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Eight Children Hospitalised in Nabi Saleh Siege

Palestine Monitor | 01.02.2010 09:07 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Palestine | World

Around twenty residents of Nabi Salah village were injured during Friday’s demonstration, directed mainly at the Hallamish settlement which occupies the village’s farmland and primary water source. Most of those injured were children not participating in the protest, tear gassed and fired upon with rubber bullets as they sheltered in a nearby house.

Although yesterday was only the fourth protest of its kind, Nabi Salah has fast become a hub of the popular struggle, adopting the non-violent principles of its sister movements in Bilin and Ni’lin. Following on from the fractious scenes of the previous week, which saw six arrests and several serious injuries, around 200 villagers and activists approached the IDF positions waving flags and chanting demands for the return of their land, annexed by settlers.

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"Non-violent" my arse

01.02.2010 16:12

Your photo rather gives the game away, doesn't it? The Palestinian teenager running away from the teargas has a large sling in his hand.

Useful idiots watch

Please can this picture be removed?!

01.02.2010 18:05

The weekly demonstrations currently being held in several areas across the west bank can, i can argue, be considered non-violent. True there are some who choose to use slingshots and stones, but please put this in context before you pass judgement. In the case here, illegal settlers, from an illegal settlement, on Nabi Salih land, have continued to advance, taking more and more land. Recently an Israeli court even acknowledged Nabi Salih ownership of a piece of agricultural land and spring, but settlers and soldiers continue to deny them access to it. Each week men women and children peacefully march until physically prevented from doing so by batons, beatings, tear gas, 'rubber' bullets, live ammunition and arrest, their weekly attempt to reach their own land is nothing short of courageous. Only after this israeli violence do some respond with stones. The soldiers are in armoured vehicles, are wearing helmets and have guns. Those who throw stones risk being shot, arrested then, or later in night time raids, and held in prisons miles away, indefinitely, without charge.

Please, dont shout terrorist.
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02.02.2010 08:22

Picture gives an idea of the situation. Army terrorising a village. Nonviolent protests in West Bank often involve stone throwing kids, normally only after being shot at. What begins as a peaceful demonstration often descends into the kind of chaos glimpsed in the picture.



02.02.2010 16:55

That "teenager" is in his mid 20s.

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throwing stones seems remarkably restrained

04.02.2010 12:47

If a military force was kicking me off my land I think I'd want to do something considerably stronger than throw stones.

I think they are being remarkably constrained if they are just throwing stones. They are facing a massive military machine with unimaginable weapon power, for fuck's sake. And people complain about *stone throwing*!?!?
