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Evening Standard Science Editor Mark Prigg & "28 Days Later / Peter Pan Lab"

Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab | 16.02.2010 18:17 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

There are plans to build a high level [3] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden, on a council estate, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Mark Prigg, Sceince Editor for the Eveing Standard wrote an article describing the lab which has been dubbed the "28 Days Later" Lab by the press and residents. People have asked to see this article so here it is.

We have uploaded this article as requested.

Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab
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It was published on Wednesday 23rd April by Mark Prigg of Evening Standard

16.02.2010 18:42

Apologies won't upload as it's too large but you can read it on FB.



16.02.2010 19:01

That article seems to be up on a couple websites. That's the old one where it claims the lab will be category 4 (which it isn't) and will have ebola (which it won't).

No sign in it of any reference to 28 Days later, though, unless that was on a picture. Can you just say "dubbed by campaigners" until you can find a link that proves that press called it that first?


Sorry...go to our FB pages!

16.02.2010 19:02

Apologies, it is too large to upload onto Indymedia.


Norvello you are wrong. It DOES refer to 28 days later in articles

16.02.2010 20:01

If you look at the article on their facebook it does in fact include an article by Mark Prigg that refers to 28 days later. It seems you haven't looked at it and are just a point scoring and petty mrc nasty.

independent anonymous


17.02.2010 00:31

the nasty press reporter made an oblique reference to a ....... Its all true... we are all going to die.

Piss off... or at least get some evidence......FFS

silent Bob

To Silent Bob regarding safety.

17.02.2010 01:27

There have been FIO reports requested by Camden Councillors about safety concerns. Civil servants have documents regarding safety concerns and we have letters form the British Transport Police regarding their own concerns and subsequent visit to Camden Council about safety [The lab is planned for alongside St Pancras International], so you can rest assured we are making sure that any evidence that suggests that the lab poses a risk to safety is being followed up.

Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab
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Again, sorry, not on FB

17.02.2010 10:15

Apologies - again, am not on FB. But would really like to know where the article says it is like the 28 Days Later lab.

Apologies if it's really obvious from the scan, but there are lots of copies of the text of that April 23, 2008 Evening Standard article online. Like here:

And in none of them do they mention "28 Days Later". Would really like to know - maybe it's mentioned in a sentence that only appeared in the original you can copy and paste on here? Or is it in a photo or caption or something else that isn't in the plain text version?

Flattered that you think I'd have the scientific knowledge to work for the MRC, but no. I've also been accused on here of working for the Labour party, the BBC, The Guardian, Shac, MI5, MI6, the police, the Freemasons and so on. None of it true, but you can tell yourself that if it makes you happy. I'm afraid I'm just a Londoner who thinks there's a lot of great reports on Indymedia, but gets irritated by innaccuracy and scaremongering. I'd love it if independent media could be more honest and accurate that the corporate media.


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Try the above link

17.02.2010 23:28

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