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Fighting and Beating the Poll Tax - Friday 5th March 2010

People's Histreh | 20.02.2010 16:23 | Analysis | History | Social Struggles

Friday 5th March 2010 at
The Sparrows' Nest, St Ann's, Nottingham
Starts 7.00pm

Come to the Sparrows' Nest anarchist library and archive and celebrate the 20th Anniversary of non-payment of the Poll Tax in England & Wales (following non-registration in 1989 and solid mass non-payment in Scotland).

Let's recall the commitment of community campaigns which helped us support each other in non-payment. And take inspiration from the great Poll Tax Riot in London on 31th March 1990 and smaller uprisings in many local areas, not least the 'Robin Hood' invasion of the Council host on the same day as our meeting twenty years ago, the day the 'Community Charge' rate was set in Nottingham.

As well as discussion and poems read by an anti-Poll Tax activist we will display books, video and other material from the local anti-Poll Tax campaign.

Find Nottingham Poll Tax era press cuttings and local group newsletters and posters already online at

Visit to ask for directions if you haven't been to the Sparrows' Nest before.

People's Histreh
- e-mail: peopleshistreh [at] riseup [dot] net