About 100,000 people being held in concentration camps
troops out | 07.02.2010 13:11
About 100,000 people being held in concentration camps
Tamil civilians have borne the brunt of Sri Lanka’s civil war violence. As recent reports have shown, the situation bears striking similarities to that in Vietnam, with the bombing by the Government of innocent civilians, schools, temples, orphanages, hospitals and refugee camps. However, because the government removed all international aid workers from the northern region of Sri Lanka and barred the media, there were no independent witnesses and the world has been mostly oblivious to the true scale of the atrocities which have been taking place.
Act Now is working to protect the lives of Sri Lanka’s Tamil population. We have been raising awareness of the ongoing war and now the situation in the camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs). We work with a number of human rights organisations and aid agencies and have a very good network of credible information. Our reports have been confirmed by investigations by The Times and Channel 4 news.
Through raising awareness and pressing for action amongst parliamentarians and other government officials, we are seeking to protect Tamils in Sri Lanka from further suffering and we are calling for an inquiry into recent events as a precursor to an effective reconciliation process so that violence does not reoccur.

Tamil civilians have borne the brunt of Sri Lanka’s civil war violence. As recent reports have shown, the situation bears striking similarities to that in Vietnam, with the bombing by the Government of innocent civilians, schools, temples, orphanages, hospitals and refugee camps. However, because the government removed all international aid workers from the northern region of Sri Lanka and barred the media, there were no independent witnesses and the world has been mostly oblivious to the true scale of the atrocities which have been taking place.
Act Now is working to protect the lives of Sri Lanka’s Tamil population. We have been raising awareness of the ongoing war and now the situation in the camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs). We work with a number of human rights organisations and aid agencies and have a very good network of credible information. Our reports have been confirmed by investigations by The Times and Channel 4 news.
Through raising awareness and pressing for action amongst parliamentarians and other government officials, we are seeking to protect Tamils in Sri Lanka from further suffering and we are calling for an inquiry into recent events as a precursor to an effective reconciliation process so that violence does not reoccur.
troops out