Tony Blair as consultant to Rio 2016 Games!
Keith Parkins | 02.02.2010 15:43 | Iraq | World
I have not heard anything so sickening as war criminal and liar Tony Blair being engaged as consultant for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. My first reaction, after wishing to throw up, was what can he offer? He is not exactly known for his interest in sport. Associating his name with the Rio 2016 Games is simply to tarnish still further the reputation of the Olympic Games.
As Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho who was part of Rio team in Copenhagen who obtained the Games for Brazil said, I went to Rio to obtain the Games for athletes, not war criminals.
Two million people took to the streets of London at the start of the Iraq War to say Not in Our Name. As did many more millions around the world. They were ignored. Spineless parliamentarians were bamboozled into backing the war. The cabinet was not properly consulted, no proper discussion took place, some cabinet members have said was kept in the dark.
There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no threat to the Middle East. A war based on lies and a dodgy dossier. The Middle East has been destabilised, the world is a less safe place.
We are still counting the cost. Apart from those killed in Iraq, a country still torn apart by violence, the Iraq War has created a worldwide problem of Islamic extremism and terrorism, including the July 7/7 Bombings in London.
Would you shake hands with Blair, a man whose hands are dripping with blood?
What are Brazilian politicians thinking of to engage someone with the reputation of Tony Blair? A man who is loathed and detested in his own country. A man who has acted as a corporate whore ever since leaving office. A man who whilst in office showed not the slightest interest in sport.
Blair has earned an estimated £15 million since resigning as British Prime Minister in 2007.
The irony should not be lost that Blair has been hired as consultant the day after he appeared before the Iraq Inquiry.
Are Brazilian politicians trying to make the Rio Games a world laughing stock?
The Iraq War had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction or regime change. It was about the corporate rape and pillage of Iraq. The Olympics has long sold out its ideal, it is now a corporate whore. Maybe it is appropriate then that Blair should be engaged as a consultant, maybe even more appropriate that he been adopted as the mascot to represent corporate greed?
Also see
The rape and pillage of Iraq
Bringing Democracy to the Middle East
Eyewitness Iraq
Making a Killing: The Corporate Invasion of Iraq
Occupation and Resistance in Iraq
Rumsfeld attacked by US troops
911 – a route to war or an excuse for war?
Thank you, President Bush
Blair the dictator bulldozed us into war
Iraq inquiry: Short says cabinet misled on war legality
Rio Olympic team hire Tony Blair for advice on staging 2016 games
As Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho who was part of Rio team in Copenhagen who obtained the Games for Brazil said, I went to Rio to obtain the Games for athletes, not war criminals.
Two million people took to the streets of London at the start of the Iraq War to say Not in Our Name. As did many more millions around the world. They were ignored. Spineless parliamentarians were bamboozled into backing the war. The cabinet was not properly consulted, no proper discussion took place, some cabinet members have said was kept in the dark.
There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no threat to the Middle East. A war based on lies and a dodgy dossier. The Middle East has been destabilised, the world is a less safe place.
We are still counting the cost. Apart from those killed in Iraq, a country still torn apart by violence, the Iraq War has created a worldwide problem of Islamic extremism and terrorism, including the July 7/7 Bombings in London.
Would you shake hands with Blair, a man whose hands are dripping with blood?
What are Brazilian politicians thinking of to engage someone with the reputation of Tony Blair? A man who is loathed and detested in his own country. A man who has acted as a corporate whore ever since leaving office. A man who whilst in office showed not the slightest interest in sport.
Blair has earned an estimated £15 million since resigning as British Prime Minister in 2007.
The irony should not be lost that Blair has been hired as consultant the day after he appeared before the Iraq Inquiry.
Are Brazilian politicians trying to make the Rio Games a world laughing stock?
The Iraq War had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction or regime change. It was about the corporate rape and pillage of Iraq. The Olympics has long sold out its ideal, it is now a corporate whore. Maybe it is appropriate then that Blair should be engaged as a consultant, maybe even more appropriate that he been adopted as the mascot to represent corporate greed?
Also see
The rape and pillage of Iraq

Bringing Democracy to the Middle East

Eyewitness Iraq

Making a Killing: The Corporate Invasion of Iraq

Occupation and Resistance in Iraq

Rumsfeld attacked by US troops

911 – a route to war or an excuse for war?

Thank you, President Bush

Blair the dictator bulldozed us into war

Iraq inquiry: Short says cabinet misled on war legality

Rio Olympic team hire Tony Blair for advice on staging 2016 games

Keith Parkins
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