Solidarity to Alfredo & Christos - Greek Consulate visit in Berlin
repost | 03.02.2010 23:07 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
On the 3.2 some anarchists paid a short visit to the Greek consulate in Berlin, located at the Wittenberg square.
With a banner reading in both Greek and German „The passion for freedom is stronger than any prison – Freedom to Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos“ we raised attention on the situation of the two comrades imprisoned in Greece.
Alfredo and Christos, both active since long time in the anarchist movement, have been arrested on the 1.10.09 in Trikala, Greece, accused of committing a bank robbery.
Some flyers have been given out to the passer-byers. A fax has been given to the consul and sent over to the „minister for justice and human rights of Greece“. The fax sent was the same one Greek comrades already sent over during the last days in a similar action. This small action has been a piece of solidarity along the struggle for the release of both comrades.
Alfredo, 73 years old anarchist comrade from Italy has serious health problems and suffers under the heavy conditions in prison.
Despite the fact that the Greek law prescribes an earlier release upon serious health problems, the authorities refused until now to set him free.
Different expressions of solidarity took place in different countries within the last months.
You can check further infos about the two comrades and the solidarity actions under: (in german) and (in english).
Posters in solidarity with both comrades have been printed lately and one can get them by writing the ABC Berlin.
For the immediate release of Alfredo!
Freedom for Christos and all the prisoners – prison to become holes in the ground!
Some anarchists in solidarity
Photos from the soli-action can be found by courtesy of ABC Berlin:
The fax in different languages:
Il nostro intervento ha lo scopo di denunciare la detenzione abusiva e illegale di Alfredo Maria Bonanno sotto condizioni inaccettabili nel carcere di Koridallos (Atene). La politica vendicativa dello Stato ha come finalita’ l’annientamento fisico e psicologico del compagno 73enne che affronta gravi problemi di salute. A. M. Bonanno e’ anarchico, attivo nel movimento da decenni, militante della resistenza contro la dittatura dei colonelli (1967-1974) in Grecia, scrittore ed editore di tantissime opere.
Rivendichiamo l` immediata liberazione di A. M. Bonanno.
Ps. Questo FAX e’ gia mandato al Ministero della Gustizia, Trasparenza e dei Diritti Umani*, all’ *Ambasciata d’Italia ad Atene* e alla stampa.
Iniziativa di solidarieta’ con l` anarchico A. M. Bonanno
We wish to denounce the abusive and illegal detention of Alfredo Maria Bonanno in unacceptable conditions in the prison of Koridallos (Athens). The vindictive politic of the State is aimed at the physical and psychological annihilation of the 73-year old comrade who is facing serious health problems. Alfredo Bonanno is an anarchist, who has been involved in the movement for decades, militant in the resistance against the dictatorship of the Greek colonels (1967-1974), and writer and editor of many works.
We demand the immediate liberation of Alfredo Maria Bonanno
Solidarity initiative to Alfredo M. Bonanno
Wir verurteilen die beleidigende und illegale Internierung von Alfredo Mario Bonanno unter inakzeptablen Bedingungen im Gefängnis von Koridallos (Athen). Die rachsüchtige Politik des Staates richtet sich auf die physische und psychische Vernichtung des 73-jährigen Genossen, welcher mit ernsthaften Gesundheitsproblemen konfrontiert ist. Alfredo Bonanno ist ein Anarchist, welcher seit Jahrzehnten in der Bewegung involviert ist, militant im Widerstand gegen die griechische Diktatur (1967-1974), und Autor und Herausgeber von vielen Texten.
Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Alfredo Maria Bonanno
Solidaritätsinitiative für Alfredo M. Bonanno
Greek Embassy
1A Holland Park London, W11 3TP
Tel. (020) 7721 0093 and 7721 5977
Fax. (020) 7229 7221
Alfredo and Christos, both active since long time in the anarchist movement, have been arrested on the 1.10.09 in Trikala, Greece, accused of committing a bank robbery.
Some flyers have been given out to the passer-byers. A fax has been given to the consul and sent over to the „minister for justice and human rights of Greece“. The fax sent was the same one Greek comrades already sent over during the last days in a similar action. This small action has been a piece of solidarity along the struggle for the release of both comrades.
Alfredo, 73 years old anarchist comrade from Italy has serious health problems and suffers under the heavy conditions in prison.
Despite the fact that the Greek law prescribes an earlier release upon serious health problems, the authorities refused until now to set him free.
Different expressions of solidarity took place in different countries within the last months.
You can check further infos about the two comrades and the solidarity actions under:

Posters in solidarity with both comrades have been printed lately and one can get them by writing the ABC Berlin.
For the immediate release of Alfredo!
Freedom for Christos and all the prisoners – prison to become holes in the ground!
Some anarchists in solidarity
Photos from the soli-action can be found by courtesy of ABC Berlin:

The fax in different languages:
Il nostro intervento ha lo scopo di denunciare la detenzione abusiva e illegale di Alfredo Maria Bonanno sotto condizioni inaccettabili nel carcere di Koridallos (Atene). La politica vendicativa dello Stato ha come finalita’ l’annientamento fisico e psicologico del compagno 73enne che affronta gravi problemi di salute. A. M. Bonanno e’ anarchico, attivo nel movimento da decenni, militante della resistenza contro la dittatura dei colonelli (1967-1974) in Grecia, scrittore ed editore di tantissime opere.
Rivendichiamo l` immediata liberazione di A. M. Bonanno.
Ps. Questo FAX e’ gia mandato al Ministero della Gustizia, Trasparenza e dei Diritti Umani*, all’ *Ambasciata d’Italia ad Atene* e alla stampa.
Iniziativa di solidarieta’ con l` anarchico A. M. Bonanno
We wish to denounce the abusive and illegal detention of Alfredo Maria Bonanno in unacceptable conditions in the prison of Koridallos (Athens). The vindictive politic of the State is aimed at the physical and psychological annihilation of the 73-year old comrade who is facing serious health problems. Alfredo Bonanno is an anarchist, who has been involved in the movement for decades, militant in the resistance against the dictatorship of the Greek colonels (1967-1974), and writer and editor of many works.
We demand the immediate liberation of Alfredo Maria Bonanno
Solidarity initiative to Alfredo M. Bonanno
Wir verurteilen die beleidigende und illegale Internierung von Alfredo Mario Bonanno unter inakzeptablen Bedingungen im Gefängnis von Koridallos (Athen). Die rachsüchtige Politik des Staates richtet sich auf die physische und psychische Vernichtung des 73-jährigen Genossen, welcher mit ernsthaften Gesundheitsproblemen konfrontiert ist. Alfredo Bonanno ist ein Anarchist, welcher seit Jahrzehnten in der Bewegung involviert ist, militant im Widerstand gegen die griechische Diktatur (1967-1974), und Autor und Herausgeber von vielen Texten.
Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Alfredo Maria Bonanno
Solidaritätsinitiative für Alfredo M. Bonanno
Greek Embassy
1A Holland Park London, W11 3TP
Tel. (020) 7721 0093 and 7721 5977
Fax. (020) 7229 7221
