Glaxo Child Killers to open labs in Stevenage Science Park
Stop Glaxo Child Killers | 26.02.2010 15:50 | Bio-technology | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
Glaxo Smith Kline have been caught experimenting on Black and Hispanic children in the U.S.A. Pfizer were caught experimenting on children in Nigeria, Africa. This has gone alarmingly unpublicised. For years people have campaigned to stop animal experimentation while these Nazi crimes against children have gone relatively unchallenged. Clusters of new labs are being built in the UK. The question is are they experimenting on orphans etc here in the UK behind closed doors?
Stop Glaxo Child Killers
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The only coverage this got from AR was to "prove that animal abusers are evil".
26.02.2010 16:03
Most of the victims are poor USA Black and Hispanic children and African babies. The Constant Gardener book and film about human testing in Kenya was based on a true story.
It's true that nothing much has been done to stop nay of it. While people campaign to close HLS etc few seem to care about the children.
Children are animals
26.02.2010 17:22
Protect the vulnerable from abuse regardless of species, race, gender, age etc. The fact that big pharma abuses humans is no suprise and it is only right and proper that we give them hell over it.
Lynn Sawyer
There's never been any campaigns...and that's bad.
26.02.2010 17:53
to anon
26.02.2010 22:57
27.02.2010 17:51
To unecessary..actually Herman Goering did do this.
27.02.2010 20:06
also said poland invaded them1st, they startedWW2& killed billions of animals
02.03.2010 01:35
Glaxo seems to be keeping these pharmacuetical standards "up",
One important Doctor with registered shares in Glaxo is Dr Surendra Kumar head of UKs General Medical Council. Recently famous for condemning Dr Wakefields study of the sharp rise in Autism since the introduction of MMR jabs, his study was validated by many international studies,
Dr Kumar was Chairman of the British International Doctors Association & sits on 'racial equality and diversity committee'& conduct commitees, he needs to be suspended.
Glaxo should be nationalised& or mutualised as a worker cooperative under remit as a "not for profit" company,
far more profitable for everyones health ultimately.
We must remmber if we do not help keep animals & nature healthy we will sick & die also, global warming, plus swine flu's from 1918 prove this,
without universal rights humanity is doomed, not about putting other animals first.
Many animal rights activists do what they do because of vivisection& experiments on animals& humans, if whoever was moaning above organises a protest Iam sure many would come.
Green syndicalist
Who knows if they are experimenting on kids?cooperatives & Mutualise Glaxo!
02.03.2010 01:58
So what does the writer suggest we do?, is moaning about "animal" rights acitivist helping?
I suggest that a1 way for good people to takeover is to support direct democracy in UK at election& do it even better than swiss have with less corruption. If DD gewts enough support his would in the least massively increase peoples engagement in politics& could change everything peacefully.
The Swiss did it in 1848 putting the first french revolution 50 yrs earlier into practice with a peacefully made constitution that was revolutionary, whilst Paris& most of the rest of the europe was rioting. It is the most effective democracy in the world, should be spread & its princples applied economically as well as socially
green syn
The GMC is not run by Kumar.
03.03.2010 17:14
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