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Nazis In The RAF

Whistleblower | 26.02.2010 06:46 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Birmingham | Liverpool

Adolf Hitler would be well chuffed! The heroic RAF who were the scourge of Hitler's Nazis in the Battle of Britain, have in recent years become infiltrated with recruits who sing to the same song of extreme racial and religious hatred.

Since the rise of the BNP, the proliferation of Facebook, and the open knowledge that American freedom of speech laws allow all manner of extreme materials to be posted online without censure, members of the British Armed Forces have set up numerous Facebook and Twitter accounts and other outlets of social networking, posting open diatribes of hatred and violence towards Asians, black people, Muslims, asylum seekers and foreigners, assuming they had a free reign to disseminate their inflatory and grossly offensive bile on the internet without censure.

Discovering serving members of the forces who belong to (or sympathatise with) organised racism, fascism and racial street violence, let alone genocide and ethnic cleansing is easy and straightforward when you enter the right keywords into search engines like Google which are readily adapted to pick up the minutest detail, lending fame and notoriety to nobodies who would otherwise be anomymous. Simple random searches deliver a wealth of results, exposing hundreds of serving servicemen and women who shame the nation they (claim to) so proudly support, and its shared values of tolerence, decency and respect, with overt encouragement of racial and religious hatred.

In January the Equality and Human Rights Commission pressed for an inquiry and for strenuous attempts by the MoD to dismantle a "barrack-room culture" that is seen as more tolerant to racism, but whether any progress has been made, is cast into doubt over the endless stream of revelations of racism within the services.

Most exposés of racism are unsurprisingly based around individuals using racist language, etc., showing off to the mates how biggotted they are as a twisted right of passage, but one particular squadron of the RAF has started its very own branch of the extremist far right, the so-called "English Defence League", the violent racist gang of football hooligans who claim to be merely protesting against Islamic extremism, but who made Hitler salutes in public, march through the streets chanting racial abuse en masse, and have links to Ulster terrorist groups, the BNP, and the intensely dangerous British Freedom Fighters, the latter of which are a white supremacist terrorist cell within the EDL whose aim is to unleash bloody racial Balkanisation upon multicultural Britain.

Members of the 281 (Southport) Squadron Air Training Corps have openly set up their very own active branch of the neo-Nazi EDL on Facebook, and their members have been clearly spotted wearing special EDL Southport Squadron gear, engaging in violence in the recent fascist invasions of the North and Midlands. Online, "Southport Squadron EDL" (as they call themselves), bringing into disrepute their entire squadron), have become synonymous with enlisting military muscle into full-on racist street disturbances.!/pages/Southport-Squadron-EDL/278961416573?v=wall

Judging by the overt racist attutudes, calls for violence and organsation of public disorder demonstrated by members of the Southport Squadron, noticeable via the world wide web, it is hard to deny that there is a minority of serving service personnel who have signed up for the army not merely for employment skills training or patriotic reasons, but merely for the chance to hurt, main and kill non-white people such as Muslims. A sizeable proportion of these servicemen come from tne Midlands, the location of the EDL's anti-Muslim pogrom and violent battle with the police.

To the fanatical racist mind of the EDL and BNP recruit, the unpopular wars in Iraq and Afganistan provide the very opportunity to live out their fantasies of deadly racism, bringing not pride and achievement but shame upon their squadron, their commanding officers, and Britain itself. Unless the recently initiated enquiry into online racism in the armed forces is thorough, and weeds out the ringleaders of the Southport Squadron EDL and their fascist ilk, critics of Western Militarism and the role our country is playing in international foreign policy will rightly cite institutionalised Islamophobia as a key factor.

Whatever one's views regarding the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the wars Britain fights, one thing is definate - squadrons of troops are meant to be battling from the air, not on the streets of their very own country, bringing havoc, fear and utter chaos to diverse but loyal (and anti-extremist) communities trying to live their lives in peace and harmony without hindrance from violent outsiders using their military training to inflict racial violence and mayhem in the very heart of multicultural Britain.

The violent fascists training within Southport Squadron have been busy over the last month organising a frenzy of "paki-bashing" (as the EDL thugs love to descibe it) in their pre-planned Bradford "Riot Of Riots" (now cancelled), gathering together as many hooligans and miscreants as possible to overrun anti-fascist demonstrators and police to rampage through the streets and suburbs of Bradford like commandos, savagely beating-up, smashing-in, and setting fire to everything and everyone, doing their unpatriotic duty to help mastermind the biggest widescale racial disturbance since Oswald Mosley.

In between racist jokes which include tales of throwing Asian people to their deaths from trains, the chilling rally of Southport Squadron EDL to organise as many racist thugs to riot in Bradford echoes loudly, "This is the one to be ready for lads, This IS THE one to stand up and be counted, this is where the fkin breading ground is. Take it to their doorstep. EDL NO SURRENDER!"

(Please refer to the screenshot)

Accusations of racism within the armed forces date back years, with regular stories of the mistreatment and bullying of Asian and black recruits. Most famously, Prince Harry referred to an Asian colleague as "our little Paki friend", but what these recent allegations have unsurfaced are far more troubling than the cohesion and harmony of British fighting forces - the eruption of raw race hatred encouraging street fighting and uncontrollable violence in multicultural communities.

If the government, the home office, and the commanders of our nation's military powers have knowingly permitted entire units such as Southport Squadron to fight like common criminals on the streets of Britain, there must be a far reaching enquiry into how this was allowed to happen.

The behaviour of military personnel in public is of major concern to the Air Force and the Army. Regulations of conduct include individuals lives both on and off duty, the threat of court marshalling and prison for offenders, looming over those who knowingly break the rules and bring shame to their comrades. Surely somebody somewhere noticed these violent uniformed Islamophobic fascists organising racist streetfights from within their barracks.

Or is organised fascism tolerated within the RAF?

Taxpayers money is used to train service personnel, teach fighting techniques, and basic fitness training, as well as endow troops with specialist military skills. If public money is being used to help organise representatives of an entire squadron to racially assault British Asian people, there must be serious political repercussions.


281 (Southport) Squadron
Air Training Corps
St Peters School
Upper Aughton Road

Telephone/Fax: (01704) 550393

Or alternatively, contact your local MP.

(no neo-nazi trolls please!)



Hide the following 18 comments

Sad Story

26.02.2010 07:20

I had a cousin who is black, and hoping to gain qualifications as a technician, he joined the RAF, against my advice. But he was thinking he would be accepted by his colleagues. The racist abuse from nazi bnp scumbags led him to have a nervous breakdown. and he was discharged from the army without any enquiry after going absent. Life shattered, can't hold down a job.

Governments don't give a toss about tacking racism in the army - it's all helping foster nationalism which is acting like a recruiting sargent for them. More Islam hating and race hate, = more working class lads black + white cannon fodder to be killed.

Don't join the army, navy or air force for any reason.

You are being used to fight America's wars.



26.02.2010 07:22


I wish Stop The War would raise the issue of organised racism in the armed services.


Lib Dems Suck

26.02.2010 07:44

Sorry to hear your story JB

Nick Clegg is now in-favour of sending lots more troops to Afganistan. Heard him say it on telly the other day - said the Lib Dems were wrong to oppose wars.

Why have the Lib Dems changed their tune all of a sudden when in 2003 the were marching on Number Ten opposing the fuckin' Iraq War??????

If they are in coalition with David Cameleon, expect an easy ride for more Islamophobia and destructive warmongering.

The 1


26.02.2010 07:50

Racists are always obsessed about non-white people having kids "breeding" (see the screenshot), and yet these very same ignorant lazy fascist slobs saying these things cannot be arsed to keep the Aryan master race going, and if they do have kids, they come home pissed each bringing them up without any love.


Clarifications please

26.02.2010 08:45

Well done to the poster for looking into this but please could they clarify what base etc s/he claims EDL are organising on? Without this the article is not only unsubstantiated but functionally useless.

The address to write to and complain on the article is an ATC unit at a school. ATC is a youth group set up originally as a recruiting tool for the RAF (much like the Army Cadets is for the Army) and remains partly funded by the military. These days it’s less of a recruiting front and becoming more like the Scouts. It's not impossible that an adult volunteer/staff member might be organising in the EDL, but if they are and especially if they are with ATC participants then this would be at the very least a disciplinary and more likely a sacking offence.

If the address has been put up by mistake then it does us no favours as it is likely to re-enforce in the minds of service personnel that anti-authoritarians don't know anything about the military.


HQ Address

26.02.2010 12:46

I don't know but I would imagine they are adult RAF personnel organising young people into fighting for the EDL, via this squadron of the Air Cadets.

If there are indeed adult staff, hopefully they will be sacked.

Their website is located at

But there doesn't seem to be contact details of anybody on the website.

This is the HQ address for the Air Cadets:

Headquarters Air Cadets
RAF Cranwell
NG34 8HB

01400) 261201

Might be worth Indymedia putting up this address and number instead of the school address.


Fascist? Really..

26.02.2010 12:53

Thanks for the article, and I agree it's pretty horrifying stuff.
The EDL are racist yes, but I think to call them fascist oversimplifies it. There may be some fascists who go to their rallys, and are perhaps part of their organising teams. However, as an organisation it is NOT fascist. We need to really understand fascism before we go about slinging the word at anybody - it undermines what we are saying.
Do they advocate, for example, corporatism? No. They are essentially a single issue militant campaign group - their campaign happens to be based on racist prejudice and so attracts a few fascists.

We oversimplify far too much and it does us no good whatsoever. Another example, one of the commenters here said that the state wants insititutional racism in the army to stir up race hatred. This is totally unsubstantiated and likely bullshit. I am an anarchist, but the government happens not to be made up of people looking to incite race hatred - it really isn't, and all our crude slogans don't change that. Remember, the EDL are opposed to our current government as well, and the police have been brutal to them as well as us. This doesn't mean we have anything in common with EDL, but we can't lump all our enemies together as one homogenous fascistic blob. It makes us look like idiots.


Know your local Fash

26.02.2010 13:07

There are many real heroes in the military; people like Joe Glenton. If you don't see working class service people as a progressive force watch Battleship Potemkin.

This article claims that Southport Squadron EDL are inbedded in the RAF. I thought for a moment you meant +our+ Red Army Faction but +their+ Royal Air Force would also be worrying. Please can Southport comrades clarify this?

@ Southport comrades

fucking RAF Neo Nazi Walter Mittys!

26.02.2010 14:52

What a bunch of twats, the RAF are considered civilians in uniform by the real armed forces...the Navy and Army.

Joe Blogs

Evidence that they are in the RAF?

26.02.2010 15:29

If true this story is shocking, however where is the evidence these people are in the RAF? Just because their name is 'Southport Squadron' that doesn't mean they are in an RAF Squadron. I didn't see any reference on their facebook group to the RAF.


2 points:

26.02.2010 16:18

What the Royal Air Force do is rather more racist, they actually murder muslims in in large numbers in Iraq and Afghanistan and probably Packistan too.

However if you take offense at this tasteless and unfunny joke, why not report it. I have. If Face Book finds breast feeding offensive I wonder what they'll make of this?

The man who uses a lock knife to sharpen a joiners pencil

With mike

26.02.2010 16:41

I agree with mike, where is the reference to the RAF? Also the contact information the author gave is for an air cadets unit.


Matter it does not

26.02.2010 17:35

The real issue is that the RAF is one of many murderous mechanisms that are employed by the British Government and British Capital. Who gives a fuck if the dicks serving there are Moderate or Ultra RIght WIng. Their role is specific and criminal


Our enemy is the Generals!

26.02.2010 20:40

I've thought about this a bit more, and while I still don't believe that these loosers are in the RAF, what if they were? The right want to empower the ruling class. Grassing the EDL up would be anathema to any programme that opposes the +system+ that causes racism.

@ Southport comrades

Air Cadets not RAF

27.02.2010 19:20

These are a bunch of walter mitty's who dress up on a tuesday night and may one day get to go in a glider. These aren't RAF. Racism is not condoned in the RAF (unlike in the army where it is rife) and I should point out that it was RAF that whislteblowed the torture of detainees in Iraq.

You can call us murderers perhaps but not racists (RAF will fight and bomb anyone)

Real RAF

Absolutely false

16.04.2010 14:53

This facebook group has absolutely nothing to do with the air cadets, other than having the word 'squadron' in it there are absolutely no similarities, no cadets are even fans of this page and it's an absolute disgrace that the air cadet squadron is being slandered for this, while the author of this article has every right to be disgusted by the facebook page, it is in no way connected to the cadets and i cannot understand why anybody would jump to such a conclusion with so little evidence.


Misrepresentation of innocent Southport Air Cadets

17.04.2010 01:28

The air cadet organisation has nothing to do with the EDL. The Southport branch of the EDL chose the name Southport Squadron. This is purely a misunderstanding and the cadets have been wrongly accused of such crime and have no connections whatsoever with the EDL. The way i see it is that this misrepresentation has severely crippled the ATC's reputation especially southport air cadets. Please don't jump to conclusions like this without investigating the truth first but i assume the matter has been reffered to the authorities and most likely the actual RAF too.


Boasting Bastards!

17.04.2010 23:04

The EDL today boased that the Southport Squadron are indeed the very same air training corps and that there are lots of members belonging to them. They also accused the corps of covering up widespread fascist support amongst cadets.

Neo-Nazi scum cannot help themselves from incriminating themselves, the brainless wannabe hooligan racist twats.

Their internet goosetrolling gives the game away.

Maybe Southport is very much racist, but Liverpool is very anti-fascist, and the EDL wouldn't dare hold a racist rally there!
