloway.
None of the women have been charged with any offences or were in any way involved in any actions at Yarl's Wood that were other than peaceful.
UK citizens cannot be remanded to prison, except they have been brought before a judge and the judge orders it so.
Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, have not and will not be brought before a judge, they have been remanded to prison on the whim of Phil Woolas MP, Minister of State for Borders and Immigration.
No doubt there will be a full investigation into the events of Monday 8th February, until that investigation is completed. Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, should under no circumstances be detained in a prison establishment.
Immigration bosses to be quizzed after asylum seekers were 'beaten' by guards
On Tuesday 2nd March 2010, Lin Homer, chief executive of the UK Border Agency, and John Vine, the agency's chief inspector, are expected to be questioned by the home affairs select committee over the claims, that women in Yarl's Wood detention centre were physically abused by officers during hunger strike, which are denied by staff.

Legal challenge over Yarl's Wood women|
* Centre breaching human rights, say lawyers * Treatment of inmates is 'cruel and degrading'
Lawyers are due to launch a legal challenge today on behalf of four women held at Yarl's Wood detention centre, claiming their incarceration amounts to "cruel, inhumane and degrading" treatment that breaches their human rights.

What You Can do to Help:
The detained women are asking you to Email/fax/phone/write to: Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Denise, Aminata, Sheree, Shellyann, and Gladys, are returned to Yarl's Wood immediately or released into the community.
Download model , which you can copy/amend/write your own version, there are no Home Office reference numbers available as the women were moved from Yarl's Wood, with out their belongings.
Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office
3rd Floor, Peel Buildings
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Telephone: 020 7035 0195
Fax: 0870 336 9034


Please let the campaign know of faxes/emails sent:

Please keep sending Solidarity messages
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Women Behind the Wire @ Yarl's Wood
John O