Super Hacker Expose!
Concerned Canadian | 01.02.2010 17:41 | Indymedia Server Seizure | Education | Health | Technology | Birmingham
If you've had problems with email or interaction with certain websites, that may be a sign that you've mentioned or attempted to contact people or sites that have been classified as "taboo" by the Nazis that rule the Internet.. ...
... These Nazis have professed invincible offspring of the Devil manning supercomputers in order to block, intercept, and/or steal your communications, and they are prepared to keep it up indefinitely. More often than not, it is E-murder by creating fatal communication glitches. 1/29 The toll of the Bush Nazi breast cancer scam.
Imp Tossing! Keelhauling! What Not?
Sun, 01/24/2010 - 16:21 — ConcernedCanadian
Imp tossing probably started in Ithaca with their favorite imp, Terry Garahan pushing alleged suicides into the gorges from grassy overlooks - "This is my favorite spot!" Now I hear that they have been tossing imps from high rises in the midwest. Is this the rage of the future?
Note that alleged Social Worker Garahan was always one of the first to arrive on the scenes of these alleged suicides. "I'm sure he was suicidal! Why he was even mouthing off to ME!" Thus if the alleged suicide was not already dead, he or she would surely die on the way to the hospital. More often than not, these alleged suicides were probably Garahan's own imps who had refused to do his bidding. 1/14 If the Nazis had not deleted my articles of 2001-2003, you would remember the "Communications Glitches" of the Gad damn Gar-Gan tribe of Tompkins County and how Garahan controlled Tompkins County Social Services (i.e. TC Mental Health) by intercepting every single incoming call via an answering machine. They let Garahan do whatever he wants in Ithaca because Secret Service has backed him up ever since he had a hand in pulling Jim Morrison off the stage in Miami Hoyt Auditorium and stuffing excrement in his mouth. Garahan was @ 17 years old at the time.
The foolproof plan of the Bush Nazis and Zionists in general is to have their imps (Devil's offspring) harass you or bombard you with Nazi inanity, for no one can question the stupidity or the criminality of their impish offspring. (Ez. 23:37) 1/6 Broadcast frequencies monitoring everything you do.
After I said that Dumb Boy's kid, Jenna looks like an imp; they reran Jenna's appearance on the Jay Leno Show. I then realized that Dumb Boy's wife, Laura was also probably an imp.
12/15 Did you notice how GHW Bush's kid, Dumb Boy looks like Alfred E. Neuman, the goofy impish icon of Mad Magazine somewhat? Do you think that his daughter Jenna also looks like an imp? Well I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. In such cases this imp look might very well be the "look on their faces that betrays them". (Is. 3:9) Note that the girl who murdered her roommate in Italy recently also looked like an imp. (My dictionary: imp = Devil's offspring) 12/28 That is why I asked you about Jenna. I saw her on the Leno show the first time. Did you notice the baby pictures of her? She did not have that look in the picture when she was @ 2 years old, but she did have it in the picture when she was @ 4 years old. She may have had her brains fried before she was two, but the look apparently takes time to develop. I suspect that this look may be the result of continuously contorting the face into a certain expression apparently from never being able to understand anything. Maybe it is a magnification of a quizzical look. Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. 12/29 Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps.
This all arises from: Bush BAAL Worship; i.e. A Nation of Bush Imps
As you should know from my Bush Daddy Religion article, the BAALs are Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabites of Sh*ttim.(Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! GHW Bush fried W's brain @ 55 years ago. They can't feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. Behold, they are less than nothing, and their works are utterly worthless; he who chooses them is detestable." (Is.41:23-24)
You have to listen to these Bush Nazis who worship excrement, don't you? It is a fatal mistake! Behold the Mystery of God: The mystery is how God is going to get rid of every damn one of you. By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror all the time are Al Qaeda themselves, posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil.(2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be "senseless and without knowledge"?(Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. "Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth".(Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.(Prov.14:12) It works! When you support senseless falsehoods, people just shake their head and walk away, saying, "I can't argue with such stupidity!" Now these Bush Nazis who set you up to support falsehoods are going to point the finger and say, "These are the sh*theads you want! Listen to them! They talk like idiots!" Isn't God's work strange?(Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5) "..a little while and the wicked will be no more"(Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life.(Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10) Someday they are probably going to tell you to stay home, and that will be the day that they come and get rid of you, claiming that you were one of them for having supported their falsehoods. (Jer. 18:22) They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!", and they are never going to see it.(Is.5:19) The fool just disappears. To where? Maybe Strawberry Fields.(Jer.9:22) As you should know, "those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) "Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields!" 3/12 In a lot of cases those who have been encouraged to talk like idiots are Nazi "bait", for the Nazis target anyone who comments on their idiotic talk.
CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) I am sure that some imps might find salvation assuring that God's words regarding His Temple etc. do not return to Him empty. (Is. 55:11) Don't forget that the lawless Bush Nazis are to be enslaved and "children will rule over them"! (Jer. 17:4; Is. 3:12) "The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth. Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts... O LORD, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them." (Is. 26:7,8,11) Thus the Lord says, "... I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. I will save you from all your uncleanness." (Ez. 36:24-27)
No More Delay
"..In the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets." (Rev.10:7) Bobby and half the world are convinced that the Bushes are Devil worshipping dunces! It is about time that the Bushes were called to account in order to prove this is true. (Prov. 26:26) Since you wouldn't question them sooner, you're all probably better off dead! Along with pieces addressing Bush Nazi rule of Florida and the fall of the Tiger, the most recent Nazi attempts to terrify and/or kill us with the flu, petroleum, nicotine, and cancer are chronicled here. Be free! Or be dismayed and filled with fear! The choice is yours! (Is. 42:7; 49:9; 41:23)
What they don't understand is that this country is suffering from an Epidemic of Dummies; i.e. a plague of dummies that is so prevalent that stupidity has become the norm; plus a lot of them behave like Moses has gone up on the mountaintop! (Exodus 32)
11/20 The media has relented on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines and now they are trying to terrify you with their cancer talk; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)
Have the Nazi Flu Fools Been Thraxing You?
gloucs | media and culture | news report Monday November 09, 2009 15:50 by His Witness - The Lord's meaderobe at gmail dot com
Fabricating an Epidemic
Fabricated medical sound bites! Vaccine hysteria! There is only one way to stop such asinine practices. You cannot contest the professed intelligence of these dumkopfs with the media and all the other Nazis backing them up.
The Nazi "Swine" Emergency! Houston IMC 4/27
author: Bobby Meade
Apr 27, 2009 11:54
Bush Nazis are bringing out the "big guns"; i.e. Swine Flu, and they are passing out free face masks that are probably as worthless as the ballyhooed vaccine at stopping the anthrax spores that have produced every flu epidemic there ever was. Don't get fooled again!
One surefire way to let people know what the media is all about would be to employ the prophesized number to save the gay media or quell the flu hysteria; i.e. Flu Buster (see attached No Greater Love image or find it in my blogs). Would you believe their falsehoods if they had that number on their foreheads?
Nazism in America - Curse of the Bush Nazis: "The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil." - Schiller. I bet you thought that Nazi was a religious term pertaining to the Nazarenes. Wrong! The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. 4/15 Don't forget that these Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. They are also probably the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. 10/3 The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism.
If you don't believe that every word that I say is true, consult the Holy Spirit: People talk about the Holy Spirit speaking to people when It doesn't. The Bible says that It will speak what It hears, which means that the Spirit will let you know when something or someone is from God. Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. "He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears (or sees), and He will tell you what is yet to come." (John 16:13) Read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". 8/27 Keep in mind that the Devil is the sweetest Gad damn person that you are every going to meet! (2 Cor. 11:14; 1 John 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:7) I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19)
4/28 Even though there is no other substance that can duplicate the effects of exposure to anthrax spores, we have yet another round of anthrax attacks posing as a flu epidemic. This Swine Flu "epidemic" is most likely caused by "weapons grade anthrax" being broadcasted on selected populations to promote Swine Flu hysteria. Throughout my battle with insect infections of the past few months, GHW Bush and his Bush Nazi swine have been throwing a form of anthrax on me that produces immediate chills (fever) in an attempt to convince me that I am seriously sick from the bites and stings of these insects. This is why the disease experts are professing to have found a new type of flu, for the instantly debilitating effects of inhalation anthrax have been replaced by chills with this type of anthrax. In addition to throwing it at me at home and the libraries; they were also broadcasting it, most likely from their Eagle stealth helicoptors. I have looked up what is available on anthrax on the computer, and I am sure that my Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge is still the best account by far of anthrax, even though they give the "stage" to Hitler's Health Care. As I have publicized, The Center for Disease Control revealed that the initial symptoms of inhaling Anthrax may resemble a common cold. It produces a rise in body temperature, depression, spasms, respiratory or cardiac distress, trembling, staggering, convulsions, and death. It is the toxicity of the spores that affects people. They usually do not multiply within the body. Vaccines are delusional pursuits. Once affected individuals seek treatment for exposure to this stuff, it is an easy matter to eliminate whoever they want with an additional microscopic dose of the same. One millionth of a gram; i.e. 10-20,000 spores is a fatal dose! In addition to the initially targetted population in Mexico, the Bush Nazis will probably also keep broadcasting this stuff on selected populations in the states, especially those who have been reading my reports on their stupidity. It is easy to promote the outbreaks because there has been a significant number of spores in the atmosphere for the duration of this scheme. The vaccine shortage scenario is apparently promoted by Bush Nazis, pretending to be in distress about not getting their vaccine. A good solution would probably be to inject these hypocrites with multiple doses of that vaccine and find out what the heck is in it and what it does. Don't forget that these Nazis also move on the meat industry by broadcasting anthrax in meat-producing localities because most coprophagists can no longer digest meat. 9/23 As I have revealed, "..the Karposi Sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was cutaneous Anthrax, and I witnessed similar sores on an Irish lad who was apparently infected by handling dead animals at Cornell Vet School, which was illegally producing the stuff." This was after I read @ 2000 of Cornell being considered as a potential site where Anthrax would be produced for the government then reading that site was rejected. After reading that North Carolina was being similarly considered as a site for Anthrax production, I realized and GHW Bush confirmed that this was a Bush Nazi scheme that happens everywhere and is usually not publicized in the name of national security. It's all a sham, and "Fedya Guvmint Thugs" probably show up and say that they want to prove to the government that this site can successfully produce Anthrax by producing a sample batch after it has been publicized that the site was rejected. I bet the current flu strain is the result of having isolated then successfully cultured a variant of Anthrax that is different from what is normally used to infect the populace. Such sites are where the Anthrax is coming from to terrorize the population with the current Swine Flu. I bet that there are hundreds of sites nationwide that are producing Anthrax that way, for all you need is dead animals to produce Anthrax. Note that the Bush Nazis also destroy IMC sites in such localities to prevent anyone from revealing what is happening. Most Canadian sites, Ithaca IMC, and just recently North Carolina IMC have been disabled. As for the dumkopfs who believe that viruses look like and have cell walls like bacteria does, "...viruses are submicroscopic infectious agents that are made up of genetic material not complete cells, so are not considered living organisms." 9/25 It seems like there may be more than one type of vaccine, and one type has something like Anthrax spores in it that produce a skin reaction. FYI: From Militant Bush Nazis in the Works 2007: "...A lot of these chemicalmongering Bush Nazis worship Moses because such stuff came via him. The first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-third of the world population. Anthrax is a Biblical Greek word from Exodus 9:9; Deut. 28:27. I've seen pictures of Anthrax spores, round with pointed bumps on them,..." Note that these scientific sh*theads claim that the flu of 1918, the Spanish Flu, was also H1N1. 10/7 After WWI the dead horses along with many dead soldiers (?!) were apparently left in the battlefields; thus they were innoculated with anthrax via the mouth, then the spores filled their bloated bodies via their stomachs. When the winds started blowing in March 1918, these bloated bodies were probably hacked open to release the spores and distribute them worldwide. This flu was very severe in war torn Europe, but there are few details on the severity of it there or the spread of it. In the US the weather appeared to be instrumental in the spread of it, for it started on the east coast. "It was called "three-day fever", "purple death", "purulent bronchitis", "sand fly fever", "Blitzkatarrh", or "Flanders fever", for the "virus" ravaged its victim's lungs. Sometimes within hours, patients succumbed to complete respiratory failure. Within hours these patients turned a bluish-black hue indicative of cyanosis, or lack of oxygen. Those with black feet were considered beyond help and were carted off to die." When I endured continuous anthrax onslaught for several months on Geneva St. in Ithaca, I remember losing my voice and having a cough that I will never forget. I am sure that the severity of the Spanish Flu was proportional to the number of spores inhaled; thus high concentrations of spores caused fluid-filled lungs and the resulting cyanosis very rapidly. 10/8 The high concentration of flu victims on the east coast of the US was apparently due to the returning soldiers being stationed there. They were probably detaining any soldier who had a fever and murdering them with more anthrax. 10/11 Encyclopedia Britannica claims that this flu came from Kansas! World Book says that there was 800,000 deaths in the US and 25 million worldwide. I believe that the returning soldiers were the main target, especially immigrant soldiers, and that their deaths were not listed by the military even if they were detained and died in VA hospitals because their discharges were immediately effective when they returned to the US. Having endured an anthrax-induced fever for more than a month, I know that there was no way out for any soldier who was being exposed to that stuff. 10/14 GHW Bush says that the current flu deaths are targeted people and/or their relatives. I believe that the tell-tale cyanosis does not develop in most cases because the victims are dispatched so quickly. 10/16 Since anthrax spores were proven to have lasted 1000s of years when they were found in the pyramids of Egypt, these soldiers and many other alleged victims of the flu should be exhumed to prove what killed them. (Ez. 37:12-13) 10/17 "Fedya Guvmint" mentions flu deaths but no location is given. That is probably so that they can conceal the source of the anthrax and the people throwing it while they promote their epidemic myth. Fort Devens, Boston was the site of many flu deaths in 1918. Worcester IMC removed what I wrote on this. I bet these sh*t-eating Bushes were visiting detained soldiers, saying; "Thrax this one! Thrax that one! Thrax the whole lot of them!" That was a naval base. I bet the Navy is full of sh*t-eating homosexual Devil worshippers for letting the Bushes get their foot in the door.
From Canadian My Space Biology Forum: "..The picture of the anthrax bacterium is composed of conglomerates (rods) of spores. Show me the individual spore. The influenza virus picture is not a virus. It is probably a bacteria that has been smudged so you cannot see details of it. A true virus would never assume such a shape. It definitely looks like cells. Explain how a virus can supposedly produce the instantly debilitating effects of the flu. There is no way that a virus could replicate that fast or affect the body in such a way. It is the toxins of the anthrax spores that produce such results when inhaled. No other substance can do that! ....What's the magnification of the electron microscope? Is it considered submicroscopic? I doubt it. How many nucleotides (i.e. "building blocks" of DNA) are contained in the actual true virus? Very few! And they cannot be photographed! You see those little round objects in the rods? Those are the spores...." 10/24 I've read reports that the flu of 1918 was characterized by rapidly appearing purple blotches on the skin. In light of this, I suspect that they were throwing some cyanide-containing compound in conjuntion with the anthrax to make that happen in order to justify quarantining the soldiers. The death toll of returning WW I soldiers at Fort Devens has apparently been concealed, for they were probably sent someplace else to die, most likely Connecticut. In reply to the professed intellectual in the Biology Forums I also told him that I've estimated that there was @ 45 million atoms in the chromosomes that were photographed by plant scientists and became the foundation of genetics. I then asked how many atoms were in the average true virus. I am sure that it is just a fraction of the number in a chromosome. These pictures of the alleged H1N1 virus are most likely bacteria spores composed of billions of atoms. 11/5 Keep in mind that the symptoms that arise from exposure to anthrax spores can vary quite a bit depending on how many spores you have inhaled and how often you inhaled them.
11/6 I was investigating the death rate from the 1918 flu epidemic and found a lot of info in the Hog River Journal; Hartford, CT. Connecticut and Pennsylvania suffered the most losses, especially among immigrant populations such as the Italians, Russians, and southern Europeans. It claims that 500,000 died in the US and 100,000,000 died worldwide. My grandfather probably died from this flu, which he was apparently stricken with while celebrating the end of WWI. He died a month later. I bet there was a stream of kind caring Nazis visiting him and throwing anthrax on him until he finally succumbed. As the flu of 1918 continued in 1919, I noticed that there was a rise in deaths attributed to pneumonia, for they were apparently trying to conceal that there was still a flu epidemic. The most memorable sign of the flu to many people was a "white cloth over nose and mouth". I bet that this worked much better than the masks that they pass out today, for the cloth mask becomes moist and that traps anthrax spores. Those spores easily pass through the masks that they pass out today. Todays epidemic is being created by the media more or less with fabricated "sound bites" of scientific Nazis pretending to battle the flu in hospitals and laboratories that could be anywhere. They probably want to conceal the locations of any deaths so that no one can prove that anthrax is behind this sham. They have also fabricated a shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, claiming that people are clamoring for it; thus there are many different companies producing this vaccine with some being more toxic than others. The more toxic shots are probably reserved for targeted people. It seems like symptoms of the cutaneous form of anthrax within the blood may develop if the H1N1 vaccine includes anthrax spores or fragments of them. Such anthrax symptoms include itching, internal hemorrhage, muscle pain, headache, fever, and vomiting. It all appears to be a scheme to inject the population with vaccines containing anthrax in order to disable people via the side effects of medications used to treat the symptoms arising from the toxified vaccines. There is no way that you can talk to them at all about their fabrications regarding their toxified vaccines or their alleged pictures of the virus. Bah! Circular viruses! Since when does a piece of genetic material have the ability to form cell walls or assume a circular shape like that? 11/10 Keep in mind that the anthrax spores that look like a ball with pointed bumps on them are anthrax in its dessicated shape; i.e. the shape of the the airborne spores of inhalation anthrax. Once the spores absorb moisture, those bumps are no longer that visible. Also these spores are easily viewed under a microscope. 11/18 Since God has challenged the kind caring Nazis of Samaria; i.e. the medical profession to "...Do something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear" (Is. 41:23); they are now using the media to terrorize you with their cancerous fabrications; i.e. every cancer that you can imagine. 11/30 I am not kidding when I say that no one can talk to these Nazis. Consider that no one was ever able to talk to the Bushes even when they were in the White House. That is the foolproof plan of the SERPENT that is Zionism. In regard to the "look on their faces that will betray them" (Is. 3:9), consider that any time you ask or tell these Nazis something, they will get a look of professed intelligence on their faces while they appear to be pondering what you said or asked. What they are really pondering is which of the numerous tested Nazi retorts they will give you in order to dismiss or brush off whatever you have said. They even used such stuff to dismiss the efforts of teachers to teach them anything in their encounters with the educational system. FYI: In "Ring around the rosey, A pocketful of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down."; "ashes" probably refers to the "soot" of anthrax. "We all fall down" because anthrax affects you within ten seconds! Maybe it was "Anthrax! anthrax! We all fall down!" 1/6/10 They are still promoting their flu epidemic delusions in order to continue injecting as many people as possible with their toxified vaccines in the same way as they continuously harass me trying to get me to go talk to Nazi authoriities about their harassment. It is reported that @ 3,000 people have died from this alleged epidemic and that @ 500,000 usually die during a normal flu season. What kind of an epidemic is that?
BREAST CANCER Terror via Samaria's SERPENTINE Fools 12/2009
From my experience with a severe breast infection earlier this year that was caused by insects and my prior reported revelations about the medical profession, I am certain that few women are prepared to deal with the scientific mumbo jumbo about cancer that the Bush Nazis are now terrorizing everyone with. I believe that most cases of breast cancer probably arise from breast infections that are caused by parasitic mites, and I have made known that these mites are so small (@ 1 micron) that they leave no sign of entry, for they probably enter the breast via the nipple. I also believe that it is the physiology of the breast that makes it so difficult to drain an infected breast; thus it took @ 40 hours of soaking, squeezing, and manipulating the breast to force the poison out. I am sure that it would drive a woman insane to try to deal with a breast infection that way, for I believe that the physiology of the breast makes it necessary for the pus of the infection to exit via the nipple area no matter where in the breast the infection is. Keep in mind that the skin of the nipple is some of the toughest skin in the body. I presume that these mites are similar to those that cause scabies, but there is a lot of misleading and/or false information on such insects, so it is best not to bother with the details. The bodies of these insects are always contaminated, and that is what produces the infection. The toxins and bacteria cause the capillaries to burst and trap the toxins in a lump. The fat and connective tissue of the breast make it very hard to draw an infection out of it via soaking, manipulating, and squeezing. Only after @ a week of manipulation did the infection become visible beneath the areola of the nipple; i.e. bacteria-laden white, yellow, or green pus that can eventually be squeezed out. It took at least another week of soaking, squeezing, and manipulating in order to force the infection out through the areola. One must be extremely persistent in order to eradicate an infection this way. If it is not done, the body will try to seal it off, creating a more or less permanent lump that will consist of bacteria and toxified tissue, which may be released into the bloodstream at a later date by accident or even during an exam. If you are a targeted individual, they will probably try to convince you that a bacteria infection is cancer. Cancer is supposed to be an invasive growth of cells while bacteria causes the disintegration of cells. When I investigated prostate cancer, I could find no pictures of it, and the illustrations that I found showed the disintegration of cells akin to that which would be caused by a bacteria infection. A few years ago they tried to terrify me with bogus blood tests and an elevated PSA level in an apparent attempt to get my prostate biopsied. After learning that a biopsy involved taking @ six core samples via the rectum, a likely source of contamination; I went to a more or less legitimate doctor who allowed me to disregard the bogus blood tests. As a result of this, I concluded that most alleged prostate cancers are bacteria infections that never subside. 200,000 new US cases per year! Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping nicotine and calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, a symptom that leads to digital exams. Do you remember Biggie Smalls thanking the USPO for not violating his ass? Go find out if they are the ones who promoted this digital exam, saying they were fighting prostate cancer in the PO. Go try to find a picture of prostate cancer. Furthermore comedocarcinoma and carcinoma, alleged roving cancer cells, also sound like bacteria infections most likely promoted by medicines. Metastasis of cancer cells probably rarely happens. Keep in mind that carcinoma has allegedly been here for over fifty years. Keeping the labs separate from the medical profession has promoted such ignorance. Note that patients are told to bring their medicines to the office probably so that they can be confiscated and destroyed if the medicine has had its desired effect; thus it can never be proven what was in it. It's probably the same story with breast cancer. Lethal biopsies? "Let me feel it! I can fix it!" I was also told to go to the American Cancer Society and ask for pictures of cancer. I can imagine, "You must have cancer! You better come with us!" 1/29 Last night I told GHW Bush as he continued to bombard me with his parasitic mites that he's probably murdered hundreds of thousands of women with his insect-promoted breast cancer scam. One of his probable victims, Julie Luciano came to mind. As seems to be the rule with victims of the Bush Nazis, Julie was an incredibly beautiful woman. She was an advocate of education for the disabled, and I remember talking to her on the phone (TTY) the second time that I was locked up at the psych center. "But Julie this place is full of professional hypocrites! "The stupidest people on earth!" I will go anyplace and study anything rather than be locked up here!" I don't know what she did to attract the ire of the Bush Nazis. Maybe it was just her talking to or about me. I saw her in person once. Even though she was told that she couldn't help me, I remember her from this brief interaction. "For if I ever saw you, I didn't catch your name. But it never really mattered; I will always feel the same.." "Don't talk of love, .. I've heard the word before; It's sleeping in my memory. I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died. If I never loved I never would have cried..." "The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil." (Is. 57:1) Although there may not be a place reserved for her in heaven as there was for Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc, I am sure that she overcame the devil by the word of her testimony; she did not love her life so much as to shrink from death. (Rev. 12:11) I will do my best to ensure that memories of Julie will shine like the brightness of the heavens, like the stars for ever and ever. (Dan. 12:3) RIP Julie Angela Luciano 2/27/03! Your work lives on after you. As for Health Care reform, one of the major objectives should be to produce health care specialists who can recognize and safely remove bacterial infections from infected breasts without resorting to such banal pursuits as biopsies that promote more severe infections. They should also be able to recognize and deal with illnesses brought on by all other bioterrorist and chemical warfare tactics of the Bush Nazis. What these Nazis call "just a little bit" is usually a fatal dose, and it is not "harmless stuff" as they say it is! Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes are just a few of the ailments that could only have been dreamed up by Hitler himself.
See ; ; or . Also see
10/22 Banned from My Space Forums again! Comment on Fibromyalgia is Real, and Painful! General Health Forum: "Fibromylagia is probably brought on by calcification of the muscles and the joints by petroleum. I have had petroleum poisoning twice, and it is the most painful affliction there is. The only remedy that I believe works is lemon juice from fresh squeezed lemons, not concentrate, along with copious quantities of pure water like water you find in Poland Spring clear containers. That is the only way to get those toxins out of the body. Airplanes dump billions of gallons of aviation fuel into the atmosphere every year. When it evaporates into the air, it doesn't break down. It is the leading cause of asthma, which leads to death via calcification of the lungs. Acne is also a fatal disease brought on by exposure to gas in the air. Medical treatment for these aliments usually involves more petroleum products. Calcification is an irrreversal process that just keeps progressing and calcifying the related organs until organ failure results in death."
In my neck of the woods they are contaminating billions of gallons of water with petroleum in order to extract enough natural gas to run a space heater to keep you warm while you die of petroleum poisoning. I vote that we give them all nicotine gum soaked in bile duct toxins so that their stupidity will live forever. (Ps. 78:22) 11/18 Since the groundwater flows east to the ocean in this part of the country, all hell will probably break loose when the contaminated groundwater from drilled sites in Pennsylvania reaches New Jersey; i.e. if anyone in New Jersey drinks groundwater. Note that a big oil company is buying one of the drilling companies. I bet that Big Oil finances all of them and is only interested in those that actually produce a profitable amount of gas; i.e. they are probably tapping into a gas well by accident, for what they get out of shale could probably never be profitable.
Blog update: Regarding their throwing gas when I am swimming at the YMCA, I suspect that they do this everywhere. The people who use the pool when I am in it do not know enough to breathe deep and exhale completely; thus they do not detect the effects of gas in the air until after they leave the pool, if at all. Without deep breathing the fluid that is produced by the damaged lung tissue from inhaling gas fumes is not detected, for it does not make you cough. What's really insane is that the Gad damn lifeguards are spraying this stuff, probably saying, "It's just a little bit! It can't be serious if he's not talking to the Nazi authorities. He can't hear; he can't do anything about it." Not a one of them seems to know what it means to do an aerobic workout. Don't they understand that one of the physical objectives of working out is to increase oxygenation of your metabolism; i.e. your lung capacity through the inhalation of larger and larger amounts of air? They probably do, but they would rather play this stupid Nazi game. (Jer. 5:26) Maybe it would help to duct tape them to a light pole a la Alan Harper in Two and a Half Men, spray their "harmless" Quick Start or Butane ("It doesn't say that it's gas!") into their faces until they start coughing, and keep it up until they stop coughing. Tell them that it will make them stop coughing too! Show them what that stuff does. Leave the empty cans all around too. See what the medical professions says happened. 11/29 "To Whom It May Concern: I am losing two or three fingernails because of the "harmless" mites that these Bush Nazis have been throwing on me. They say that it is a joke and it is harmless if I don't go see a doctor. Yank out their fingernails with vise grips and see if they laugh." 11/30 I figured out how the illustrious English doctor of Jethro Tull probably came up with the music that has been making the whole world shout and shake for over forty years. When he was in school or some other place, he was surrounded by dumkopf Nazis who would be spouting utter gibberish constantly. What he did was record that gibberish and use a sound synthesizer or something like that to isolate and/or amplify that gibberish so that it became the most fanatical music that anyone has ever heard. Don't be surprised if they start trying to eliminate the source of that music so that no one else can do such a thing. 12/6 The Bush Nazis have been throwing nicotine at me everywhere I go to the point where the kidney and back pain is excruciating; i.e "the pangs of childbirth". (Rev. 2:6,9 Is. 13:8; Jer. 22:23) This pain only strikes those who have toxic levels of nicotine in their bodies already. Other people who are exposed to it may experience no symptoms at all or maybe only the tell-tale immediate bowel and bladder evacuation that is so characteristic of exposure to nicotine. Can you imagine what Hitler's Health Care would probably tell you? "We can fuse your spine for that, and you'll never feel that pain again!" This nicotine assault came after weeks of keeping my apartment roasting from a superheated basement which resulted in temperatures up to 97 degrees. 12/11 From Nicotine Madness in GHW Bush; Amigo del Diablo 6/07 "Nicotine can be absorbed from guts, lungs, and skin. Ingestion of small amounts of nicotine, a bitter-tasting compound, causes vomiting, nausea, headaches, salivation, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, agitation, a rapid weak pulse, and bowel and bladder evacuation. Larger amounts cause convulsions, extreme weakness, confusion, paralysis, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. Even though it says that ingestion of nicotine causes the blood vessels to collapse, they say that they still haven't linked it to peripheral vascular disease...The fatal dose is listed as 40 milligrams per kilogram." Nicotine (an alkaloid) usually comes as a thick white oil that turns brown upon exposure to air; thus the Y locker room was covered with this brown dust. Small amounts can be a stimulant, but larger amounts produce paralysis, vasoconstriction, and tachycardia. I am not sure what causes this pain, for there is very little written on it. It is "flank pain" that could arise from alkalosis; i.e. a PH imbalance from too many alkaloids in the blood, or it may be related to the vasoconstricting effects of nicotine on the kidneys just as the vasoconstricting effects of cyanide produces heart pain. 12/16 So they continue throwing nicotine and mites here, especially at the supermarket. They know that there is no way that I will seek advice from a doctor, and they say that there is nothing happening if I don't. Note that the news reports that blurred vision has become a common problem nationwide and that is one of the symptoms of nicotine poisoning. The nicotine also makes my fingers numb, and the flank pain is still noticeable whenever I lie down. As far as their use of insects to terrorize and/or kill goes, they have probably been doing that for 1,000s of years. I figured that they infected my fingers so bad when I went into the drug store and left my gloves on the bike seat. Using heat, epsom, and sulphur, I've managed to stop the destruction of my fingernails at the half way point. It seems like thousands of mites went in because I wore the contaminated gloves for a few hours. 12/18 I read that Napolean Bonaparte had a severe scabies problem. I bet that he always had his hand in his vest because he lost some fingernails from it. 12/19 As a matter of fact, I bet he lost some of his fingers! 12/31 Those who play with these insects should have something like psych ward restraining mittens filled with baby scorpions and mites locked on their hands to show them what those insects can do. They would go insane trying to get those mittens off. 1/4 Looks like I am going to lose the nail on my middle finger. Couldn't stop the destruction at the base of the nail, for they are throwing these mites at me everywhere I go. No! The fingernail does not grow back, and it leaves a sorry-looking sore when there is no nail. 1/6 After finding Mom's Cable disconnected for the third time and after having experience a lot of interference on my TV, I realize that cable TV is much worse than broadcast TV. It's impossible to talk to Time Warner too. Twenty minutes on the computer to talk to a moron that can't type! This is all probably part of a scheme to free up TV broadcast signal frequencies so that the Nazis can monitor computer chips that have been implanted in people. I bet that Hitler's Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person's thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a "shrewd device"))
COMPUTER CHIP INFO: If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: "If you don't believe what I say about Bush Daddy saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la "Dick Tracy" that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God's word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the "son of perdition", the "man of lawlessness" (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy's own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord's words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)" (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately "neutralized".) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. Infrared radiation is audible to a small proportion of the population, especially those who have been subjected to significant levels of it. It is located on the electromagnetic spectrum between visible and invisible frequencies thus you can see it sometimes too. GHW Bush apparently can never stop the broadcasts of what people tell him; thus I hear a lot of revealing information about the activities of the SERPENT that I can confirm in my own way and relay to you. Let me also tell you that several times a day when my voice is being broadcasted, I inform those that can hear the broadcast of the latest news, message for the day, etc. I have written more on this in my blog.
Letter to Brainless Relative, 12/30/09
Went to see Mom yesterday after dislocating my knee on ice that was intentionally put at the base of Eaton St. on Front St. Saw one of the Chamberlains (Jeff Chamberlain is my landlord, Coolidge Properties) walking away from the scene. They put a slippery substance that freezes @ 36 degrees on the road. It's happened before! Swam 2400 that morn, went to supermarket, and pedaled to Endicott and back (20 mi.). That is the only way to ward off shock when that happens. Just keep moving. 4th time in my life I've dislocated that knee. Using a crutch and knee brace today. Walking is the best way to heal it. So Mom was told to never let me see what medicines she was taking, and I was asking for over a year. Myasthenia gravis is what they say that they prescribed the Pyridostigmine for. It says that it is an autoimmune disease characterized by flaccid paralysis and extreme weakness of the muscles. Major symptoms by which such a diagnosis is made are flaccid paralysis (like dead meat. These are the throat muscles for swallowing that they are talking about. I suspect that it could be related to scurvy; i.e. lack of Vit. C, for that causes the muscles to atrophy and/or that dental retainer that she wears in her mouth for a loose tooth. If the tooth was loose, that is probably from scurvy too; thus it should have been pulled.), ptosis (eyelid drooping), dysarthria (trouble articulating speech), and diplopia (double vision). She says that she had none of them. As for the meds that she is taking, Atenolol and Pyridostigmine, both have in common the side effects of labored breathing, wheezing, dizziness, fatigue, vertigo, rapid or slow heartbeat, and red-purple spots on the skin. The Pyridostigmine was prescribed by a nurse, most likely when she was at the home a few years ago. Both of those medications are compounding a condition that she had to begin with. Tom says that she has an appointment in two weeks. I would be surprised if she makes it if she is taking that much of those medicines. I am apparently the only one who is willing to look that stuff up and investigate it. It's no good! It has already shortened her life to an extreme. Love, Bobby PS Maybe the best solution is for her to swear off doctors and use an oxygen tank to get around; i.e. a small 2-3 pound plastic tank that can be carried in her purse with a mask on a cord so she can take a few breaths of oxygen whenever needed. You have probably never seen such a tank. Do you wonder why? The Nazis probably throw gas and other lung irritants at anyone who they know is using an oxygen tank, for more often than not, the Nazis are the ones who made the tanks necessary for survival. 1/16 When I wiped out on the bike, I hit my knee right where the computer chip is. There were three dime-size wounds from the impact, and the wound directly over the computer chip formed a blue-green scab while the other two were flesh colored. I believe that indicates the release of copper into my bloodstream from the copper wires of the electrode and that the chip is less than a half inch under the skin, for the skin of the knee is very thin.
Comment 11/19 Toronto Globe and Mail: Obama: death for 9/11 mastermind at 11/19/2009 10:11 AM EST on That pig-faced Khalid is the one I saw up to Cornell as I revealed 2 and a half years ago: "3/16/07 .. When I revealed that I had seen Khalid Mohammed up at Cornell, his confessions instantly became a nonissue. GHW Bush said that they made him confess via sleep deprivation. GHW Bush also said that when the Bush Nazis learned that the Arabs were talking about knocking down skyscrapers with aircraft, they immediately made it happen, blaming it on the Arabs. There were no hijackers. The pilots were friends of the Bush Nazis. GHW Bush then said that Khalid Mohammed said, "Cornell? Sure I was up there. They helped me."; thus they instantly got rid of him...." They have replaced him with another Khalid. The pig-faced Khalid could not grow a beard like that! He had very little facial hair! The one they are trying is not the one who confessed!
Play Golf No More!
Thu, 12/24/2009 - 09:58 — ConcernedCanadian
It's a worthless sport. A bogus pursuit. Fiddlesticks! Poppycock! Diddley squat! Horse manure! They're wasting time when they could be out doing that which they were put here to do!
Tiger's Vindication 12/21
Without checking with His Spirit and confirming what I had done, I gave Tiger Woods the words that would have vindicated him; i.e. Tiger - "She knew how to copulate really well!"; but Tiger did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance. (Ps. 78:22) I tried to put words in Tiger's mouth so that all who raged against him would be ashamed and disgraced; those who opposed him would have been as nothing and perished. (Ex. 4:11; Is. 51:16; Jer. 7:23) No weapon forged against Tiger would have prevailed, and he would have refuted every tongue that accused him. That is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and that is their vindication from Him. (Is. 54:17) Can you imagine what would have happened every time they mentioned one of Tiger's women if he had answered; "She knew how to copulate really well!"? Tiger would have turned their own tongues against them and brought them to ruin. (Ps. 64:8) The first few probably wouldn't even have known what "copulate" meant! The prostitutes! The Reporters! Every one of them would have brought themselves to ruin trying to make something of Tiger having said such a thing and continuing to say only that about the whole thing. The same was probably true for Spitzer, for all he had to do was claim that he was impotent. "But he came in my mouth!" "Can you prove that?:" Let Tiger seek the Lord while He may be found and follow whatever the Spirit recommends via the instructions contained herein. (Is. 55:6)
Comment after: Woods taking 'indefinite break' Globe and Mail Sports 12/12
GHW Bush, the "man of lawlessness, the son of perdition", is the one behind Tiger's downfall. (2 Thess. 2:3) All Bush does is mind other people's business and play with their lives. Remember Tiger riding in a golf cart with GHW and Barbara? Tiger apparently would not support Bush's iniquity. Since anyone turning away from evil becomes a prey, Bush's cronies are using Tiger's sexual dalliances to divert attention from Bush's murderous pasttimes. (Is. 59:15) Time to bring Bush into the light so we can see what his true colors are. (John 3:19-21) No More Delay!
12/14 Bah! Tiger probably deserves whatever he gets. After all I wrote on Spitzer and how brainless the prostitutes of the SERPENT are, there is no way that Tiger should have fallen into their clutches. "Oh my! She knows how to copulate? Whoever heard of such a thing?" So be careful when you question these Bushes. GHW Bush claims that he is so important that he can throw toxic substances and deadly insects at anyone who questions him. 12/15 Golf is probably a favorite of the Bush Nazis because it involves an abnormal motion that results in spinal injuries and much more. The same holds true for aerobic classes that stress exercises like those that involve deep knee bends. Few people have knees strong enough to do such exercises without immediately suffering serious injury. 12/19 Why would prostitutes be allowed to hang out at a golf club? 12/21 I wonder if golf fanatics would be interested in golf if there were no golf clubs or prostitutes at the clubhouses. I believe that all of the interest is contrived, and the spectators at tournaments are probably paid to "ooh" and "ah" over every stroke like these golfers were "The Girl from Impanema". It is probably a trap for people who are in poor physical condition to disable them. (Jer. 5:26) When this game appeared @ 800 years ago, they banned it because it was keeping soldiers from archery practice. Maybe we should ban it today because it is keeping golfers from producing Devil's offspring with the prostitutes. Build tent cities for the prostitutes all over the courses. Better hurry cause the Devil's worried; he knows that his time is short. (Rev. 12:12)
Agnostic Incarnate
Thafe Thaviour thaves!
To save your intelligence,
Will cut off your head!
"You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1)
Not only that but you must also remember the new moon and the full moon Love Festivals of Hooterville and Chairman Gonzales (Gonzalo?); i.e. Abimael Guzman of the Shining Path Guerillas, for he is Cyrus, and Cyrus says, "The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you—may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem."
Related piece from Pine Crest School 72-75 and Pine Crest Swimming Facebook pages: How the Bush Nazis Cemented Control of Florida
SOUTH FLORIDA BLUES: I have mentioned the beheading of Mary Petkash on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale in 1971 here and in my blog (Hidden Things You Do Not Know). She was a high-strong woman who had been coming to PC to catch my brother Tom, who was training there and living in Miami. Chip Bradley showed me the police blotter describing this incident in Coach's office and explained what "decapitation" meant when I asked him. Then I revealed that this was the Mary who had been up to the pool. This was spring 71, and we were training for nationals in Spokane. I had thought that it was May, but now I realize that it must have been April. Attempts to retrieve this article from Ft. Laud. Govt. have been futile, for they ask too much. Attempts to convince my brother that Mary is dead have been futile; plus there is some dumkopf named Billy Bollander (BBolla) who showed up @ 79 saying that he was Mary and Tom's kid. This guy was behind me being locked up for three years by Nazi Mental Health. Well last night GHW Bush told me that Mary's killing and beheading happened at PC. As I remember the blotter, it did mention something about the murder having happened elsewhere. Was this a continuation of the SERPENT takeover of Florida that really picked up speed when Jim Morrison was pulled off the stage and "rolled" in Miami Hoyt auditorium? I bet PC filled up with SERPENTs when I went there too. That is why so few swimmers excelled. They were emotionless people. They couldn't get psyched up to save their lives if they had to. Such murders and the suppression of news accounts of them is how Bush and the Nazi SERPENT rule by terror. I have been trying to get them to post a copy of the police blotter. As I found when I went searching for the day of my grandfather's death, the cemetaries are probably one of the few places that will give you information without charge etc. That is, they could go to the place where Mary would most likely be buried in a pauper's grave and obtain the day of death from them by giving them the approximate date then go find the police blotter describing what happened. 12/18 The Spirit confirms that Mary was only abducted at Pine Crest; thus she was probably duped into thinking that Tom was there again. 1/11 I have determined and GHW Bush has confirmed that Billy Bollander and Terry Garahan have been allies in this plot to interfere with my life from the very beginning; thus it is a continuing criminal enterprise.
Hasta luego, adios ye scurvy dogs with your petrol-calcified bodies! Don't forget that organ failure is a sign that your demise is at hand. My distinguished adviser, Len says that the brain is the first to go! Not to worry, you haven't used yours in years! You could always get a free fool shot. I hear that it's painless. They administer it right between the eyes. Or you could take it by mouth. Whatever the case, keep your powder dry!
See if these links are any good:
PS Got another appointment with Nazi Mental Health today 1/4/10. I think that they all need "locked glove" or "Light Pole Therapy"; i.e. tape them to a light pole a la Alan Harper in Two and a Half Men and throw every Gad damn thing that they throw at me at them! These Bush Nazis have been bugging me nonstop for over 15 years with harassment and toxic substances, and for the past two years they have been bombarding me with poisonous insects. They say that their doing this to me is proof that I have a problem. To keep me coming in to see bogus professionals so that they can point the finger and wag the tongue is the height of absurdity. The Day of the Lord can never come too soon for me! 1/4 appt. went okay.
PS to GHW Bush and company: Regarding your continuous interference in my affairs. Did I say that you couldn't do that? No! As it is written, I said, "Anyone who wishes to harm me must die!" (Rev. 11:5)
To My Friends in Seattle: Seattle IMC is not accessible most of the time. I hope you realize that hackers, using secret access codes and supercomputers disable tbe addresses of IMCs everywhere. That is why they don't work.
That is why they don't work.
End of this address keeps diappearing! 1/24 Let me add here that these hackers are probably using supercomputers anywhere that they are located. I was trying to write to my Coach at Pine Crest for the second time, and I find that my emails are not getting through. That also happens practically every time that I write to any other contact or join any website. I only get to contact them once before all further contact is blocked. What these supercomputer users probably do is create bogus sites for those addresses, names, and/or my name and email address; thus any further attempts to contact those sites is blocked and/or intercepted because the supercomputer moves so much faster than the standard computer that it is able to intercept those attempts to contact by posing as the intended address. The computer world has always made a big deal of the speed of calculation of supercomputers; but the speed of connecting or access is probably the most important reason that they want supercomputers. When I first started using computers up at Cornell, I witnessed the speed of supercomputers when my computer was somehow linked up to one by hackers. It took @ a tenth of a second to access any sites as opposed to the normal second or second and a half; thus it is easy to intercept anything using a supercomputer for all standard communication is moving at a "snail's pace compared to the supercomputer. If the hackers are using government access codes (As I have mentioned, Key Block is probably one of the ways that hackers obtain access codes.) they are able to use these computers and block access because allowing government access is probably something that the owners of all supercomputers are required to do in order to utilize such a computer. The same probably holds true for a lot of disabled websites; they have opted to allow the government to access those sites probably in the name of "national security". 1/30 Supercomputers should be banned from the Internet! Let them do their supercalculations offline!
Re: Earthquake in Haiti: "Listen to me you island nations.." as I revealed a long time ago, those quakes are on a fault that runs right thru Washington, DC; "Babylon on the Potomac"; thus these quakes herald the end of Babylon when the great city is split in three. (Is. 49:1; Rev. 16:19; 18:10,21) 1/17 Did you notice former White House puppet Dumb Boy being telepromted and hogging the spotlight as he teamed up with Bro Bubba Bill to raise funds for Haiti? Is Dumb Boy going to paint his face white so he can mingle with the natives? BBB - "Gee Dumb Boy! You're stupider than your old man!" DB - "I'll get back to you on that!"
"Aw! Heck! Just keelhaul the whole lot of them!" FYI Bush Nazis in Florida, California, Maine, and Texas immediately initiated efforts to ban keelhauling! 1/29 Have their own followers cover these Bushes from head to toe with these insects and other toxic "harmless stuff" and show them what a joke it is. When you do "light pole therapy", you don't touch them. Make them stand up against a pole with a sword or something like that and have someone run around them with the tape. "Hitler never touched anybody!"
Note to Kweer Kali (i.e. Kweer Kalifornia): 1/30 What they did to me in the finals of the 100 yard butterfly at the NCAAs in Long Beach in 1974 was the same thing as someone hijacking your car every time you get in it until you quit driving! Think about it! Don't you think that you have to want a NCAA championship more than you wanted a car? I got to swim once after high school at the Navy-Cornell duel meet '73. Get a film of the medley relay in that meet, and you will see why I was positive that I could win the NCAAs. FYI Navy films all meets! 1/31 GHW Bush says that they started hijacking Nazi vehicles in California immediately. He says they would take their vehicles, smash them up in @ 20 feet, and get out and toss the keys to the owner saying, "What's the matter? Can't you drive?"; thus witnesses would be on hand to claim that this owner is trying to blame someone else for his dismal driving skills.
Imp Tossing! Keelhauling! What Not?
Sun, 01/24/2010 - 16:21 — ConcernedCanadian
Imp tossing probably started in Ithaca with their favorite imp, Terry Garahan pushing alleged suicides into the gorges from grassy overlooks - "This is my favorite spot!" Now I hear that they have been tossing imps from high rises in the midwest. Is this the rage of the future?
Note that alleged Social Worker Garahan was always one of the first to arrive on the scenes of these alleged suicides. "I'm sure he was suicidal! Why he was even mouthing off to ME!" Thus if the alleged suicide was not already dead, he or she would surely die on the way to the hospital. More often than not, these alleged suicides were probably Garahan's own imps who had refused to do his bidding. 1/14 If the Nazis had not deleted my articles of 2001-2003, you would remember the "Communications Glitches" of the Gad damn Gar-Gan tribe of Tompkins County and how Garahan controlled Tompkins County Social Services (i.e. TC Mental Health) by intercepting every single incoming call via an answering machine. They let Garahan do whatever he wants in Ithaca because Secret Service has backed him up ever since he had a hand in pulling Jim Morrison off the stage in Miami Hoyt Auditorium and stuffing excrement in his mouth. Garahan was @ 17 years old at the time.
The foolproof plan of the Bush Nazis and Zionists in general is to have their imps (Devil's offspring) harass you or bombard you with Nazi inanity, for no one can question the stupidity or the criminality of their impish offspring. (Ez. 23:37) 1/6 Broadcast frequencies monitoring everything you do.
After I said that Dumb Boy's kid, Jenna looks like an imp; they reran Jenna's appearance on the Jay Leno Show. I then realized that Dumb Boy's wife, Laura was also probably an imp.
12/15 Did you notice how GHW Bush's kid, Dumb Boy looks like Alfred E. Neuman, the goofy impish icon of Mad Magazine somewhat? Do you think that his daughter Jenna also looks like an imp? Well I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. In such cases this imp look might very well be the "look on their faces that betrays them". (Is. 3:9) Note that the girl who murdered her roommate in Italy recently also looked like an imp. (My dictionary: imp = Devil's offspring) 12/28 That is why I asked you about Jenna. I saw her on the Leno show the first time. Did you notice the baby pictures of her? She did not have that look in the picture when she was @ 2 years old, but she did have it in the picture when she was @ 4 years old. She may have had her brains fried before she was two, but the look apparently takes time to develop. I suspect that this look may be the result of continuously contorting the face into a certain expression apparently from never being able to understand anything. Maybe it is a magnification of a quizzical look. Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. 12/29 Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps.
This all arises from: Bush BAAL Worship; i.e. A Nation of Bush Imps
As you should know from my Bush Daddy Religion article, the BAALs are Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabites of Sh*ttim.(Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! GHW Bush fried W's brain @ 55 years ago. They can't feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. Behold, they are less than nothing, and their works are utterly worthless; he who chooses them is detestable." (Is.41:23-24)
You have to listen to these Bush Nazis who worship excrement, don't you? It is a fatal mistake! Behold the Mystery of God: The mystery is how God is going to get rid of every damn one of you. By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror all the time are Al Qaeda themselves, posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil.(2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be "senseless and without knowledge"?(Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. "Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth".(Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.(Prov.14:12) It works! When you support senseless falsehoods, people just shake their head and walk away, saying, "I can't argue with such stupidity!" Now these Bush Nazis who set you up to support falsehoods are going to point the finger and say, "These are the sh*theads you want! Listen to them! They talk like idiots!" Isn't God's work strange?(Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5) "..a little while and the wicked will be no more"(Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life.(Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10) Someday they are probably going to tell you to stay home, and that will be the day that they come and get rid of you, claiming that you were one of them for having supported their falsehoods. (Jer. 18:22) They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!", and they are never going to see it.(Is.5:19) The fool just disappears. To where? Maybe Strawberry Fields.(Jer.9:22) As you should know, "those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) "Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields!" 3/12 In a lot of cases those who have been encouraged to talk like idiots are Nazi "bait", for the Nazis target anyone who comments on their idiotic talk.
CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) I am sure that some imps might find salvation assuring that God's words regarding His Temple etc. do not return to Him empty. (Is. 55:11) Don't forget that the lawless Bush Nazis are to be enslaved and "children will rule over them"! (Jer. 17:4; Is. 3:12) "The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth. Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts... O LORD, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them." (Is. 26:7,8,11) Thus the Lord says, "... I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. I will save you from all your uncleanness." (Ez. 36:24-27)
No More Delay
"..In the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets." (Rev.10:7) Bobby and half the world are convinced that the Bushes are Devil worshipping dunces! It is about time that the Bushes were called to account in order to prove this is true. (Prov. 26:26) Since you wouldn't question them sooner, you're all probably better off dead! Along with pieces addressing Bush Nazi rule of Florida and the fall of the Tiger, the most recent Nazi attempts to terrify and/or kill us with the flu, petroleum, nicotine, and cancer are chronicled here. Be free! Or be dismayed and filled with fear! The choice is yours! (Is. 42:7; 49:9; 41:23)
What they don't understand is that this country is suffering from an Epidemic of Dummies; i.e. a plague of dummies that is so prevalent that stupidity has become the norm; plus a lot of them behave like Moses has gone up on the mountaintop! (Exodus 32)
11/20 The media has relented on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines and now they are trying to terrify you with their cancer talk; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)
Have the Nazi Flu Fools Been Thraxing You?
gloucs | media and culture | news report Monday November 09, 2009 15:50 by His Witness - The Lord's meaderobe at gmail dot com
Fabricating an Epidemic
Fabricated medical sound bites! Vaccine hysteria! There is only one way to stop such asinine practices. You cannot contest the professed intelligence of these dumkopfs with the media and all the other Nazis backing them up.
The Nazi "Swine" Emergency! Houston IMC 4/27
author: Bobby Meade
Apr 27, 2009 11:54
Bush Nazis are bringing out the "big guns"; i.e. Swine Flu, and they are passing out free face masks that are probably as worthless as the ballyhooed vaccine at stopping the anthrax spores that have produced every flu epidemic there ever was. Don't get fooled again!
One surefire way to let people know what the media is all about would be to employ the prophesized number to save the gay media or quell the flu hysteria; i.e. Flu Buster (see attached No Greater Love image or find it in my blogs). Would you believe their falsehoods if they had that number on their foreheads?
Nazism in America - Curse of the Bush Nazis: "The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil." - Schiller. I bet you thought that Nazi was a religious term pertaining to the Nazarenes. Wrong! The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can't feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. 4/15 Don't forget that these Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. They are also probably the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. 10/3 The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler's Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism.
If you don't believe that every word that I say is true, consult the Holy Spirit: People talk about the Holy Spirit speaking to people when It doesn't. The Bible says that It will speak what It hears, which means that the Spirit will let you know when something or someone is from God. Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. "He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears (or sees), and He will tell you what is yet to come." (John 16:13) Read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is "yes", check the clouds, and you will see a "Y" or "Yes". 8/27 Keep in mind that the Devil is the sweetest Gad damn person that you are every going to meet! (2 Cor. 11:14; 1 John 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:7) I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God's Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19)
4/28 Even though there is no other substance that can duplicate the effects of exposure to anthrax spores, we have yet another round of anthrax attacks posing as a flu epidemic. This Swine Flu "epidemic" is most likely caused by "weapons grade anthrax" being broadcasted on selected populations to promote Swine Flu hysteria. Throughout my battle with insect infections of the past few months, GHW Bush and his Bush Nazi swine have been throwing a form of anthrax on me that produces immediate chills (fever) in an attempt to convince me that I am seriously sick from the bites and stings of these insects. This is why the disease experts are professing to have found a new type of flu, for the instantly debilitating effects of inhalation anthrax have been replaced by chills with this type of anthrax. In addition to throwing it at me at home and the libraries; they were also broadcasting it, most likely from their Eagle stealth helicoptors. I have looked up what is available on anthrax on the computer, and I am sure that my Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge is still the best account by far of anthrax, even though they give the "stage" to Hitler's Health Care. As I have publicized, The Center for Disease Control revealed that the initial symptoms of inhaling Anthrax may resemble a common cold. It produces a rise in body temperature, depression, spasms, respiratory or cardiac distress, trembling, staggering, convulsions, and death. It is the toxicity of the spores that affects people. They usually do not multiply within the body. Vaccines are delusional pursuits. Once affected individuals seek treatment for exposure to this stuff, it is an easy matter to eliminate whoever they want with an additional microscopic dose of the same. One millionth of a gram; i.e. 10-20,000 spores is a fatal dose! In addition to the initially targetted population in Mexico, the Bush Nazis will probably also keep broadcasting this stuff on selected populations in the states, especially those who have been reading my reports on their stupidity. It is easy to promote the outbreaks because there has been a significant number of spores in the atmosphere for the duration of this scheme. The vaccine shortage scenario is apparently promoted by Bush Nazis, pretending to be in distress about not getting their vaccine. A good solution would probably be to inject these hypocrites with multiple doses of that vaccine and find out what the heck is in it and what it does. Don't forget that these Nazis also move on the meat industry by broadcasting anthrax in meat-producing localities because most coprophagists can no longer digest meat. 9/23 As I have revealed, "..the Karposi Sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was cutaneous Anthrax, and I witnessed similar sores on an Irish lad who was apparently infected by handling dead animals at Cornell Vet School, which was illegally producing the stuff." This was after I read @ 2000 of Cornell being considered as a potential site where Anthrax would be produced for the government then reading that site was rejected. After reading that North Carolina was being similarly considered as a site for Anthrax production, I realized and GHW Bush confirmed that this was a Bush Nazi scheme that happens everywhere and is usually not publicized in the name of national security. It's all a sham, and "Fedya Guvmint Thugs" probably show up and say that they want to prove to the government that this site can successfully produce Anthrax by producing a sample batch after it has been publicized that the site was rejected. I bet the current flu strain is the result of having isolated then successfully cultured a variant of Anthrax that is different from what is normally used to infect the populace. Such sites are where the Anthrax is coming from to terrorize the population with the current Swine Flu. I bet that there are hundreds of sites nationwide that are producing Anthrax that way, for all you need is dead animals to produce Anthrax. Note that the Bush Nazis also destroy IMC sites in such localities to prevent anyone from revealing what is happening. Most Canadian sites, Ithaca IMC, and just recently North Carolina IMC have been disabled. As for the dumkopfs who believe that viruses look like and have cell walls like bacteria does, "...viruses are submicroscopic infectious agents that are made up of genetic material not complete cells, so are not considered living organisms." 9/25 It seems like there may be more than one type of vaccine, and one type has something like Anthrax spores in it that produce a skin reaction. FYI: From Militant Bush Nazis in the Works 2007: "...A lot of these chemicalmongering Bush Nazis worship Moses because such stuff came via him. The first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-third of the world population. Anthrax is a Biblical Greek word from Exodus 9:9; Deut. 28:27. I've seen pictures of Anthrax spores, round with pointed bumps on them,..." Note that these scientific sh*theads claim that the flu of 1918, the Spanish Flu, was also H1N1. 10/7 After WWI the dead horses along with many dead soldiers (?!) were apparently left in the battlefields; thus they were innoculated with anthrax via the mouth, then the spores filled their bloated bodies via their stomachs. When the winds started blowing in March 1918, these bloated bodies were probably hacked open to release the spores and distribute them worldwide. This flu was very severe in war torn Europe, but there are few details on the severity of it there or the spread of it. In the US the weather appeared to be instrumental in the spread of it, for it started on the east coast. "It was called "three-day fever", "purple death", "purulent bronchitis", "sand fly fever", "Blitzkatarrh", or "Flanders fever", for the "virus" ravaged its victim's lungs. Sometimes within hours, patients succumbed to complete respiratory failure. Within hours these patients turned a bluish-black hue indicative of cyanosis, or lack of oxygen. Those with black feet were considered beyond help and were carted off to die." When I endured continuous anthrax onslaught for several months on Geneva St. in Ithaca, I remember losing my voice and having a cough that I will never forget. I am sure that the severity of the Spanish Flu was proportional to the number of spores inhaled; thus high concentrations of spores caused fluid-filled lungs and the resulting cyanosis very rapidly. 10/8 The high concentration of flu victims on the east coast of the US was apparently due to the returning soldiers being stationed there. They were probably detaining any soldier who had a fever and murdering them with more anthrax. 10/11 Encyclopedia Britannica claims that this flu came from Kansas! World Book says that there was 800,000 deaths in the US and 25 million worldwide. I believe that the returning soldiers were the main target, especially immigrant soldiers, and that their deaths were not listed by the military even if they were detained and died in VA hospitals because their discharges were immediately effective when they returned to the US. Having endured an anthrax-induced fever for more than a month, I know that there was no way out for any soldier who was being exposed to that stuff. 10/14 GHW Bush says that the current flu deaths are targeted people and/or their relatives. I believe that the tell-tale cyanosis does not develop in most cases because the victims are dispatched so quickly. 10/16 Since anthrax spores were proven to have lasted 1000s of years when they were found in the pyramids of Egypt, these soldiers and many other alleged victims of the flu should be exhumed to prove what killed them. (Ez. 37:12-13) 10/17 "Fedya Guvmint" mentions flu deaths but no location is given. That is probably so that they can conceal the source of the anthrax and the people throwing it while they promote their epidemic myth. Fort Devens, Boston was the site of many flu deaths in 1918. Worcester IMC removed what I wrote on this. I bet these sh*t-eating Bushes were visiting detained soldiers, saying; "Thrax this one! Thrax that one! Thrax the whole lot of them!" That was a naval base. I bet the Navy is full of sh*t-eating homosexual Devil worshippers for letting the Bushes get their foot in the door.
From Canadian My Space Biology Forum: "..The picture of the anthrax bacterium is composed of conglomerates (rods) of spores. Show me the individual spore. The influenza virus picture is not a virus. It is probably a bacteria that has been smudged so you cannot see details of it. A true virus would never assume such a shape. It definitely looks like cells. Explain how a virus can supposedly produce the instantly debilitating effects of the flu. There is no way that a virus could replicate that fast or affect the body in such a way. It is the toxins of the anthrax spores that produce such results when inhaled. No other substance can do that! ....What's the magnification of the electron microscope? Is it considered submicroscopic? I doubt it. How many nucleotides (i.e. "building blocks" of DNA) are contained in the actual true virus? Very few! And they cannot be photographed! You see those little round objects in the rods? Those are the spores...." 10/24 I've read reports that the flu of 1918 was characterized by rapidly appearing purple blotches on the skin. In light of this, I suspect that they were throwing some cyanide-containing compound in conjuntion with the anthrax to make that happen in order to justify quarantining the soldiers. The death toll of returning WW I soldiers at Fort Devens has apparently been concealed, for they were probably sent someplace else to die, most likely Connecticut. In reply to the professed intellectual in the Biology Forums I also told him that I've estimated that there was @ 45 million atoms in the chromosomes that were photographed by plant scientists and became the foundation of genetics. I then asked how many atoms were in the average true virus. I am sure that it is just a fraction of the number in a chromosome. These pictures of the alleged H1N1 virus are most likely bacteria spores composed of billions of atoms. 11/5 Keep in mind that the symptoms that arise from exposure to anthrax spores can vary quite a bit depending on how many spores you have inhaled and how often you inhaled them.
11/6 I was investigating the death rate from the 1918 flu epidemic and found a lot of info in the Hog River Journal; Hartford, CT. Connecticut and Pennsylvania suffered the most losses, especially among immigrant populations such as the Italians, Russians, and southern Europeans. It claims that 500,000 died in the US and 100,000,000 died worldwide. My grandfather probably died from this flu, which he was apparently stricken with while celebrating the end of WWI. He died a month later. I bet there was a stream of kind caring Nazis visiting him and throwing anthrax on him until he finally succumbed. As the flu of 1918 continued in 1919, I noticed that there was a rise in deaths attributed to pneumonia, for they were apparently trying to conceal that there was still a flu epidemic. The most memorable sign of the flu to many people was a "white cloth over nose and mouth". I bet that this worked much better than the masks that they pass out today, for the cloth mask becomes moist and that traps anthrax spores. Those spores easily pass through the masks that they pass out today. Todays epidemic is being created by the media more or less with fabricated "sound bites" of scientific Nazis pretending to battle the flu in hospitals and laboratories that could be anywhere. They probably want to conceal the locations of any deaths so that no one can prove that anthrax is behind this sham. They have also fabricated a shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, claiming that people are clamoring for it; thus there are many different companies producing this vaccine with some being more toxic than others. The more toxic shots are probably reserved for targeted people. It seems like symptoms of the cutaneous form of anthrax within the blood may develop if the H1N1 vaccine includes anthrax spores or fragments of them. Such anthrax symptoms include itching, internal hemorrhage, muscle pain, headache, fever, and vomiting. It all appears to be a scheme to inject the population with vaccines containing anthrax in order to disable people via the side effects of medications used to treat the symptoms arising from the toxified vaccines. There is no way that you can talk to them at all about their fabrications regarding their toxified vaccines or their alleged pictures of the virus. Bah! Circular viruses! Since when does a piece of genetic material have the ability to form cell walls or assume a circular shape like that? 11/10 Keep in mind that the anthrax spores that look like a ball with pointed bumps on them are anthrax in its dessicated shape; i.e. the shape of the the airborne spores of inhalation anthrax. Once the spores absorb moisture, those bumps are no longer that visible. Also these spores are easily viewed under a microscope. 11/18 Since God has challenged the kind caring Nazis of Samaria; i.e. the medical profession to "...Do something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear" (Is. 41:23); they are now using the media to terrorize you with their cancerous fabrications; i.e. every cancer that you can imagine. 11/30 I am not kidding when I say that no one can talk to these Nazis. Consider that no one was ever able to talk to the Bushes even when they were in the White House. That is the foolproof plan of the SERPENT that is Zionism. In regard to the "look on their faces that will betray them" (Is. 3:9), consider that any time you ask or tell these Nazis something, they will get a look of professed intelligence on their faces while they appear to be pondering what you said or asked. What they are really pondering is which of the numerous tested Nazi retorts they will give you in order to dismiss or brush off whatever you have said. They even used such stuff to dismiss the efforts of teachers to teach them anything in their encounters with the educational system. FYI: In "Ring around the rosey, A pocketful of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down."; "ashes" probably refers to the "soot" of anthrax. "We all fall down" because anthrax affects you within ten seconds! Maybe it was "Anthrax! anthrax! We all fall down!" 1/6/10 They are still promoting their flu epidemic delusions in order to continue injecting as many people as possible with their toxified vaccines in the same way as they continuously harass me trying to get me to go talk to Nazi authoriities about their harassment. It is reported that @ 3,000 people have died from this alleged epidemic and that @ 500,000 usually die during a normal flu season. What kind of an epidemic is that?
BREAST CANCER Terror via Samaria's SERPENTINE Fools 12/2009
From my experience with a severe breast infection earlier this year that was caused by insects and my prior reported revelations about the medical profession, I am certain that few women are prepared to deal with the scientific mumbo jumbo about cancer that the Bush Nazis are now terrorizing everyone with. I believe that most cases of breast cancer probably arise from breast infections that are caused by parasitic mites, and I have made known that these mites are so small (@ 1 micron) that they leave no sign of entry, for they probably enter the breast via the nipple. I also believe that it is the physiology of the breast that makes it so difficult to drain an infected breast; thus it took @ 40 hours of soaking, squeezing, and manipulating the breast to force the poison out. I am sure that it would drive a woman insane to try to deal with a breast infection that way, for I believe that the physiology of the breast makes it necessary for the pus of the infection to exit via the nipple area no matter where in the breast the infection is. Keep in mind that the skin of the nipple is some of the toughest skin in the body. I presume that these mites are similar to those that cause scabies, but there is a lot of misleading and/or false information on such insects, so it is best not to bother with the details. The bodies of these insects are always contaminated, and that is what produces the infection. The toxins and bacteria cause the capillaries to burst and trap the toxins in a lump. The fat and connective tissue of the breast make it very hard to draw an infection out of it via soaking, manipulating, and squeezing. Only after @ a week of manipulation did the infection become visible beneath the areola of the nipple; i.e. bacteria-laden white, yellow, or green pus that can eventually be squeezed out. It took at least another week of soaking, squeezing, and manipulating in order to force the infection out through the areola. One must be extremely persistent in order to eradicate an infection this way. If it is not done, the body will try to seal it off, creating a more or less permanent lump that will consist of bacteria and toxified tissue, which may be released into the bloodstream at a later date by accident or even during an exam. If you are a targeted individual, they will probably try to convince you that a bacteria infection is cancer. Cancer is supposed to be an invasive growth of cells while bacteria causes the disintegration of cells. When I investigated prostate cancer, I could find no pictures of it, and the illustrations that I found showed the disintegration of cells akin to that which would be caused by a bacteria infection. A few years ago they tried to terrify me with bogus blood tests and an elevated PSA level in an apparent attempt to get my prostate biopsied. After learning that a biopsy involved taking @ six core samples via the rectum, a likely source of contamination; I went to a more or less legitimate doctor who allowed me to disregard the bogus blood tests. As a result of this, I concluded that most alleged prostate cancers are bacteria infections that never subside. 200,000 new US cases per year! Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping nicotine and calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, a symptom that leads to digital exams. Do you remember Biggie Smalls thanking the USPO for not violating his ass? Go find out if they are the ones who promoted this digital exam, saying they were fighting prostate cancer in the PO. Go try to find a picture of prostate cancer. Furthermore comedocarcinoma and carcinoma, alleged roving cancer cells, also sound like bacteria infections most likely promoted by medicines. Metastasis of cancer cells probably rarely happens. Keep in mind that carcinoma has allegedly been here for over fifty years. Keeping the labs separate from the medical profession has promoted such ignorance. Note that patients are told to bring their medicines to the office probably so that they can be confiscated and destroyed if the medicine has had its desired effect; thus it can never be proven what was in it. It's probably the same story with breast cancer. Lethal biopsies? "Let me feel it! I can fix it!" I was also told to go to the American Cancer Society and ask for pictures of cancer. I can imagine, "You must have cancer! You better come with us!" 1/29 Last night I told GHW Bush as he continued to bombard me with his parasitic mites that he's probably murdered hundreds of thousands of women with his insect-promoted breast cancer scam. One of his probable victims, Julie Luciano came to mind. As seems to be the rule with victims of the Bush Nazis, Julie was an incredibly beautiful woman. She was an advocate of education for the disabled, and I remember talking to her on the phone (TTY) the second time that I was locked up at the psych center. "But Julie this place is full of professional hypocrites! "The stupidest people on earth!" I will go anyplace and study anything rather than be locked up here!" I don't know what she did to attract the ire of the Bush Nazis. Maybe it was just her talking to or about me. I saw her in person once. Even though she was told that she couldn't help me, I remember her from this brief interaction. "For if I ever saw you, I didn't catch your name. But it never really mattered; I will always feel the same.." "Don't talk of love, .. I've heard the word before; It's sleeping in my memory. I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died. If I never loved I never would have cried..." "The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil." (Is. 57:1) Although there may not be a place reserved for her in heaven as there was for Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc, I am sure that she overcame the devil by the word of her testimony; she did not love her life so much as to shrink from death. (Rev. 12:11) I will do my best to ensure that memories of Julie will shine like the brightness of the heavens, like the stars for ever and ever. (Dan. 12:3) RIP Julie Angela Luciano 2/27/03! Your work lives on after you. As for Health Care reform, one of the major objectives should be to produce health care specialists who can recognize and safely remove bacterial infections from infected breasts without resorting to such banal pursuits as biopsies that promote more severe infections. They should also be able to recognize and deal with illnesses brought on by all other bioterrorist and chemical warfare tactics of the Bush Nazis. What these Nazis call "just a little bit" is usually a fatal dose, and it is not "harmless stuff" as they say it is! Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes are just a few of the ailments that could only have been dreamed up by Hitler himself.




10/22 Banned from My Space Forums again! Comment on Fibromyalgia is Real, and Painful! General Health Forum: "Fibromylagia is probably brought on by calcification of the muscles and the joints by petroleum. I have had petroleum poisoning twice, and it is the most painful affliction there is. The only remedy that I believe works is lemon juice from fresh squeezed lemons, not concentrate, along with copious quantities of pure water like water you find in Poland Spring clear containers. That is the only way to get those toxins out of the body. Airplanes dump billions of gallons of aviation fuel into the atmosphere every year. When it evaporates into the air, it doesn't break down. It is the leading cause of asthma, which leads to death via calcification of the lungs. Acne is also a fatal disease brought on by exposure to gas in the air. Medical treatment for these aliments usually involves more petroleum products. Calcification is an irrreversal process that just keeps progressing and calcifying the related organs until organ failure results in death."
In my neck of the woods they are contaminating billions of gallons of water with petroleum in order to extract enough natural gas to run a space heater to keep you warm while you die of petroleum poisoning. I vote that we give them all nicotine gum soaked in bile duct toxins so that their stupidity will live forever. (Ps. 78:22) 11/18 Since the groundwater flows east to the ocean in this part of the country, all hell will probably break loose when the contaminated groundwater from drilled sites in Pennsylvania reaches New Jersey; i.e. if anyone in New Jersey drinks groundwater. Note that a big oil company is buying one of the drilling companies. I bet that Big Oil finances all of them and is only interested in those that actually produce a profitable amount of gas; i.e. they are probably tapping into a gas well by accident, for what they get out of shale could probably never be profitable.
Blog update: Regarding their throwing gas when I am swimming at the YMCA, I suspect that they do this everywhere. The people who use the pool when I am in it do not know enough to breathe deep and exhale completely; thus they do not detect the effects of gas in the air until after they leave the pool, if at all. Without deep breathing the fluid that is produced by the damaged lung tissue from inhaling gas fumes is not detected, for it does not make you cough. What's really insane is that the Gad damn lifeguards are spraying this stuff, probably saying, "It's just a little bit! It can't be serious if he's not talking to the Nazi authorities. He can't hear; he can't do anything about it." Not a one of them seems to know what it means to do an aerobic workout. Don't they understand that one of the physical objectives of working out is to increase oxygenation of your metabolism; i.e. your lung capacity through the inhalation of larger and larger amounts of air? They probably do, but they would rather play this stupid Nazi game. (Jer. 5:26) Maybe it would help to duct tape them to a light pole a la Alan Harper in Two and a Half Men, spray their "harmless" Quick Start or Butane ("It doesn't say that it's gas!") into their faces until they start coughing, and keep it up until they stop coughing. Tell them that it will make them stop coughing too! Show them what that stuff does. Leave the empty cans all around too. See what the medical professions says happened. 11/29 "To Whom It May Concern: I am losing two or three fingernails because of the "harmless" mites that these Bush Nazis have been throwing on me. They say that it is a joke and it is harmless if I don't go see a doctor. Yank out their fingernails with vise grips and see if they laugh." 11/30 I figured out how the illustrious English doctor of Jethro Tull probably came up with the music that has been making the whole world shout and shake for over forty years. When he was in school or some other place, he was surrounded by dumkopf Nazis who would be spouting utter gibberish constantly. What he did was record that gibberish and use a sound synthesizer or something like that to isolate and/or amplify that gibberish so that it became the most fanatical music that anyone has ever heard. Don't be surprised if they start trying to eliminate the source of that music so that no one else can do such a thing. 12/6 The Bush Nazis have been throwing nicotine at me everywhere I go to the point where the kidney and back pain is excruciating; i.e "the pangs of childbirth". (Rev. 2:6,9 Is. 13:8; Jer. 22:23) This pain only strikes those who have toxic levels of nicotine in their bodies already. Other people who are exposed to it may experience no symptoms at all or maybe only the tell-tale immediate bowel and bladder evacuation that is so characteristic of exposure to nicotine. Can you imagine what Hitler's Health Care would probably tell you? "We can fuse your spine for that, and you'll never feel that pain again!" This nicotine assault came after weeks of keeping my apartment roasting from a superheated basement which resulted in temperatures up to 97 degrees. 12/11 From Nicotine Madness in GHW Bush; Amigo del Diablo 6/07 "Nicotine can be absorbed from guts, lungs, and skin. Ingestion of small amounts of nicotine, a bitter-tasting compound, causes vomiting, nausea, headaches, salivation, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, agitation, a rapid weak pulse, and bowel and bladder evacuation. Larger amounts cause convulsions, extreme weakness, confusion, paralysis, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. Even though it says that ingestion of nicotine causes the blood vessels to collapse, they say that they still haven't linked it to peripheral vascular disease...The fatal dose is listed as 40 milligrams per kilogram." Nicotine (an alkaloid) usually comes as a thick white oil that turns brown upon exposure to air; thus the Y locker room was covered with this brown dust. Small amounts can be a stimulant, but larger amounts produce paralysis, vasoconstriction, and tachycardia. I am not sure what causes this pain, for there is very little written on it. It is "flank pain" that could arise from alkalosis; i.e. a PH imbalance from too many alkaloids in the blood, or it may be related to the vasoconstricting effects of nicotine on the kidneys just as the vasoconstricting effects of cyanide produces heart pain. 12/16 So they continue throwing nicotine and mites here, especially at the supermarket. They know that there is no way that I will seek advice from a doctor, and they say that there is nothing happening if I don't. Note that the news reports that blurred vision has become a common problem nationwide and that is one of the symptoms of nicotine poisoning. The nicotine also makes my fingers numb, and the flank pain is still noticeable whenever I lie down. As far as their use of insects to terrorize and/or kill goes, they have probably been doing that for 1,000s of years. I figured that they infected my fingers so bad when I went into the drug store and left my gloves on the bike seat. Using heat, epsom, and sulphur, I've managed to stop the destruction of my fingernails at the half way point. It seems like thousands of mites went in because I wore the contaminated gloves for a few hours. 12/18 I read that Napolean Bonaparte had a severe scabies problem. I bet that he always had his hand in his vest because he lost some fingernails from it. 12/19 As a matter of fact, I bet he lost some of his fingers! 12/31 Those who play with these insects should have something like psych ward restraining mittens filled with baby scorpions and mites locked on their hands to show them what those insects can do. They would go insane trying to get those mittens off. 1/4 Looks like I am going to lose the nail on my middle finger. Couldn't stop the destruction at the base of the nail, for they are throwing these mites at me everywhere I go. No! The fingernail does not grow back, and it leaves a sorry-looking sore when there is no nail. 1/6 After finding Mom's Cable disconnected for the third time and after having experience a lot of interference on my TV, I realize that cable TV is much worse than broadcast TV. It's impossible to talk to Time Warner too. Twenty minutes on the computer to talk to a moron that can't type! This is all probably part of a scheme to free up TV broadcast signal frequencies so that the Nazis can monitor computer chips that have been implanted in people. I bet that Hitler's Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person's thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a "shrewd device"))
COMPUTER CHIP INFO: If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: "If you don't believe what I say about Bush Daddy saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la "Dick Tracy" that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God's word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the "son of perdition", the "man of lawlessness" (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy's own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord's words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9)" (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately "neutralized".) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. Infrared radiation is audible to a small proportion of the population, especially those who have been subjected to significant levels of it. It is located on the electromagnetic spectrum between visible and invisible frequencies thus you can see it sometimes too. GHW Bush apparently can never stop the broadcasts of what people tell him; thus I hear a lot of revealing information about the activities of the SERPENT that I can confirm in my own way and relay to you. Let me also tell you that several times a day when my voice is being broadcasted, I inform those that can hear the broadcast of the latest news, message for the day, etc. I have written more on this in my blog.
Letter to Brainless Relative, 12/30/09
Went to see Mom yesterday after dislocating my knee on ice that was intentionally put at the base of Eaton St. on Front St. Saw one of the Chamberlains (Jeff Chamberlain is my landlord, Coolidge Properties) walking away from the scene. They put a slippery substance that freezes @ 36 degrees on the road. It's happened before! Swam 2400 that morn, went to supermarket, and pedaled to Endicott and back (20 mi.). That is the only way to ward off shock when that happens. Just keep moving. 4th time in my life I've dislocated that knee. Using a crutch and knee brace today. Walking is the best way to heal it. So Mom was told to never let me see what medicines she was taking, and I was asking for over a year. Myasthenia gravis is what they say that they prescribed the Pyridostigmine for. It says that it is an autoimmune disease characterized by flaccid paralysis and extreme weakness of the muscles. Major symptoms by which such a diagnosis is made are flaccid paralysis (like dead meat. These are the throat muscles for swallowing that they are talking about. I suspect that it could be related to scurvy; i.e. lack of Vit. C, for that causes the muscles to atrophy and/or that dental retainer that she wears in her mouth for a loose tooth. If the tooth was loose, that is probably from scurvy too; thus it should have been pulled.), ptosis (eyelid drooping), dysarthria (trouble articulating speech), and diplopia (double vision). She says that she had none of them. As for the meds that she is taking, Atenolol and Pyridostigmine, both have in common the side effects of labored breathing, wheezing, dizziness, fatigue, vertigo, rapid or slow heartbeat, and red-purple spots on the skin. The Pyridostigmine was prescribed by a nurse, most likely when she was at the home a few years ago. Both of those medications are compounding a condition that she had to begin with. Tom says that she has an appointment in two weeks. I would be surprised if she makes it if she is taking that much of those medicines. I am apparently the only one who is willing to look that stuff up and investigate it. It's no good! It has already shortened her life to an extreme. Love, Bobby PS Maybe the best solution is for her to swear off doctors and use an oxygen tank to get around; i.e. a small 2-3 pound plastic tank that can be carried in her purse with a mask on a cord so she can take a few breaths of oxygen whenever needed. You have probably never seen such a tank. Do you wonder why? The Nazis probably throw gas and other lung irritants at anyone who they know is using an oxygen tank, for more often than not, the Nazis are the ones who made the tanks necessary for survival. 1/16 When I wiped out on the bike, I hit my knee right where the computer chip is. There were three dime-size wounds from the impact, and the wound directly over the computer chip formed a blue-green scab while the other two were flesh colored. I believe that indicates the release of copper into my bloodstream from the copper wires of the electrode and that the chip is less than a half inch under the skin, for the skin of the knee is very thin.
Comment 11/19 Toronto Globe and Mail: Obama: death for 9/11 mastermind at 11/19/2009 10:11 AM EST on That pig-faced Khalid is the one I saw up to Cornell as I revealed 2 and a half years ago: "3/16/07 .. When I revealed that I had seen Khalid Mohammed up at Cornell, his confessions instantly became a nonissue. GHW Bush said that they made him confess via sleep deprivation. GHW Bush also said that when the Bush Nazis learned that the Arabs were talking about knocking down skyscrapers with aircraft, they immediately made it happen, blaming it on the Arabs. There were no hijackers. The pilots were friends of the Bush Nazis. GHW Bush then said that Khalid Mohammed said, "Cornell? Sure I was up there. They helped me."; thus they instantly got rid of him...." They have replaced him with another Khalid. The pig-faced Khalid could not grow a beard like that! He had very little facial hair! The one they are trying is not the one who confessed!
Play Golf No More!
Thu, 12/24/2009 - 09:58 — ConcernedCanadian
It's a worthless sport. A bogus pursuit. Fiddlesticks! Poppycock! Diddley squat! Horse manure! They're wasting time when they could be out doing that which they were put here to do!
Tiger's Vindication 12/21
Without checking with His Spirit and confirming what I had done, I gave Tiger Woods the words that would have vindicated him; i.e. Tiger - "She knew how to copulate really well!"; but Tiger did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance. (Ps. 78:22) I tried to put words in Tiger's mouth so that all who raged against him would be ashamed and disgraced; those who opposed him would have been as nothing and perished. (Ex. 4:11; Is. 51:16; Jer. 7:23) No weapon forged against Tiger would have prevailed, and he would have refuted every tongue that accused him. That is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and that is their vindication from Him. (Is. 54:17) Can you imagine what would have happened every time they mentioned one of Tiger's women if he had answered; "She knew how to copulate really well!"? Tiger would have turned their own tongues against them and brought them to ruin. (Ps. 64:8) The first few probably wouldn't even have known what "copulate" meant! The prostitutes! The Reporters! Every one of them would have brought themselves to ruin trying to make something of Tiger having said such a thing and continuing to say only that about the whole thing. The same was probably true for Spitzer, for all he had to do was claim that he was impotent. "But he came in my mouth!" "Can you prove that?:" Let Tiger seek the Lord while He may be found and follow whatever the Spirit recommends via the instructions contained herein. (Is. 55:6)
Comment after: Woods taking 'indefinite break' Globe and Mail Sports 12/12
GHW Bush, the "man of lawlessness, the son of perdition", is the one behind Tiger's downfall. (2 Thess. 2:3) All Bush does is mind other people's business and play with their lives. Remember Tiger riding in a golf cart with GHW and Barbara? Tiger apparently would not support Bush's iniquity. Since anyone turning away from evil becomes a prey, Bush's cronies are using Tiger's sexual dalliances to divert attention from Bush's murderous pasttimes. (Is. 59:15) Time to bring Bush into the light so we can see what his true colors are. (John 3:19-21) No More Delay!
12/14 Bah! Tiger probably deserves whatever he gets. After all I wrote on Spitzer and how brainless the prostitutes of the SERPENT are, there is no way that Tiger should have fallen into their clutches. "Oh my! She knows how to copulate? Whoever heard of such a thing?" So be careful when you question these Bushes. GHW Bush claims that he is so important that he can throw toxic substances and deadly insects at anyone who questions him. 12/15 Golf is probably a favorite of the Bush Nazis because it involves an abnormal motion that results in spinal injuries and much more. The same holds true for aerobic classes that stress exercises like those that involve deep knee bends. Few people have knees strong enough to do such exercises without immediately suffering serious injury. 12/19 Why would prostitutes be allowed to hang out at a golf club? 12/21 I wonder if golf fanatics would be interested in golf if there were no golf clubs or prostitutes at the clubhouses. I believe that all of the interest is contrived, and the spectators at tournaments are probably paid to "ooh" and "ah" over every stroke like these golfers were "The Girl from Impanema". It is probably a trap for people who are in poor physical condition to disable them. (Jer. 5:26) When this game appeared @ 800 years ago, they banned it because it was keeping soldiers from archery practice. Maybe we should ban it today because it is keeping golfers from producing Devil's offspring with the prostitutes. Build tent cities for the prostitutes all over the courses. Better hurry cause the Devil's worried; he knows that his time is short. (Rev. 12:12)
Agnostic Incarnate
Thafe Thaviour thaves!
To save your intelligence,
Will cut off your head!
"You feel thafe?" "And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you'll often speak about me. And this is what you'll say;.." "Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys!" (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had "The Lord's" on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1)
Not only that but you must also remember the new moon and the full moon Love Festivals of Hooterville and Chairman Gonzales (Gonzalo?); i.e. Abimael Guzman of the Shining Path Guerillas, for he is Cyrus, and Cyrus says, "The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you—may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem."

Related piece from Pine Crest School 72-75 and Pine Crest Swimming Facebook pages: How the Bush Nazis Cemented Control of Florida
SOUTH FLORIDA BLUES: I have mentioned the beheading of Mary Petkash on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale in 1971 here and in my blog (Hidden Things You Do Not Know). She was a high-strong woman who had been coming to PC to catch my brother Tom, who was training there and living in Miami. Chip Bradley showed me the police blotter describing this incident in Coach's office and explained what "decapitation" meant when I asked him. Then I revealed that this was the Mary who had been up to the pool. This was spring 71, and we were training for nationals in Spokane. I had thought that it was May, but now I realize that it must have been April. Attempts to retrieve this article from Ft. Laud. Govt. have been futile, for they ask too much. Attempts to convince my brother that Mary is dead have been futile; plus there is some dumkopf named Billy Bollander (BBolla) who showed up @ 79 saying that he was Mary and Tom's kid. This guy was behind me being locked up for three years by Nazi Mental Health. Well last night GHW Bush told me that Mary's killing and beheading happened at PC. As I remember the blotter, it did mention something about the murder having happened elsewhere. Was this a continuation of the SERPENT takeover of Florida that really picked up speed when Jim Morrison was pulled off the stage and "rolled" in Miami Hoyt auditorium? I bet PC filled up with SERPENTs when I went there too. That is why so few swimmers excelled. They were emotionless people. They couldn't get psyched up to save their lives if they had to. Such murders and the suppression of news accounts of them is how Bush and the Nazi SERPENT rule by terror. I have been trying to get them to post a copy of the police blotter. As I found when I went searching for the day of my grandfather's death, the cemetaries are probably one of the few places that will give you information without charge etc. That is, they could go to the place where Mary would most likely be buried in a pauper's grave and obtain the day of death from them by giving them the approximate date then go find the police blotter describing what happened. 12/18 The Spirit confirms that Mary was only abducted at Pine Crest; thus she was probably duped into thinking that Tom was there again. 1/11 I have determined and GHW Bush has confirmed that Billy Bollander and Terry Garahan have been allies in this plot to interfere with my life from the very beginning; thus it is a continuing criminal enterprise.
Hasta luego, adios ye scurvy dogs with your petrol-calcified bodies! Don't forget that organ failure is a sign that your demise is at hand. My distinguished adviser, Len says that the brain is the first to go! Not to worry, you haven't used yours in years! You could always get a free fool shot. I hear that it's painless. They administer it right between the eyes. Or you could take it by mouth. Whatever the case, keep your powder dry!
See if these links are any good:


PS Got another appointment with Nazi Mental Health today 1/4/10. I think that they all need "locked glove" or "Light Pole Therapy"; i.e. tape them to a light pole a la Alan Harper in Two and a Half Men and throw every Gad damn thing that they throw at me at them! These Bush Nazis have been bugging me nonstop for over 15 years with harassment and toxic substances, and for the past two years they have been bombarding me with poisonous insects. They say that their doing this to me is proof that I have a problem. To keep me coming in to see bogus professionals so that they can point the finger and wag the tongue is the height of absurdity. The Day of the Lord can never come too soon for me! 1/4 appt. went okay.
PS to GHW Bush and company: Regarding your continuous interference in my affairs. Did I say that you couldn't do that? No! As it is written, I said, "Anyone who wishes to harm me must die!" (Rev. 11:5)
To My Friends in Seattle: Seattle IMC is not accessible most of the time. I hope you realize that hackers, using secret access codes and supercomputers disable tbe addresses of IMCs everywhere. That is why they don't work.

That is why they don't work.
End of this address keeps diappearing! 1/24 Let me add here that these hackers are probably using supercomputers anywhere that they are located. I was trying to write to my Coach at Pine Crest for the second time, and I find that my emails are not getting through. That also happens practically every time that I write to any other contact or join any website. I only get to contact them once before all further contact is blocked. What these supercomputer users probably do is create bogus sites for those addresses, names, and/or my name and email address; thus any further attempts to contact those sites is blocked and/or intercepted because the supercomputer moves so much faster than the standard computer that it is able to intercept those attempts to contact by posing as the intended address. The computer world has always made a big deal of the speed of calculation of supercomputers; but the speed of connecting or access is probably the most important reason that they want supercomputers. When I first started using computers up at Cornell, I witnessed the speed of supercomputers when my computer was somehow linked up to one by hackers. It took @ a tenth of a second to access any sites as opposed to the normal second or second and a half; thus it is easy to intercept anything using a supercomputer for all standard communication is moving at a "snail's pace compared to the supercomputer. If the hackers are using government access codes (As I have mentioned, Key Block is probably one of the ways that hackers obtain access codes.) they are able to use these computers and block access because allowing government access is probably something that the owners of all supercomputers are required to do in order to utilize such a computer. The same probably holds true for a lot of disabled websites; they have opted to allow the government to access those sites probably in the name of "national security". 1/30 Supercomputers should be banned from the Internet! Let them do their supercalculations offline!
Re: Earthquake in Haiti: "Listen to me you island nations.." as I revealed a long time ago, those quakes are on a fault that runs right thru Washington, DC; "Babylon on the Potomac"; thus these quakes herald the end of Babylon when the great city is split in three. (Is. 49:1; Rev. 16:19; 18:10,21) 1/17 Did you notice former White House puppet Dumb Boy being telepromted and hogging the spotlight as he teamed up with Bro Bubba Bill to raise funds for Haiti? Is Dumb Boy going to paint his face white so he can mingle with the natives? BBB - "Gee Dumb Boy! You're stupider than your old man!" DB - "I'll get back to you on that!"
"Aw! Heck! Just keelhaul the whole lot of them!" FYI Bush Nazis in Florida, California, Maine, and Texas immediately initiated efforts to ban keelhauling! 1/29 Have their own followers cover these Bushes from head to toe with these insects and other toxic "harmless stuff" and show them what a joke it is. When you do "light pole therapy", you don't touch them. Make them stand up against a pole with a sword or something like that and have someone run around them with the tape. "Hitler never touched anybody!"
Note to Kweer Kali (i.e. Kweer Kalifornia): 1/30 What they did to me in the finals of the 100 yard butterfly at the NCAAs in Long Beach in 1974 was the same thing as someone hijacking your car every time you get in it until you quit driving! Think about it! Don't you think that you have to want a NCAA championship more than you wanted a car? I got to swim once after high school at the Navy-Cornell duel meet '73. Get a film of the medley relay in that meet, and you will see why I was positive that I could win the NCAAs. FYI Navy films all meets! 1/31 GHW Bush says that they started hijacking Nazi vehicles in California immediately. He says they would take their vehicles, smash them up in @ 20 feet, and get out and toss the keys to the owner saying, "What's the matter? Can't you drive?"; thus witnesses would be on hand to claim that this owner is trying to blame someone else for his dismal driving skills.
Concerned Canadian