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EDL Leadership arrested by police with 'machineguns'

Anon | 22.02.2010 10:58

According to the EDL on youtube. In this hillarious video where an EDL speaks next to banner saying 'Ban The Burka', the man has a black face covering and black top making him look like, erm...he's wearing a burka!

Bradford demo apparently cancelled.

Despite their message of being a legitimate campaigning group. All the EDL seem to want to do is have drunken riots, attack the police, attack ethnic minorities and their businesses.

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Display the following 7 comments

  1. result — anon
  2. Armed police raids against political organisations — M.
  3. the edl — backbone
  4. @ Backbone — Fuck the Police
  5. EDL Lies? — UK Fightback
  6. @ backbone — A
  7. @ fuck the police — backbone