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Forest Fields Orchard Project - Planting 28th Feb

Professor Plum | 25.02.2010 20:04

We're planting 100 fruit trees across Forest Fields on Sunday 28th Feb,and we need some help!

If you'd like to take part in the tree planting, then please get in touch. It should be a lot of fun, and not much work - we've divided the area into small clusters of tree planting sites, so you'll be working in a group of 3 or 4 people to plant around a dozen trees in one small area. Refreshments will be provided, and the whole thing should only take two or three hours out of your Sunday. There will be a morning session from 11am, and an afternoon one from 2pm.

For more details, including meeting place etc, send enthusiastic responses to

Also, see the project website at

Professor Plum
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