Dresden Info-Update (Germany)
---- | 12.02.2010 22:23 | Anti-racism | Other Press
WAP-ticker (type in/adress):
it is higly recomended to use – if possible – the WAP-ticker instead of the Info-Telephone
98,4 and 99,3 Mhz (already running/on air only in dresden today till 22 o clock, tomorrow starting between 10-12 o clock)
and online under:
http://coloradio.org/site/ (on the right side of the homepage click on the player under "HÖREN")
you can get in contact with the radio makers via skype (nickname: coloradio) or via telephone 0351/32 05 47 11 )
0351 - 89 960 456
The „Ermittlungsausschuss“, in short „EA“ is a legal-aid structure. It supports people who were arrested and tries to free them as quick as possible. People whose friends are arrested or who see other people beeing arrested should call it. And should call it also when their friends are releasedFor further informations see:
01801 / 0121323585
here you can ask for informations, try to use it economically because it can handle only request in time.
There will be several info-points in Dresden where you can also grab the latest information.
free/cheap food for activists is organized on mobile „Volxküche“ / „Vokü“ (Peoples Kitchen)
0351 / 89960452
or write an e-mail
people which are already in Dresden / people which are not organized should come to 9:00 o clock to Albertplatz (most secure meeting point)
the meeting point of the nazis is (right now) the „Neustädter Bahnhof“ in Dresden
try to go to the parts/quarters/neigboorhoods of dresden which are in the north of the „Elbe“river because this is the area, where the nazi-march will take place and its very easy for the police to close the few bridges across the river – try to go to Albertplatz meeting point
in the southside of the river (the centre of Dresden) there will be a human chain organized by the city and conservatives (if possible dont go there because nothing will happen there)
Twitter-Ticker Translation:
# police repression against antifascist-busses expected
# in Dresden neighbourhood „Pieschen“ police informes riverains that the nazi-march will go throug their neighbourhood
# dont forget 13. 2. - 10 o clock @ Albertplatz meeting point for people which are alredy in Dresden
# police builds protective gratting at the entrance of „Dresden-Neustadt“ train station
# 5 police-helicopters just arrived in Dresden
# local court refused antifascits rallies on the north side of the river „Elbe“, antifascist alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ will take the issue to the next „higher court“
# FR. 12. 2.: for all people already in Dresden: Try to sleep in Dresden-Neustadt, neighbourhood on the north side of the river
# FR. 12. 2.: 700 people on antifascist demonstation against revisionsm
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:14 : police refuses busses to drive to Dresden-Neustadt neighbourhood even if people have their sleeping places there– get out of your bus in Dresden-Altstadt (Center) and use local public transport
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:30: neo-nazis have flinged a bomb at the terrain of an alternative house-project (squatt)
# FR. 12. 2. / 22:06 police say they will [try to] avert antifascist rallye at Albertplatz tomorrow
it is higly recomended to use – if possible – the WAP-ticker instead of the Info-Telephone
98,4 and 99,3 Mhz (already running/on air only in dresden today till 22 o clock, tomorrow starting between 10-12 o clock)
and online under:
you can get in contact with the radio makers via skype (nickname: coloradio) or via telephone 0351/32 05 47 11 )
0351 - 89 960 456
The „Ermittlungsausschuss“, in short „EA“ is a legal-aid structure. It supports people who were arrested and tries to free them as quick as possible. People whose friends are arrested or who see other people beeing arrested should call it. And should call it also when their friends are releasedFor further informations see:
01801 / 0121323585
here you can ask for informations, try to use it economically because it can handle only request in time.
There will be several info-points in Dresden where you can also grab the latest information.
free/cheap food for activists is organized on mobile „Volxküche“ / „Vokü“ (Peoples Kitchen)
0351 / 89960452
or write an e-mail
people which are already in Dresden / people which are not organized should come to 9:00 o clock to Albertplatz (most secure meeting point)
the meeting point of the nazis is (right now) the „Neustädter Bahnhof“ in Dresden
try to go to the parts/quarters/neigboorhoods of dresden which are in the north of the „Elbe“river because this is the area, where the nazi-march will take place and its very easy for the police to close the few bridges across the river – try to go to Albertplatz meeting point
in the southside of the river (the centre of Dresden) there will be a human chain organized by the city and conservatives (if possible dont go there because nothing will happen there)
Twitter-Ticker Translation:
# police repression against antifascist-busses expected
# in Dresden neighbourhood „Pieschen“ police informes riverains that the nazi-march will go throug their neighbourhood
# dont forget 13. 2. - 10 o clock @ Albertplatz meeting point for people which are alredy in Dresden
# police builds protective gratting at the entrance of „Dresden-Neustadt“ train station
# 5 police-helicopters just arrived in Dresden
# local court refused antifascits rallies on the north side of the river „Elbe“, antifascist alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ will take the issue to the next „higher court“
# FR. 12. 2.: for all people already in Dresden: Try to sleep in Dresden-Neustadt, neighbourhood on the north side of the river
# FR. 12. 2.: 700 people on antifascist demonstation against revisionsm
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:14 : police refuses busses to drive to Dresden-Neustadt neighbourhood even if people have their sleeping places there– get out of your bus in Dresden-Altstadt (Center) and use local public transport
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:30: neo-nazis have flinged a bomb at the terrain of an alternative house-project (squatt)
# FR. 12. 2. / 22:06 police say they will [try to] avert antifascist rallye at Albertplatz tomorrow
Current Situation @ Dresden
13.02.2010 00:00
translation of
http://de.indymedia.org/2010/02/273110.shtml - things added in brackets
Antifascist Alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ adjusts expected number of antifascist protestors participating in tomorrows protests up to 15.000 people +++ Very clear hints concerning the route of the nazi-march +++ Albertplatz as meeting point of the people who are not yet in Dresden right now ++ on friday evening 700-900 antifascists on a march against revisionism
It does not matter what the outcome of the protests of tomorrow will be, on thing is already clear: The alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ supportet by more than a dozen unions, (left) parties, antifascist and other organisations has reached a degree of mobilization which was unthinkable for Dresden in the years before. Right now the Alliance has adjusted the number of expected protesters up to 15.000 people.
The only thing to worry are the measures of the police. According to rumours, the police wants to send back antifascists on their way to Dresden, wants to stop antifascist bus convoys [around 200 busses all over germany will be on the way to dresden in the next hours] and will try to slow their way to Dresden by controlling them [police said 2500 policemen will control people coming to Dresden]. Concerning this an activist from the antifascist „no pasaran“ alliance said: „TV-Teams will travel with the bus-convoys and will document everything. I am very curious how the responsible minstry of interior [saxonia] will explain it to the world public when the police tries to send a member of the german parliament back, who wants to participate in peacefull mass blocades, thus helping the neo-nazis.
The city of Dresden still tries to divide the nazi-march and the counter-protest [by using the „Elbe“ river as a natural barrier]. All rallies of counter-protestors should take place at the „Altstadt“ [south of the river far away from the nazis]. Even if this will work and 15.000 antifascists have to protest on the wrong side of the Elbe [in the center of the city] a silent and dignified commemoration of the „bourgeois“ community would become impossible.
„Dresden Nazifrei“ calls all people, which are not in organized bus-convoys to come tomorrow morning at 9 o`clock to Albertplatz. The alliance announced that they will, if necessary go up to the highest german court to accomplish Alberplatz as meeting point [which is right now forbidden by the police]. Chances are not the worst for that. The police has startet to demand residents of the neighbourhood of Dresden-Pieschen to take away their cars, because the nazi-march will take place in this area [police tried to keep in the closest as long as possible the route of the nazis]. According to this scenario, the nazis would move away from their gathering point at the train-station of Dresden-Neustadt [which is seen as a left neighbourhood]. In this scenario the „Trennungsgebot“, the division of nazis and counter-protestors would be maintained even if the counter-protestors would gather at Albertplatz in the north of the river in Dresden-Neustadt.
Well informed sources say that the nazis implicitly wants to march through Dresden-Neustadt. Break-out (attempts) of the nazis are thus possible/expected and would be nothing new.
„It is a skandal that the city allowed the nazis to use the train station of Dresden-Neustadt as meeting point“ says a speaker from „Dresden Nazifrei“. During the nazi regime the train station was used to deport the jews of Dresden to the concentration camps.
In the evening there will be a solidarity-concert organized by the antifascist network „no pasaran“ at the „Chemiefabrik“ in Dresden-Pieschen. „Stage Bottles“, „Schlagzeiln“, „Kiemsa“ and „Feine Sahne Fischfilet“ will play. Beginning: 20:00, entrance fee 8 €
webcams of Dresden can be found here:
the whole day long the twitter-ticker, the wap-ticker, and the radio will inform about the protests going on
Twitter-Ticker Translation:
# police repression against antifascist-busses expected
# in Dresden neighbourhood „Pieschen“ police informes riverains that the nazi-march will go throug their neighbourhood
# dont forget 13. 2. - 10 o clock @ Albertplatz meeting point for people which are alredy in Dresden
# police builds protective gratting at the entrance of „Dresden-Neustadt“ train station
# 5 police-helicopters just arrived in Dresden
# local court refused antifascits rallies on the north side of the river „Elbe“, antifascist alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ will take the issue to the next „higher court“
# FR. 12. 2.: for all people already in Dresden: Try to sleep in Dresden-Neustadt, neighbourhood on the north side of the river
# FR. 12. 2.: 700 people on antifascist demonstation against revisionsm
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:14 : police refuses busses to drive to Dresden-Neustadt neighbourhood even if people have their sleeping places there– get out of your bus in Dresden-Altstadt (Center) and use local public transport
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:30: neo-nazis have flinged a bomb at the terrain of an alternative house-project (squatt)
# FR. 12. 2. / 22:06 police say they will [try to] avert antifascist rallye at Albertplatz tomorrow
Antifascist Alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ adjusts expected number of antifascist protestors participating in tomorrows protests up to 15.000 people +++ Very clear hints concerning the route of the nazi-march +++ Albertplatz as meeting point of the people who are not yet in Dresden right now ++ on friday evening 700-900 antifascists on a march against revisionism
It does not matter what the outcome of the protests of tomorrow will be, on thing is already clear: The alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ supportet by more than a dozen unions, (left) parties, antifascist and other organisations has reached a degree of mobilization which was unthinkable for Dresden in the years before. Right now the Alliance has adjusted the number of expected protesters up to 15.000 people.
The only thing to worry are the measures of the police. According to rumours, the police wants to send back antifascists on their way to Dresden, wants to stop antifascist bus convoys [around 200 busses all over germany will be on the way to dresden in the next hours] and will try to slow their way to Dresden by controlling them [police said 2500 policemen will control people coming to Dresden]. Concerning this an activist from the antifascist „no pasaran“ alliance said: „TV-Teams will travel with the bus-convoys and will document everything. I am very curious how the responsible minstry of interior [saxonia] will explain it to the world public when the police tries to send a member of the german parliament back, who wants to participate in peacefull mass blocades, thus helping the neo-nazis.
The city of Dresden still tries to divide the nazi-march and the counter-protest [by using the „Elbe“ river as a natural barrier]. All rallies of counter-protestors should take place at the „Altstadt“ [south of the river far away from the nazis]. Even if this will work and 15.000 antifascists have to protest on the wrong side of the Elbe [in the center of the city] a silent and dignified commemoration of the „bourgeois“ community would become impossible.
„Dresden Nazifrei“ calls all people, which are not in organized bus-convoys to come tomorrow morning at 9 o`clock to Albertplatz. The alliance announced that they will, if necessary go up to the highest german court to accomplish Alberplatz as meeting point [which is right now forbidden by the police]. Chances are not the worst for that. The police has startet to demand residents of the neighbourhood of Dresden-Pieschen to take away their cars, because the nazi-march will take place in this area [police tried to keep in the closest as long as possible the route of the nazis]. According to this scenario, the nazis would move away from their gathering point at the train-station of Dresden-Neustadt [which is seen as a left neighbourhood]. In this scenario the „Trennungsgebot“, the division of nazis and counter-protestors would be maintained even if the counter-protestors would gather at Albertplatz in the north of the river in Dresden-Neustadt.
Well informed sources say that the nazis implicitly wants to march through Dresden-Neustadt. Break-out (attempts) of the nazis are thus possible/expected and would be nothing new.
„It is a skandal that the city allowed the nazis to use the train station of Dresden-Neustadt as meeting point“ says a speaker from „Dresden Nazifrei“. During the nazi regime the train station was used to deport the jews of Dresden to the concentration camps.
In the evening there will be a solidarity-concert organized by the antifascist network „no pasaran“ at the „Chemiefabrik“ in Dresden-Pieschen. „Stage Bottles“, „Schlagzeiln“, „Kiemsa“ and „Feine Sahne Fischfilet“ will play. Beginning: 20:00, entrance fee 8 €
webcams of Dresden can be found here:
the whole day long the twitter-ticker, the wap-ticker, and the radio will inform about the protests going on
Twitter-Ticker Translation:
# police repression against antifascist-busses expected
# in Dresden neighbourhood „Pieschen“ police informes riverains that the nazi-march will go throug their neighbourhood
# dont forget 13. 2. - 10 o clock @ Albertplatz meeting point for people which are alredy in Dresden
# police builds protective gratting at the entrance of „Dresden-Neustadt“ train station
# 5 police-helicopters just arrived in Dresden
# local court refused antifascits rallies on the north side of the river „Elbe“, antifascist alliance „Dresden Nazifrei“ will take the issue to the next „higher court“
# FR. 12. 2.: for all people already in Dresden: Try to sleep in Dresden-Neustadt, neighbourhood on the north side of the river
# FR. 12. 2.: 700 people on antifascist demonstation against revisionsm
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:14 : police refuses busses to drive to Dresden-Neustadt neighbourhood even if people have their sleeping places there– get out of your bus in Dresden-Altstadt (Center) and use local public transport
# FR. 12. 2. / 21:30: neo-nazis have flinged a bomb at the terrain of an alternative house-project (squatt)
# FR. 12. 2. / 22:06 police say they will [try to] avert antifascist rallye at Albertplatz tomorrow
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