UK KFA Special article "The false propaganda of the media against the DPRK."
UK KFA | 27.02.2010 11:28 | Other Press
The media campaign against the DPRK has continuined unabated against the DPRK in the last few months.The US controlled corporate media pulls out all the stops to vilify the DPRK and the Juche idea and its system and its leaders.More often they use recycled lies from the south Korean puppet regime.Quite ridiculous and silly stories which if they had any common sense at all they would not publish;two examples
"Defector claims secret tunnel network stretching for 20 miles".This turned out to the utterances of a certain discredited senile individual who run away 13 years ago.This included the claim that there was "green grass growing in them" which of course is scientifically impossible! "Women banned from wearing trousers"-source was a shadowy south Korean body "Good Friends".Now anybody who has been to the DPRK knows just how ridiculous this is !KPA women troops,women Worker-Peasant Red Guards,
policewomen,hospital staff,farm workers and railway staff all wear trousers.How silly can get but Reuters,Yahoo and google all used this story.
More sophicated and subtle propaganda is made about the DPRK's system,leadership and also the economy. Chairman Kim Jong Il is an elected leader.In the DPRK 99.98% of the electorate vote and has a 100% affirmative vote.This contrasts with the
low turnouts in Western countries where many leaders have a mandate of less than 50% of the electorate.Chairman Kim Jong Il spends most of his time carrying out on the spot guidance,even some Western news agencies conceded that his on the spot guidance has doubled compared to last year.Rather than being from a privilieged background as both a high school and university he took part in physical labour as
part the effort to reconstruct Pyongyang.He also worked at the Pyongyang
Textile Machinery Plant on Lathe 26.
The DPRK does face severe sanctions from the US and UN.However although this may create difficulties the DPRK has a self reliant economy.If south Korea faced such sanctions it would collapse within weeks as it is heavily dependent on foreign markets,investments,loans and imported raw materials.However the DPRK built up an independent national economy and very recently developed the 'Juche steelmaking process' of making iron and steel without coking coal using domestic resources.
Last year the DPRK registered a great leap forward in production during the 150 and 100 day campaigns.Computer numerically controlled machine tools which massively boost productivity are being widely introduced.Massive investment in housing is being carried out with 100,000 new flats being constructed in Pyongyang.As the DPRK has a planned economy with prices controlled by the State Planning Commission and Price Control ministry it cannot have inflation.A currency revaluation was succesfully carried
out at the end of November 2009.
The intention of the media's false propaganda is several fold.Firstly the demonise the DPRK so it to make aggression against the DPRK acceptable to the public-this was done with the Saddam regime during the run up to the Iraq war,with Serbia in the 1990s and during the cold war against the socialist bloc.Secondly to isolate the DPRK and deprieve it of support. Thirdly to stop the DPRK being seen as an alternative or example,
The media campaign against the DPRK has continuined unabated against the DPRK in the last few months.The US controlled corporate media pulls out all the stops to vilify the DPRK and the Juche idea and its system and its leaders.More often they use recycled lies from the south Korean puppet regime.Quite ridiculous and silly stories which if they had any common sense at all they would not publish;two examples
"Defector claims secret tunnel network stretching for 20 miles".This turned out to the utterances of a certain discredited senile individual who run away 13 years ago.This included the claim that there was "green grass growing in them" which of course is scientifically impossible! "Women banned from wearing trousers"-source was a shadowy south Korean body "Good Friends".Now anybody who has been to the DPRK knows just how ridiculous this is !KPA women troops,women Worker-Peasant Red Guards,
policewomen,hospital staff,farm workers and railway staff all wear trousers.How silly can get but Reuters,Yahoo and google all used this story.
More sophicated and subtle propaganda is made about the DPRK's system,leadership and also the economy. Chairman Kim Jong Il is an elected leader.In the DPRK 99.98% of the electorate vote and has a 100% affirmative vote.This contrasts with the
low turnouts in Western countries where many leaders have a mandate of less than 50% of the electorate.Chairman Kim Jong Il spends most of his time carrying out on the spot guidance,even some Western news agencies conceded that his on the spot guidance has doubled compared to last year.Rather than being from a privilieged background as both a high school and university he took part in physical labour as
part the effort to reconstruct Pyongyang.He also worked at the Pyongyang
Textile Machinery Plant on Lathe 26.
The DPRK does face severe sanctions from the US and UN.However although this may create difficulties the DPRK has a self reliant economy.If south Korea faced such sanctions it would collapse within weeks as it is heavily dependent on foreign markets,investments,loans and imported raw materials.However the DPRK built up an independent national economy and very recently developed the 'Juche steelmaking process' of making iron and steel without coking coal using domestic resources.
Last year the DPRK registered a great leap forward in production during the 150 and 100 day campaigns.Computer numerically controlled machine tools which massively boost productivity are being widely introduced.Massive investment in housing is being carried out with 100,000 new flats being constructed in Pyongyang.As the DPRK has a planned economy with prices controlled by the State Planning Commission and Price Control ministry it cannot have inflation.A currency revaluation was succesfully carried
out at the end of November 2009.
The intention of the media's false propaganda is several fold.Firstly the demonise the DPRK so it to make aggression against the DPRK acceptable to the public-this was done with the Saddam regime during the run up to the Iraq war,with Serbia in the 1990s and during the cold war against the socialist bloc.Secondly to isolate the DPRK and deprieve it of support. Thirdly to stop the DPRK being seen as an alternative or example,
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