Antifascist murdered in Madrid
Never forgive, never forget | 11.02.2010 15:50
Today an antifascist activist was stabbed in the heart when on his way to a demo in Madrid. A nazi group called Democracia Nacional had called for a demo against immigration in a popular neighborhood in town, where many foregin antionals live, mainly latin american workers. This fascist act had been authorised by the local governement, from the conservative party. Another demo was called by antifascist groups to defend the area. While on his way there, the comrade, only 16 years of age, together with some friends, spotted a guy sporting nazi paraphernalia on the underground. When "called to attention", the bastard pulled out a knife, stabbed Carlos, the comrade, in the heart, and another antifascist militant in the lung, while trying to run out of the tube station. Carlos died, the other guy has been badly hurt, but doctors say he will live.
The others in the group of antifascists chased the bastard, and beat him within an inch of his life, until the police arrived and attacked the antifascists. The nazi is (was) a service person, in the spanish army. He is now in a critical condition in hospital, where I hope he will die soon.
Also, a guy in the antifascist lot was hurt when police shot him in the eye with a rubber bullet.
There´s been demos all over the state, many ending in riots, which in turn have seen some arrested and wounded by the police. You can see pictures on
The others in the group of antifascists chased the bastard, and beat him within an inch of his life, until the police arrived and attacked the antifascists. The nazi is (was) a service person, in the spanish army. He is now in a critical condition in hospital, where I hope he will die soon.
Also, a guy in the antifascist lot was hurt when police shot him in the eye with a rubber bullet.
There´s been demos all over the state, many ending in riots, which in turn have seen some arrested and wounded by the police. You can see pictures on

Never forgive, never forget
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