TALOS - the future of EU border control
No prison! No Border! | 28.01.2010 14:27
As the eastern edge of the EU expands, authorities need more reliable, cost-efficient methods of controlling the movements of people in and out.

Of particular interest:
Motivation behind the TALOS project
Character of the eastern border of the European Union (EU) has changed diametrically in consequence of the EU extension in the recent years, when more than 10 countries, mainly from Central and Eastern Europe, have joined the Union. Nature of the new external EU border differs from the one before the accession. The frontier in its current shape extends between Finland in the North and Bulgaria in the South of Europe. It is diversified with regard to topographic characteristics, climatic conditions, as well as probability of occurrence and intensity of illegal activities. The borders of new member states, shared with the former Soviet Union countries, are particularly exposed to illicit trafficking. This part of the eastern EU frontier is a buffer between the relative prosperity of the West and the poverty of the former Soviet Republics. The average salaries on its west side are five or six times higher than the ones on the east side. The border is known for being Union’s backdoor used by illegal immigrants, often involved in international terrorism, and as an area of illicit activities, such as trafficking in people. European Union is aware of the challenges created by the new frontier. Border security mission is one of the priority security missions recognized by the European Security Research Advisory Board (ESRAB) and European Commission. FRONTEX with its headquarters in the capitol of Poland is one of the agencies that were established in order to co-ordinate EU activities related with border protection. EUROSUR (European Surveillance System for Borders) is another initiative aimed at preventing and counteracting the illegal immigration.
TALOS project video:

No prison! No Border!