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Stop the Nazi BNP in Hucknall!

Matthew Vicary | 03.02.2010 22:45 | Anti-racism

Join the leafleting - Sunday, 7th Feb, meet 1pm at Hucknall tramp stop

Last weekend half of the central ward in Hucknall was leafleted urging people to turn out and vote on 11th Feb in the Hucknall central by-election, in which a BNP member is standing.

The fascist BNP can be stopped from gaining respectability and legitimacy when the majority of people make their voice heard - wherever they get elected it is consistently from a low turn out.

Unite Against Fascism will be continuing to leaflet the rest of the ward in the run up to the elections to make everyone in the area aware that the fascist BNP are standing, and encouraging them to use their vote to stop them getting elected.

If you want to help leaflet, please meet us at 1pm at Hucknall tram stop on Sunday, 7th Feb. Or contact Richard on 07940 952825.

Matthew Vicary
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Who do UAF suggest we vote for?

03.02.2010 23:10

Of course people shouldn't vote BNP, but who are the UAF suggesting Hucknall people favour with their cross? The Labour party, presumably, who preside over the conditions which have fed the BNP's growth? Or who exactly?

Encouraging people to vote in order to fight fascism might have short-term benefits in thwarting a particular BNP candidate, but in the longer term, it's a dead-end.

Most people now feel that ALL politicians are untrustworthy, manipulative nobs on the make; the BNP successfully play on that by seeming to be "other" than mainstream politics. Unfortunately, encouraging people to vote for mainstream parties can reinforce this.....


Anyone but the fash

04.02.2010 08:10

It's a tricky one, I agree, but in the short term surely it's better to vote for the 'least worst' option rather than allowing a bunch of fascist knuckle-draggers into power by default?

Concerned of Halton Moor