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Anti-fascism debate on Indymedia being trolled

Durruti02 | 29.01.2010 00:00 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Anti-fascism debate on Indymedia being trolled ..

Indymedia it would seem has for some time now been being trolled by one individual who use's multiple tags - Mista Journalist/Lozza/Trolldestroya/Harpic/Robesphere/Demmy God/Troll Deflator /Dangermoose etc etc

His or her posts are from the Searchlight school of dodgy anti fascism of more below

On the excellent Pits and Pots ( scroll down to 21/12 15.10 ) this individual uses the tag of Searchlight Fan and claims " Searchlight are a trusted source of information on the British fascist scene, and Lancaster Unity are also great! " There is no evidence linking this individual to Searchlight/ Hope Not Hate but his / her politics are identical. Make your own mind up.

Almost half of all posts on EDL are from this character and they post on almost every other thread, and regularly try to shut down discussion from anyone who has a different POV by shouting TROLL and posting pictures of Trolls

Most active anti-fascists know that Searchlight has connections with the state (See Larry O'Hara's work to expose them ) or speak to any Leeds anti fascists who were screwed by Searchlight chief organiser Nick Lowles over the World In Action affair.

But sometimes their politics is ignored. Searchlight are utterly within Stalinist ideology that states that fascism is an aberation (and not as anarchist would argue a varient of capitalism) and a response to fascism is to defend 'democracy' and that means uniting with anyone, the Tories, New Labour and the state and the police against fascists.

So it was Searchlight who called for the ban on EDL in Luton and the state responded with a ban on ALL public demonstrations, that if Vauxhalls workers had needed to demonstrate then, would have banned them too.

And the multi-named stooge on Indymedia is also playing a game - a game that will backfire on anarchists more than the EDL

the most recent post by this person, as Demestos, is a reprint of a LiverAF article that is also extremely dangerous as we all know the state uses anti-terror laws against us already and will use any excuse to ramp up their application (see It is possible that the author of this article is unaware of what they are up to. I am not convinced that Troll Destroya is so naive.

the argument s/he follows is that
- the EDL are violent , racist, hooligan, law-breakers, and now 'use terror tactics' i.e. are terrorists

Now, take out racist, and the rest of the accusations are exactly what the politicians use against anarchists/activists

And so what does Demestos/Harpic/TrollDestroya want?

Well apart from attacking anyone with a different POV on fighting fascism they argue for

- More police on the street and state bans!!!

If Choudary and EDL are part of a game to increase state powers so is Troll Destroya/Demestos and all his or her multi personalities

As i have argued in

these tactics do not work in destroying fascism, are not revolutionary and are indeed simply dangerously and deeply reactionary

They have no place on Indymedia or what Indymedia ought to be ;)



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to be fair,

29.01.2010 09:41

the only one trolling EDL stuff at the moment is you, offence intended, but it seems to always be you or the other, the one you say is a "troll", so where does that leave you?
forget the EDL, they are a bunch of idiots. giving them all this "air space" is counter-productive, whether you're a troll or not.

laugh at them, i do. until i see any other reason not to, i'll keep laughing at them.

the cisco kid

Why hide

29.01.2010 09:45

wondering why the previous article has been hidden ? don't see much slander or too many insults, its a fair point to question the infamous Troll destroyer, they use multiple log ins that never get hidden , constantly troll any thread that has do do with anti fascism, maybe Troll destroyer is an Indymedia Mod ? care to shed any light on the subject Indy people ? regards COG

Concerned of gipton [ the real one]

symptomatic rantosaurus

29.01.2010 10:20

This is just another example of the psychological imbalances in those who describe themselves as 'anti-fascists' whilst actually exhibiting every sign of fascism themselves. The construction of multpiple enemies and threats, within and without their cliques, is a good example of this.

If you can't find any real Nazi's to hunt, it's very easy to just invent some isn't it? This isn't part of the solution but very much part of the problem.

Red Albert

Why the first article was hidden..

29.01.2010 10:33

The original article is here:-

and was hidden for these reasons:-

Also, highlighting the fact that trolling takes place on Indymedia is not news which is why this article is also about to be hidden, concerns about moderation should be addressed to the moderation list (, not the newswire.

Furthermore, this article still does not provide any evidence that all those posters are in fact the same person, so is unsubstantiated.

Mike D