Two Freemen on the land unlawfully detained at Nottingham Oxclose Lane
Freeman | 24.02.2010 17:58 | Repression | Cambridge
A peaceful demo is getting underway to secure the release of two freemen unlawfully detained for refusing entry to their home by Eon.
Eye witness accounts say that pepper spray was used, all over their refusal to allow Eon access to their property to fit a meter. There are serious concerns for their well being, a peaceful demonstration is getting underway, meet at the Golden Fleece, Mansfield rd, Nottingham at 6.30 this eve, and then onwards for a peaceful vigil and question asking session at Oxclose Lane Police Station.
Two witnesses testify that the police and EON 'officials' were laughing at the victims after being pepper sprayed, and 'peels' of laughter were heard from them inside the property after they had gained unlawful entry. I for one, will not stand for this...
Two witnesses testify that the police and EON 'officials' were laughing at the victims after being pepper sprayed, and 'peels' of laughter were heard from them inside the property after they had gained unlawful entry. I for one, will not stand for this...
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24.02.2010 18:12
cant find it on internet
Freemen on the Land
24.02.2010 18:36
We know what their game is and their days are numbered.
Please explain?
24.02.2010 19:26
If the property owner/occupier dosn't want an electricity supply, they don't have to have one fitted, do they?
The supply undertaking can simply cut the supply cable at the street.
the man who takes a perfectly lawful lock knife when he goes camping
please put up a mobile number contact number for quick demos
24.02.2010 21:07
Make sure records are made!!!
They specialise in suing police when they go to far.
Order of White Transit 33.45 degrees
makes no sense
24.02.2010 21:24
Because in the article it says their property. But if they don't own it then that doesn't make sense that they would try to object to the electricity people coming.
If you don't own it, then you are probably renting (which are covered by tenancy agreements). If you arnt renting, then i don't understand what their point is?
Freeman nonsense
24.02.2010 21:53
very odd
24.02.2010 22:02
Does being exempt from the law mean that the law doesn't protect you either
Sounds like a very double-edged propositions to me
Well, all i can say is 'good luck' because they're going to need it!
24.02.2010 22:57
What like the British Royal Family who have inherited land that originally belonged to the community as a whole and was known as "Common Land" ... every heard of the "Robber Barons" and "Land Clearances" or other brutal methods that were used to drive people from their native, traditional lands?
Well, we shall be claiming it back... not just in this country but around the world. Western Law is a travesty of justice. Consider the native American Indians that were driven into reservations on the worst land available, or the Australian Aborigines that were driven off their ancestral land. This also occured in Russia, China, SE Asia, etc, etc.
The Royals will go... the Oligarchs will go and the smug little civil servants with their clip boards will go... time is on our side. Bye bye!
Fantasy and Reality
24.02.2010 23:09
And I certainly don't see any native americans, aboriginal austrlains or first nation canadians doing much about it except swigging the ol' liquer and cursing at the tourist (whilst asking for any spare change at the same time). I don't see anything to indicate any change.
I think the only ones that are "going" (at least in our lifetime) are these Freemans...
...Going straight to the nick by the sounds lol
24.02.2010 23:13
Both these concepts obviously require a legal system to mean anything.
so exactaly what type of 'freemen' are they, that are reliant upon a legal system?
All over the place.
24.02.2010 23:18
Not so free man.
to anon
25.02.2010 11:34
This is not the case, infact, quite the opposite.
By declaring yourself as a freeman on the land you are declaring that you will be living a life in accordance with common law I.E a peacefull existence, free from causing harm or loss to another, or behaving fraudulantly.
You are also revoking your consent to be goverend by the statutes that are in place, that govern our actions daily.
Its the difference between living lawfully, and legally.
For example...who is at loss or harm if you have parked your car 2 inches over a line? no-one really, but it is still deemed apporpriate to issue a hefty fine and levy your funds.
to anon
25.02.2010 11:49
This is not the case, infact, quite the opposite.
By declaring yourself as a freeman on the land you are declaring that you will be living a life in accordance with common law I.E a peacefull existence, free from causing harm or loss to another, or behaving fraudulantly.
You are also revoking your consent to be goverend by the statutes that are in place, that govern our actions daily.
Its the difference between living lawfully, and legally.
For example...who is at loss or harm if you have parked your car 2 inches over a line? no-one really, but it is still deemed apporpriate to issue a hefty fine and levy your funds.
sovereign citizen defence
25.02.2010 13:54
While it did save them from the death penalty, it didn't exactly get them off either. The idea is that you claim you're a "freeman" or a "sovereign citizen" and that the law does not apply to you because.... er... you're somehow not legally subject to the courts' authority. Naive and boring - claiming that the court has no juristiction over you goes all the way back to Nuremberg. It didn't work then and it won't work now.
John Harris is Dead!!!
25.02.2010 17:40
system cleaner
Sounds good
27.02.2010 08:23
Sounds like a good idea to me. The legal system might do much to protect the property of the wealthy but it's next to useless for the average person. I don't accept the legitimacy of the authority of this nasty little state and clearly, there are others who feel the same.
Where do I sign up?
worth a deeper look
28.02.2010 11:12
could this approach actually be of useful?? rev up them search engines!!
worth investigating?
02.03.2010 14:31
You have no idea
02.06.2010 21:01
I have a lot more responsibility that most as I am at full liability I dont need to hide behind a system that robs you blind just ins case I do wrong and need someone to hole my Hand.
As for not knowing politics what a joke the so called government is a private company this can be proved and party will never make a change as their comapany is working fine KEEP the POOR and work them harder to pay more tax that in this Land has no law to say we have to.
So Knock the freeman all you like
We may be freemen but we are not blind men
The ones that knock us the most are the one that cant put in the month even years of study to be able to stand on there own two feed and say I am a MAN in my own.
It is far easier to bury your head and call us fools when you have know idea what is going on around you
It is not all law and politics as you seem to be making out if you had taken a bit better look you would see our so called MP's are just puppets for the banking world
If you want to do some home work look at birth certificate trading
as every day every one of us is being traded on the stock marked making a pretty bundle
so next time you get a hand out from the government banks or credit card companys dont thank them to much its out of your OWN FUND .
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