The Animal Protection Party
Lamanar | 22.02.2010 14:54 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Oxford | South Coast
So finally, 2010. The General Election is now just around the corner and for the next few months we will be busy promoting ourselves within our chosen wards.
Initially, The Animal Protection Party was set up to test a new political ideology, to fight anti-animal incumbent MPs who had a small majority. It was hoped that this campaign would unseat our chosen MPs and in doing so promote the animal rights message. Since we launched, several organisations have taken this principle on board, notably several welfare and lobbying groups like the League Against Cruel Sports and other political campaigners such as Animals Count.
However, we believe this General Election will be like no other. There are too many issues for people to contest, the Iraq War , Afghanistan, the economy (particularly the bankers), the issue of Parliamentary expenses and the possible repeal of the hunting act, to name but a few. Against this background many parties, independents and lobbying groups have already registered their intent to stand or support candidates in seats with small majorities. Put this together with the unpopularity of Labour (shown in most opinion polls), and it could render our role superfluous.
So what do we do? Do we take the easy option, stand next to the, ‘Keep Our Local Hospital Open’ candidate, get a 0.1% of the overall vote and pick up a ‘just glad to be here' award or do we stand in an area where the animal abuse is so overwhelming that we expect to get beaten up rather than win anything?
As with most animal rights activists, our mantra has always been to go ‘where angels fear to tread.’ And with this in mind we have decided to attack the major animal abusers no matter what their majority. We will stand in Oxford, in Huntingdon, and in Vauxhall against Kate Hoey, a Labour MP who also acts as chairperson for the Countryside Alliance. We will also stand in several other areas of key animal abuse still to be confirmed.
For some people this may be political suicide. For us there are only opportunities. In a recent article in the Times Newspaper the journalist reported that there were 900 staff working at Huntingdon Life Sciences yet our research shows that there over 80,000 who live in that area and are registered to vote. Surely even on an educational platform these kind of odds are worth taking risks on.
We will be employing old school tactics. On the box campaigning, distribution of leaflets, knocking on doors and running stalls in high streets. If you want to join us then please get in touch, you will be most welcome. Remember a lot of these places have become no go campaigning areas since the erosion of civil liberties but we have certain rights as a political party and those rights will be put fully into force as we take on the real demons of animal abuse. Our time has come.
Initially, The Animal Protection Party was set up to test a new political ideology, to fight anti-animal incumbent MPs who had a small majority. It was hoped that this campaign would unseat our chosen MPs and in doing so promote the animal rights message. Since we launched, several organisations have taken this principle on board, notably several welfare and lobbying groups like the League Against Cruel Sports and other political campaigners such as Animals Count.
However, we believe this General Election will be like no other. There are too many issues for people to contest, the Iraq War , Afghanistan, the economy (particularly the bankers), the issue of Parliamentary expenses and the possible repeal of the hunting act, to name but a few. Against this background many parties, independents and lobbying groups have already registered their intent to stand or support candidates in seats with small majorities. Put this together with the unpopularity of Labour (shown in most opinion polls), and it could render our role superfluous.
So what do we do? Do we take the easy option, stand next to the, ‘Keep Our Local Hospital Open’ candidate, get a 0.1% of the overall vote and pick up a ‘just glad to be here' award or do we stand in an area where the animal abuse is so overwhelming that we expect to get beaten up rather than win anything?
As with most animal rights activists, our mantra has always been to go ‘where angels fear to tread.’ And with this in mind we have decided to attack the major animal abusers no matter what their majority. We will stand in Oxford, in Huntingdon, and in Vauxhall against Kate Hoey, a Labour MP who also acts as chairperson for the Countryside Alliance. We will also stand in several other areas of key animal abuse still to be confirmed.
For some people this may be political suicide. For us there are only opportunities. In a recent article in the Times Newspaper the journalist reported that there were 900 staff working at Huntingdon Life Sciences yet our research shows that there over 80,000 who live in that area and are registered to vote. Surely even on an educational platform these kind of odds are worth taking risks on.
We will be employing old school tactics. On the box campaigning, distribution of leaflets, knocking on doors and running stalls in high streets. If you want to join us then please get in touch, you will be most welcome. Remember a lot of these places have become no go campaigning areas since the erosion of civil liberties but we have certain rights as a political party and those rights will be put fully into force as we take on the real demons of animal abuse. Our time has come.

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David Icke has come and the APP are rotten to the core.
22.02.2010 18:05
You might even find your SHACwatchers in there somewhere too.
What AR doen't need is a load of bollocks about Davis Icke, aliens, conspiracy theories and lies about AR activists.
"expect to get beaten up"? You're the ones who threaten activists with violence!
22.02.2010 18:37
You are the ones who spread vicious lies about Rolanda and have made threats against other AR people. What a hoot!
Your time has come...sure has.
SHACwatch are probably within your ranks too, fucking scum.
APP are supported by NETCU.
22.02.2010 18:57
It was said when they first arrived that they were supported by or run by NETCU and it looks like those people who said it all those years ago were right.
APP are animal abusing pro viv scum.
Animals Count were around long before the APP so your remarks are wrong.
22.02.2010 19:09
Animals Count supporter.
AR movement is so full of splitters it's sickening
22.02.2010 22:57
Animal Protection Party out! Give your backing to Animals Count!
22.02.2010 23:02
Can the sodding Animal Protection Party please stop saying that Animals Count have adopted their policies as this is simply not true. There is some confusion too with the APP using the same name as a German Animal Protection Party who are in no way connected to them.
The APP are saying they risk being beaten up. If anyone has been violent it is the criminal associates of the APP. Unfortunately some of that violence has been directed against AR people and some of it has been pretty bad. The APP's reputation has been ruined with public attacks and implied threats of violence online against innocent people including AR people. Lies have been told publicly by them about AR people which were then disproved publicly. The APP should give it up and get out.
Give your backing to Animals Count who are a genuine political lobbying group who are there for the animals. AC have good reputation and deserve respect and support.
Not bloody NETCU
I agree with the comment that the APP are splitters.
22.02.2010 23:24
I am against the APP as they have lied about people, lied about other groups, threatened AR people, gone through people's things [in someone's own flipping home!] and have decided to compete with and lie about Animals Count. It's bad form to do that and unless they are plants I can't see why they have done this where AC are concerned. What's the point? Splitting is exactly what they have done.
They are making an awful lot of money that much is true. This money would have been better off at Animals Count where they can really make a difference for the animals. Support AC and don't give the APP any more support finanical or otherwise. They have smeared people and lied about innocent people who have done nothing wrong. They have been violent to people they see as potentially being in their way. Enough's enough. Time to get rid of the split with political AR parties and support Animals Count...they were here first and are doing a good job..why did the APP have to start a political party in competition? What's that all about?
also anon
a lot of troll posts here
23.02.2010 00:15
Maybe they should be hidden since they are obviously not genuine and probably the work of pro-animal abuse people (or possibly just someone with a personal axe to grind).
It's Animals Count who are doing something right and are being smeared.
23.02.2010 03:32
They don't even use real names which suggests that they have something to hide.
AC supporter
Isn't this the new name for Speak Political?
23.02.2010 08:56
Speak Political
Prove that APP is supported by NETCU.
23.02.2010 09:18
Steve Discombe CO2558
APP is the new SPEAK Political Party
23.02.2010 10:27
The APP is funded a lot by the shops that the people involved run and by donations, not by NETCU. The people involved are dedicated AR activists.
While I agree that too many groups and political parties can confuse things and make splits in the movement, APP and Animals Count are two very different groups - APP don't have policies for example, they just run to lose animal unfriendly candidates their seats. APP are UK based, Animals Count ran in the European Elections. They can both do some great work!
I don't understand what the confusion would be with the German party - OK, so seeing APP written down may mean you initially think of them and not the UK party, but as the APP only run in UK elections, it's not like they're going to be mixed up that badly.
Also, I know sometimes people get called trolls when they're not (it's happened to me before), just because they have made some criticisms or have a difference of opinion. However, look at the above comments and see what evidence has been posted to back up some of the claims made - the APP raiding people's stuff, being violent, being run by NETCU, etc. There's no evidence (I'd like to see some if people think these claims are genuine!) and in fact, there aren't even any decent and believable claims based on educated judgement. No wonder some posters get called trolls!
23.02.2010 12:54
Keith Mann and SPEAK Political
23.02.2010 20:15
SPEAK Political are mostly very odd people who have spread all sorts of misinformation since their arrival into AR. They are believed by many to be a private investigation firm who are out to get AR people and who's members have described Bradford animal testing labs as "world class research facilities".
What's even worse is that some of the people in the APP hate Keith with a passion.
The whole APP fiasco has been a disaster from beginning to end.
We will answer Steve Discombe : If NETCU are saying that the APP are nothing to do with you then that's what you are saying. We think that the APP are hired by a private investigation company who are out to get AR people on behalf of the Medical Research Council.
Why are the APP saying they are nothing to do with SHAC? Most of the APP go on SHAC demos. Why disassociate yourselves from SHAC like this? Why stand against AC? The APP are causing division and are not genuine AR people. There is something wrong with the APP.
Anti APP
People from the APP have raided people's stuff. They are violent.
23.02.2010 20:22
At least two people from SPEAK Political were caught raiding belongings
23.02.2010 21:49
http://Vegan 2
At least two people from SPEAK Political were caught raiding belongings
23.02.2010 21:49
http://Vegan 2
we want your are all doomed
23.02.2010 22:35
One of the APP sent a childless activist pictures of babies in a vendetta
24.02.2010 00:42
Baby aliens were found in Kent and Alien Liberation Front will protect them.
24.02.2010 00:55
baby aliens
How does medawar[shacwatch] know that The Real Medawar is from Essex [Miranda]?
24.02.2010 02:23
not them
This has loads of info and posters from SPEAK Political
24.02.2010 03:47
shacwatch have said that the people against the APP are "deranged nutters"
24.02.2010 19:47
not shacwatch
Why we fear the APP
24.02.2010 22:54
They are violent, they go through people's things, they spread lies about innocent people, they have written lies about innocent people in public and on Indymedia, they have not explained the CR-UK focus on their website other than the shacwatchesque "this is pretend gibberish rant from a pretend animal rights activist", they have not explained the CR-UK focused charitywatch myspace that includes SPEAK Political [APP under a different name]posters in the pics section but where they have denied any links, they have lied about Animals Count after starting a split group against them.
Why is Adrian "Walter Mitty" Radford posing next to CR-UK posters in front of CR-UK shops? Adrian's book is little more than toilet paper.
The myspace page has got stuff about "aliens and terrorism".
25.02.2010 03:03
The charity watch myspace has stuff about "aliens and terrorism".
25.02.2010 03:05
check out the camden sanity brigade and the shacwatch/northern tracey posts
25.02.2010 04:22
See the Lone Wolf post on the Camden Sanity Brigade. The shacwatch and northern tracey posts are on there. You lowlife scum Tracey. Evil, evil scum. DON'T even THINK of denying it.
Unit 11f
Alston Road
Alston Works
High Barnet
0771 888 1779
see camden sanity brigade/shacwatch/northern tracey
25.02.2010 04:36
You are evil, lowlife scum.
This begs the question...WHO then are the APP?
APP are very successful
25.02.2010 18:36
What is the evidence of APP raiding people? Funny enough there is none! Just anon posts
There are currently FOUR APP shops all open and doing well.
I'd like to ask how you think the APP got the funding to do this ridiculous allegation "We think that the APP are hired by a private investigation company who are out to get AR people on behalf of the Medical Research Council."
Most of these comments are incoherent ramblings! Whoever does this stuff (likely shacwatch) have little intelligence, this always shows!
It is great that the APP are attracting such attention, any publicity is good and the more you guys slag them off with false claims the more people will be drawn to them. Keep them coming guys!
Why are the APP going around telling all these lies?
26.02.2010 15:16
Why are the APP going around telling all these lies?
the charity watch myspace is on the Frametastic website, run by Tracey Rawlings
28.02.2010 02:11
We will add that this isn't [apparently] anything to do with Frametastic in Aldershot and the there are [apparently] two Animation Art Galleries near Oxford Street and in one of the reviews the people from one of the Animation Art Gallery were described as "Thieves" who took their money and never gave them their frames or their pictures.
Draw your own conclusions. We beleive that Tracey Rawlings is a liar.
They frame pictures for Gt Portland St Hospital? Diana's WEDDING DRESS?
28.02.2010 02:41
Does she have a duel personality? Are there two of them? What do the Great Portland Street Hospital think of the APP and their views on Cancer Research UK? What do the Royal Family think? Did you get MI5 clearance to work with Their Majesties?
Earthlings film and the APP. Influenced by the CIA and MI5?
28.02.2010 21:16
Too many people involved in campaign groups are saying that the world needs to be depopulated of humans for the planet to survive and that most humans are really Annunaki aliens who are here to destroy the planet and were put here by aliens to destroy earth.
Other groups are saying that there is "plot for Agenda 21" and that the CIA are using campaign groups in some kind of Nazi agenda to depopulate much like Hitler did.
It's obvious that AR has been infiltrated and that people are being indoctrinated by a cult...this much is evident..anyone who has seen Keith Mann at last year's World Day for Animals and has been around AR lately will know that it's going on. The question is..who is behind it? Is it a cult who have money as their agenda? Is it the CIA and MI5 behind this and who want AR / conservation groups gone? Something is very wrong with the APP / AR and their obsession with aliens that much is true. We want to know who is really behind it and who is pulling their strings?
The alien cultists have an Ocean Defence agenda against seals....
02.03.2010 00:51
They are also saying that the Aramgeddon Scenario [the End Of the World battle between the aliens and the earth people will happen in 2012 during the Olympics].
Anyone who deosn't want these cultists near their groups, movements, campaigns and kids is acuused of trying to Divide and Rule and Conquer and accused of being agents of the state. This isn't confiend to AR but they have taken over and there people in Ar who are doing nothing to stop it...possibly becuase they have either been brainwashed themselves, don't want to admit it, are being given money by these people or some other agenda [ie they are a part of it].
Techniques used by cults to infiltrate and recruit include sex and "love bombing". Love bombing is where memebers [who are usually picked and used for the job because they are attractive] will shower their targets with hugs, kisses, presents, friendship and sex. The targets will hate to admit that their new found friend isn't what they seem and the people behind it will be skilled psychologists...and are very destructive. AR has been consumed by a cult and people need to wake up to it.
I'm not an Annunaki Alien. AR has been fucked by the alien cultists.
02.03.2010 03:02
Other people have had their homes searched and raided, their belongings gone through by morons looking for proof that people are "aliens".
An innocent paaserby in London was chased outside Harrods by a fur protestor and accused of being an alien. If people don't want to admit this is going on or just accuse people of "stirring shit" then you are either part of what's going on or are incapable or unwilling to stop it. If you don't want it made public..TOUGH!
This is happening in AR.
Of course there are AR people who don't want this to come out but for the sake of teens and others who are being or might be sucked into this...this alien cult has got to stop.
It started with one person, then another and then a whole group of them turned up. Genuine AR people [ie all the old crowd] have left AR and AR has been and is being taken over by something far, far worse, more extreme and much more dangerous.
The alien cultists are making significant amounts of money and out of this and had money behind them in the first place.
They have made a very interesting comment that "we must have upset people in some very high places"...yes you have but what's enlightening about that comment is that you had friends in other high places yourselves.
Meanwhile there's a filthy stinking zoo in London that is left alone by AR...while AR attacks other AR people for "being aliens". This alien thing has spread through AR, it's not confined to the APP any more and there were problems at least two years ago with alien culltists and none of them have been stopped. It started with one person love bombing and no one would listen to the people who saw through that person. People outside of AR have indentified that person [correctly] as a dangerous plant but few in AR care that this is going on as many genuine AR people walked away ages ago.
I'm not a fucking Annunaki alien
See this blogspot for opinions
02.03.2010 03:18
Keep calm and carry on
02.03.2010 19:39
Nothing to see here........
to "keep calm and carry on"
03.03.2010 00:05
The rest of AR have ben taken over by some klind of alien cult of idiots.
The general public are not going to side with morons who believe in the "anunaki aliens" or that Mandy is an "alien" like you have claimed. AR is fucked and someone has deliberately gone in to do that.
I think that the "Mandywatch" comment proves APP link to shacwatch
03.03.2010 00:17
This alien cult APP has penetrated AR and are clearly something to do with shacwatch...but who was behind it?
It's a shame that someone let this all happen. Soemone has got into AR and got them all beleiving this alien / David Icke stuff and it isn't funny.
They have ruined AR...would you want your teenager going on a demo with alien cultists?
Time to close AR down if alien cultists have been enabled to take over like this.
None of the current AR leaders, Keith Mann, Brendan McNally, Kerry Duggan or the Animal Protection Party etc should be trusted ever again because this where it's coming from. They have become an alien cult and even if we identify who was behind it...none of these people can be trusted any more.
someone should remove the stupid shacwatch anti-mandy comments
03.03.2010 02:27
Remeber that the APP [shawatchers?] have raided people's things, threatened people, hurt people and sexually attacked people. If you want your movement to carry on like that you will have no more support from anyone the general public as this will just get worse. It's clear that shwatch either have mental health and drug problems, are an alien cult and are causing damage...but nothing is being done.
can someone remove the shacwatch anti mandy remarks?
03.03.2010 02:28
The SPEAK Political posters have been removed from charitywatch.
09.03.2010 02:56
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