Animal Protection Party focus on Cancer Research UK.
Animal Rights Activist | 24.02.2010 03:29 | Animal Liberation | Education | Health | South Coast
The Animal Protection Party are focusing on Cancer Research UK in the fight against vivisection. Vivisection is animal research. The Animal Protection Party are telling you that animal research is out dated and that Cancer Research needs to be taken in a new direction. Billions of pounds are wasted on animal research and this research is outdated. New world class research facilities are needed.
Animal Rights Activist
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All you need to know about the cancer business and pics from SPEAK Political
24.02.2010 03:37
The Animal Protection Party will beat cancer.
Define what you mean.
24.02.2010 03:41
Josef Mengele
Charity Watch with posters from SPEAK Political. Can CRUK explain?
24.02.2010 03:44
Charity Watch with posters from SPEAK Political. Can CRUK explain?
24.02.2010 03:45
Charity Watch with posters from SPEAK Political. Can CRUK explain?
24.02.2010 03:45
world class research facilities
24.02.2010 08:07
someone is trolling loads of non-stories about the APP
24.02.2010 10:29
This isn't news, it's just a pretend gibberish rant which looks like it is someone who is just pretending to be an animal rights activist, maybe to boost the profile of CR-UK, or so they can post pro-animal abuse comments? There have been multiple variations of this over the past few days - I think Indymedia should take them down, they obviously aren't genuine, let alone newsworthy.
The APP are a political campaign, they don't campaign against individual animal abusers.
The real story here is a dirty tricks campaign against the APP. It would be very interesting to see who is behind it. Just animal abusers, or spindoctors from other political parties?
Do a Cancer Research UK fanclub write shacwatch?
24.02.2010 19:21
There is a very suspicious link between Cancer Research UK, Adrian Radford and The Animal Protection Party. Rather than just write "take this down as it's written by a troll" why don't all of the APP [SPEAK Political] explain themsleves re all this stuff about Cancer Research UK? Can the APP member who lied publicly about Rolanda explain why he did so? Can the APP explain why they have attacked people, raided people's things and issue threats about and to people from AR? What's all this silliness with the aliens? What do aliens have to do with AR?
Indymedia haven't taken these posts down because we have a democratic right to say what we think about shacwatch and about the APP without censorship or repression. The posts are coming in from different places and we support AR rather than being "trolls".
Why would "another political party" bother writing any of this? The APP pose no threat to New Labour, Tories, Lib Dems, Respect etc etc. The APP pose a threat to AR people as they have been violent to AR people, they have searched and raided AR people's things, they have lied about AR people across the internet, issued threats publicly against a number of AR people in public and on the internet publicly for all to read. Indymedia know that.
We support decent AR groups, we support real AR groups. We support SPEAK, we support SHAC, we support Animals Count, we support Stop Sequani so we are not anti AR trolls.
If you want to support a political AR party support genuine and decent AR groups like Animals Count. Animals Count are not writing these posts but we support Animals Count 100%. The APP have even lied in public about Animals Count which is terrible.
If the APP are a Stop Cancer Research UK outfit then you should say that. If you are a Cancer Research UK fanclub then you should be investigated.
Re : They don't campaign against individual companies....
24.02.2010 19:26
Then look at Adrian Radford's Eye Spy magazine promotional material with CR-UK.
"pretend gibberish rant" : shacwatch words and phrases
24.02.2010 19:41
shacwatch have said that "deranged nutters" are against the APP.
24.02.2010 19:44
not shacwatch
Someone has spotted the CR-UK connection and I agree that they could be right
24.02.2010 22:30
Why is it that the Animal Protection Party vivisection section is concentrating only on Cancer Research UK?
Nobody from the APP has explained any of this CR-UK angle. The only replies from them about this are shacwatchesque attacks against the poster who they claim is writing "pretend gibberish rant from a pretend animal rights activist".
A good question : Why is Adrian Radford posing next to Cancer Research UK shops and imagery?
Adrian Radford made a number of claims about AR people in attempt to make money and he did this under fasle pretences. His book is fit for nothing better than when you've run out of toilet paper.
To answer the question "Why are people scared of the APP"? It is because they have been violent towards AR activists, they have gone through people's belongings, they have spread dangerous lies about innocent people, they write lies publicly about other people, they say other people have done things that they have not done, they are spreading idiotic conspiracy theories about aliens etc, they have started a split group against Animals Count who they lie about, they use the names of other groups, they have not explained charity watch myspace, they have not explained the CR-UK angle and are possibly working for the pharmaceutical industry under false pretences. Those are good reasons to be scared of them.
Re: Re: They don't campaign against individual companies....
24.02.2010 23:06
That's hardly having a campaign against them.
This whole article and half the comments are classic troll material.
In your opinion.
24.02.2010 23:31
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean its not posted by some pro animal supporter
carrot stick
24.02.2010 23:40
as bad as CR UK is the animal rights movment has'ht got the best PR right now
the last thing we need is articles on activists hastleing charities
Animal Rights Activist
Telling quote on these posts on that shacwatch blog
25.02.2010 00:08
So shacwatch is run by ex AR deranged nutters?
Thanks for the info.
Guessed anyway.
The Animal Protection Party and hassling Cancer Research UK
25.02.2010 01:40
There have been some very disturbing things happening with the APP and none of it is good.
Why do the APP have to keep swearing? "Big f***ing deal" and "What the f***"
25.02.2010 01:49
Attacking CR-UK is appalling PR for the animal rights movement and we should all ask why are the APP gunning for them in particular? What's worse is that you are doing it and then saying that you are not. It's on your's on your myspace etc and so on. You have smeared other people too, maybe your whole APP organisation was designed to smear people and fit people up from the beginning? The Adrian Radford [if that's even his name] man and his CR-UK photo is worrying too especially in combo with all these APP and CR-UK things.
The APP / Charity watch myspace has stuff about "aliens and terrorism".
25.02.2010 03:07
Camden Sanity Brigade...see Lone Wolf/SHACWATCH/Northern Tracy
25.02.2010 04:15
SHACWATCH and the APP seem to be one and the same thing. You are low evil scum. The person behind the Camden Sanity Brigade "Joe Doyle" or whatever his name is has threatened to rape people, has spread smear leaflets all around Camden, threatened people, stalked people etc. Joe Doyle has admitted to people in Camden that he is a picture framer as is Tracey Rawlings.
Joe doyle has put a load of shit about aliens on the Camden Sanity Brigade blogspot.
It is clear to even the stupidest person that the Camden Sanity Brigade and shacwatch are the same people. It has been obvious to many people that the APP and shacwatch are the same.
Tracey Rawlings is the APP. I suspect that Miranda James contributes to shacwatch as well.
If you remove the posts from that blog ..we have printed them out.
This begs the question...what are the APP shops all about then? Fraud?
Camden Sanity Brigade...see Lone Wolf/SHACWATCH/Northern Tracy
25.02.2010 04:16
SHACWATCH and the APP seem to be one and the same thing. You are low evil scum. The person behind the Camden Sanity Brigade "Joe Doyle" or whatever his name is has threatened to rape people, has spread smear leaflets all around Camden, threatened people, stalked people etc. Joe Doyle has admitted to people in Camden that he is a picture framer as is Tracey Rawlings.
Joe doyle has put a load of shit about aliens on the Camden Sanity Brigade blogspot.
It is clear to even the stupidest person that the Camden Sanity Brigade and shacwatch are the same people. It has been obvious to many people that the APP and shacwatch are the same.
Tracey Rawlings is the APP. I suspect that Miranda James contributes to shacwatch as well.
If you remove the posts from that blog ..we have printed them out.
This begs the question...what are the APP shops all about then? Fraud?
Frametastci Unti 11f Alston Works Alston Road High Barnet Herts EN5 4HH
Camden Sanity Brigade...see Lone Wolf/SHACWATCH/Northern Tracy
25.02.2010 04:16
SHACWATCH and the APP seem to be one and the same thing. You are low evil scum. The person behind the Camden Sanity Brigade "Joe Doyle" or whatever his name is has threatened to rape people, has spread smear leaflets all around Camden, threatened people, stalked people etc. Joe Doyle has admitted to people in Camden that he is a picture framer as is Tracey Rawlings.
Joe doyle has put a load of shit about aliens on the Camden Sanity Brigade blogspot.
It is clear to even the stupidest person that the Camden Sanity Brigade and shacwatch are the same people. It has been obvious to many people that the APP and shacwatch are the same.
Tracey Rawlings is the APP. I suspect that Miranda James contributes to shacwatch as well.
If you remove the posts from that blog ..we have printed them out.
This begs the question...what are the APP shops all about then? Fraud?
Frametastci Unti 11f Alston Works Alston Road High Barnet Herts EN5 4HH
25.02.2010 04:53
Unit 11f
Alston Works
Alston road
High Barnet
0771 888 1779
Don't even go there with denying this Tracey you evil, nasty bastards! You support rapists. Go to hell and rot there. NEVER go near any AR event again. You support RAPISTS. You know exactly what we are referring to. Take down your stupid disgusting shacwatch blog and never, ever show your face in AR again. Your Joe Doyle is a sick evil pervert. Never even think of threatening anyone in AR ever again...or anyone else. You even had the cheek to issue sly threats to a Camden councillor...he's not shac so what's that about then? Evil evil scum.
Do you want people to know what the "re education program" referred to in the Camden Sanity Brigade blog refers to? Keep away from us Tracey. and Miranda James are shacwatchers. All of you are a nasty evil bunch of lowlifes and perverts.
Oh and that last post wasn't done by Mandy Ford before you send more threats
25.02.2010 05:42
25.02.2010 06:30
11f Alston Works
Alston Road
High Barnet
shacwatch /app
The APP / Tracey Rawlings issued threats against a Camden Councillor
25.02.2010 06:59
Tracey Rawlings has seen fit to threaten him because of this. She is so pro vivisection that she can threaten a Camden Councillor albeit behind his back. Goodness only knows what else you have been doing Tracey. You and Miranda James need not bother ever turning up at AR again. You are both revolting. As for your threats against other people are scum, real scum the pair of you.
Either trolls or a personal vendetta
25.02.2010 10:01
Animal rights groups have always been against groups that fund vivisection, and obviously that includes charities - who are largely pharmaceutical company PR shills anyway rather than legitimate patient groups. No genuine activist would complain if a group criticizes them.
I'm not sure why the troll is saying this "charitywatch" site is part of the APP - I had a quick look at it and it seems totally unrelated apart from being an animal rights page.
And for the record, I'm nothing to do with the APP.
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