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“Capitalism is not working time to abolish Government”

The poll tax RENENACRMENT group | 27.01.2010 19:46


The poll tax RENENACRMENT group
The poll tax RENENACRMENT group

Wanted extras for The Grate Poll Tax Riot
The poll tax RENENACRMENT group
are having an open workshop
London 31st March 2010

The poll tax RENENACRMENT group


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Sorry to sound

27.01.2010 20:09

like a pedant, but if this is a poster that might go up around town, it's good to get it right.
Is "RENENACRMENT" meant to be "Reenactment"? I don't want to sound like some academic, or insulting, but I'm honestly not sure. And while I'm at it, sholdn't "grate" be "great"?
Looks like a otherwise good poster though, and I support the meaning, any more details on the event?

Just Wondering

Then the tour goes nationwide

27.01.2010 20:41


Then the tour goes nationwide

and then poll tax, the musical

27.01.2010 22:09

Is this gonna be like the strike ballet in the Billy Elliot film? or is class war turning into the sealed knot?

z to @