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Mandy pandy the Bilderberg groups sugardandy speaking10.45am@Nottingham uni

Randy | 11.02.2010 07:42 | Globalisation

details of website & conference centre in previous writers article

God bless your mandy man.
Peter Mandelson "prince of darkness",chief spin doctor,ex EU ministe& one of cheif liasons for Bilderbergs european contingents.
We need more democracy not more BS!



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11.02.2010 08:04

Bilderberg operates under chatham house rules, its a closed meeting& undemocratic. G20 signs what Bilderberg & the Trilateral Commision agrees on, hardly democratic.


What about the more obvious facts at play here?

11.02.2010 13:53

Instead of some rambling 'new world order' bullsh*t how about tackling mandleson on the very real aspect of his cuts to higher education, mismanagement of public funds and all of the stuff that he clearly does every day in full view to keep himself in bed with the big businesses and shock doctors like David Greenaway, (free-market Guru and VC of notts uni who said he saw no reason why higher ed should not be run as another kind of "business")? Perhaps we should question why he has, in full view of the public prevented millions of lower-income people from acessing higher education or getting the skills they require.

With the money mandy and his govt spent on the millenium dome we could have delayed tuition fees by 5 years, or provided thousands of blocks of affordable housing. Perhaps the government he represents shouldnt have taken us to war. twice. Then maybe we could have invested in green energy. Perhps we could simply call the great 'modernizer' mandleson out on the fact that he's a LORD (very 'modern'). (dont forget the posties while were here)

So what if a bunch of powerful guys meet in a hotel every year? Who the f*ck else are they going to go on holiday with when just about everyone hates their guts for the crap they pull in full view all the time? There is no greater conspiracy than the one that happens in the hansard notes and is broadcast on BBC parliament most days. There are no greater elites the ones who appear on the front page of the Financial Times in full view.

I'd infinitely prefer the roots of capitalism and opression in this world were found in a bunch of guys in a room, cause then we could just go and kill them, job done. The reality is that the only thing in this world more complex and nebulous than the forces behind the existence of rich and poor, opressor and opressed, are the mental gymnastics I'm doing to justify giving you such a long reply to myself.

Pissed off student

great everyone knows this, you attack my posting like posh over educatedstudent

12.02.2010 18:39

Ive protested at uni, in the workplace etc fo almost 2 decades.I remember hearing about Bilderberg 20 years ago, they arent a conspiracy, capitalism isnt a conspiracy, its a stage of evolution. Their is volumes of evidence on how powerful they are, mainly in university libraries, you look on the internet you will find alot of crap, but you could say that about anything. Its easier to take on democratic representatives or local starbucks than global multinationals that meet privately, been there done that, its like attacking symptoms. That said 300 or so billionaires& ministers meeting even in private regulary is impossible to hide.
Check out Chomskeys latest on you tube regarding the Trilatera commission, he & many others have changed their minds after people like Will Hutton, Holly skllar,professor Stehen Gill& many other proffessors proved how powerful they are.The Independent & Gaurdain have done numerous articles since validated articles were regularly out on newswires like indymedia.
Shame my comment on a peaceful strategy, was removed , the one above wasnt, I could elaborate on IMC guidelines.
Its a malthusian system, millions die unecessarily, you get rid of current lot in charge & put a angel in charge millions will still die, we all need to be more educated & & work towards direct democracy via elections, community action whilst defending ourselves

The current dictators are SNAFU, but better than their nazi or stalinist competitors, if we remove the current oligarchs,gangsters, whatever, worse could fill the vaccum, not very strategic.
We can put forward a global system of direct democracy with consensus& delegation, starting at elections+ in our own communites, rather than not voting or spoiling your ballot. That is if you really believe in people. If some reactionaires-dictators try to stop it by force after we win the vote, their would be a mandate as well as mass support for mass strikes& blockades, the army would be unlikely to follow orders, any technological advantage they have can be turned.
If we get mandate, that would be also be a good excuse for big hairy blokes to dress up like our luddite ancestors in drag & take to the barricades, how could any1 resist?


PS I didnt menton NWO, is a term originally used by neocons to spruce OldWO BS

12.02.2010 20:21

Ive put it as simply as I can, Rambling mental Bullshxte& insults aside as much as possible xx
