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EDL Bottles Out Of Bolton Nazi Brawl

Domestos - Destroys All Known Nazi Groups!!! | 08.02.2010 02:21 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Birmingham

The excellent news for everybody who finds racism repulsive is that the neo-Nazi (in denial) cretins of the EDL have decided not to seik heil around Bolton after a customary visit to Wetherspoons. The street-fighters of the EDL had deliberately planned their riotous punch-up to coincide with a multi-faith gathering, hoping the gutter antics of their football hooligan masterrace would drive a wedge between Muslims and people of other religions setting community against community resulting in an increase in racial tension.

Local opposition to the drunken rabble's invasion of Bolton has been snowballing over the last few days, and even Trevor Kelway's most fanatical army of internet trolls could not silence the overwhelming voices of local residents of all backgrounds united against the EDL. Thanks to the decication and resolve of Bolton's anti-facsists, Trevor Kelway and his far right sugardaddy Alan Lake have decided to cancel their forthcoming racist gathering in the city.

While the EDL's surprise backing down is a great cause of celebration not just for the people of Bolton, but the entire United Kingdom, their lies leave a sting in the tail. According to the untruthful EDL, they didn't cancel their demo because they realised it was counterproductive, nor that they foresaw the Bolton Wanderers friends of Wigan Mike )who attended the recent WDL Hitler love-in in Wales), or because the walk between asembly point and Wetherspoons was too much like har work for the gang of mindless straight-armed saluting potbellied racist slobs.

In one of the most libellous lies of the British far right, Trevor Kelway proclaims that he has "inside information" that left-wingers were planning to racially assault Bolton's Hindu population to supposedly blame it on the EDL. Talk about nationalist fanaticists into the fairytale world of conspiracy theories. This is what happens to you when, like many EDL members, you spend too much time on Stormfront. Bogeymen "Reds" don't just hide under the beds. They will resort to just about anything to "betray English nationalism".

Socialist and anarchists would rather slit their wrists than beat up Asian people under the warped guise of agent-provocateurs. Such absurd allegations from Kelway are loaded to trigger hatred between Bolton's Muslims and Hindus, and are just another sign of how morally repulsive the neo-Nazi EDL are. Cowardly to the core, instead of facing unanimous opposition on the streets, with a massive anti-fascist presence planned, Kelway has turned to psychological warfare engaging in lunatic conspiracy theories in the hopes of undermining grass-roots antifascism.

EDL internet trolls are quick to deny links to the BNP, as does Nick Griffin and his phoney proscription of the EDL, but beyond their plausable deniability, the EDL, in aiming to cause race riots like those the BNP/NF caused in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford nine years ago, Goebels of the EDL Mr Kelway remembered how Nick Griffin was spotted on the eve of these riots, talking to Hindu and Sikh extremists in the aim of dividing and conquering minority ethnic popularion solidarity.

Trevor Kelway's EDL's press statement contained the following lie, designed to inflame tensions between British Hindus and Muslims: -

'Far-left groups were planning to attack Hindus whilst dressed in EDL clothing'....

If only the pissed-up pillocks of the EDL had bothered to read the tabloids they frequently claim as their own. Ironically, normally featuring racist tirades against immigrants and Muslim people, this Sunday's Sunday Express newspaper revealed how Hindu extremists had threatened the life of Indian film superstar Shahrukh Khan for daring to speak out against Islamophobia in Indian cricket.

From the Sunday Express: -

"FURIOUS mobs in India are burning effigies of their biggest film star, Shahrukh Khan, while cinemas run scared of showing his latest blockbuster. Shahrukh Khan's only “crime” has been to question why no Pakistani cricketer was chosen for the wealthy Indian premier league. Shahrukh, who is owner of Kolkata Knight Riders, one of the teams, said he had a legitimate interest in asking why the snub was delivered to some of the world’s best cricketers across the Indian border. Mumbai, India’s film capital, has reacted in fury, with cinema owners giving in to threats of violence from Hindu extremists and refusing to screen the multimillion pound film My Name is Khan. The Hindu extremist group Shiv Sena, which regularly criticises Islamic Pakistan, has warned the Muslim actor not to return home unless he retracts his remarks".

Yes, Mister Kelway, THERE ARE HINDU EXTREMISTS. And they are equally as fanatical as their extreme Islamic counterparts.

Watch out for the SDL's anti-Catholic chanting when the EDL invade Scotland, pretending to represent Scotland.
In a switch from town-centre scuffles to London rallies, the have announced EDL are planning to gather outside the House of Lords on the 5th of March to welcome Dutch far right politician/part time film maker Geert Wilders to Britain, which supports the rumour that the EDL are indeed planning to form themselves as a registered political party to take over from the BNP. If the EDL plan to replace their neanderthal thuggery with philosophical Islamophobia, they will have to ditch their beloved hooligan firms in favour of the cleaner-cut BNP brand of election campaigning, as your average Daily Mail reader cannot warm to the EDL's street-fighting tactics nor the Adolf Hitler salutes.

So long as they continue to use drunken louts to stoke fear and loathing in the UK's largest cities, the EDL will continue to be regarded as a joke by the man on the street, however it must be remembered how Hitler himself wasn't taken seriously until it was too late and he had taken power. With this in mind, local communities and anti-racist groups must continue to stand up against the EDL until they cease to exist!


Domestos - Destroys All Known Nazi Groups!!!


Hide the following 8 comments

Great report

08.02.2010 13:35



What a joke!

08.02.2010 15:30

The EDL's official reason for bottling Bolton is absolutely hilarious, you've got to give it to these shit for brains boneheads, they do at least have a sense of humour. The idea of UAF teachers and social workers getting dressed up in Stone Island and wading into a bunch of Hindu's had me in stitches, it goes without saying that the politics of the UAF are the antithesis of racially aggravated action like this but the idea that the UAF would have the muscle or audacity to do this is what makes me laugh, the EDL sound like they're losing the plot a bit more than usual.

Villa Anti-fascist

To Emphasise A Point

08.02.2010 16:54

From my readings and observations it has become clear that the 'extremists' of all political and religious stripes serve only the interests of the power elite.

Whether Fascist, Communist, Zionist or Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Jewish... these extremists have only ever disrupted and corrupted the lives of ordinary people around them and never produced any benefits for society as a whole.

Why would those in power want the general people to be demoralised, corrupted and kept in a state of perpetual anxiety? I would hazard a guess that it is to create a diversion for their own terrible crimes against humanity, that most people are completely unaware of.

Scientific Dictatorship

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

-- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961



08.02.2010 17:33

I think this has more to do with them wanting to confront any muslims who try and oppose Geert Wilders in London on the 5th than the Hindu festival, Wilders is the EDLs hero. Should be an interesting day in the capital.

anon nanon

EDL lie about everything else

08.02.2010 18:09

The EDL lie about everything else so why shouldn't they lie about this too?! Because of EDL violence in Stoke, what at 1st glance may have looked like their greatest "victory" (in Stoke) may yet turn out to have been the EDL's greatest DEFEAT - which is why they had to try and avoid the violence their supporters would inevitably create in Bolton. The reason EDL cancelled in Bolton is because they knew their supporters couldn't be trusted not to attack Hindus, and because they knew the impact of the publicity would destroy what little remains of their political "credibility"

Most important thing to remember is that whichever way EDL try to spin it their cancelling ANY demo is (like the original EDL cancellation in Harrow last August and then the cancellation in Newport) an important victory for Anti-Fascism. We WON, they LOST, we've outnumbered them on all but 1 of their demos and the only place they can pull a bigger crowd than the Anti-Fascists is in the middle of the BNP's national strong-hold... QED

UK Fightback / BNPinfo


09.02.2010 15:13

I agree with UK fightback - the EDL cancelled this because they know that their own supporters cannot be trusted not to get pissed and racially abuse/start aggro with Hindus at the Bolton festival, which would be a PR disaster for them; coming after their PR disaster in Stoke, it would damage them severely. Also, they want to go to see Geert Wilders, who is something of a guru to them (Some might say he's their "prophet"!). And their stated reason for cancelling the demo is so ludicrous it makes them look like even bigger muppets.


Bolton will not allow your shitty little march

13.02.2010 15:13

Like the NF, Combat 18, and Vericrap. EDL will not be allowed to march through our town. Each of these groups have previously tried to march and were met with young and old people who quite simply refused to allow it, yes the Police may object to your shittty little march, the councillors will try to win favour with the community by posturing but the bottom line is when the people of bolton decided these marches would not go ahead they did not. The EDL are no different.

You come to Bolton believing that we are going to be open to your arguments or unable to resist your march but you have been wrong each time. Call yourselves whatever you wish, you are the same people that tried and failed before and we are the same people that resisted you and will again

The people of Bolton are fair and inclusive, Bolton itself is made up of people from a rich cross section and quite simply will inviite you to leave town then force you to leave town.

Combat Combat 18

Its on

17.03.2010 15:07

Looks like Bolton is back on.
