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Emergency in Calais as police repression escalate

Calais Migrant Solidarity | 21.01.2010 10:36 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

Please get down to Calais if you can!

On January 19th tents were distributed to migrants because the cold weather plan was suspended and the BCMO gymnasium closed. migrants launched a movement protest on the morning of the closure by burning a few blankets and banners, so the evening after the distribution of tents they decided to sleep next to BCMO. half an hour later fifty uniformed police riot made a line outside the camp, saying that if migrants do not leave they would destroy everything .After negotiation they agreed that migrants could leave with tents in the direction of the old jungle and they would not stop anyone and destroy any tents ... migrants and activists were going to install the new camp escorted by the Police who showed us the place where they would not intervene... Yet they arrested 6 people at 2 am and came back at 7am.

At midday 20 vans of CRS surrounded the jungle and destroyed the whole camp.

We recovered a few tents and a few bags at the dump and the migrants returned and settled again before the BCMO ..

The Police came and removed all the tents near the BCMO and they have orders to prevent any gatherings and destroy them forthwith anything that resembles a shelter on a public way throughout the parks and in all the "jungles"

just after removing the tents they followed the migrants and destroy their shelters soon as they decided to set up somewhere ... A whole company of CRS followed the migrants over much of the night in their every move,

a group formed hunting parks in parks and street to street ...

Police asked to speak with us by saying that any way they would continue harassing migrants, we were stopped outside the town hall stopping us from going any further ... we told them that we did not want to go in the park in front but to our place, we assume that the offense of Delit de solidarité that they just have come to arrest us but we would stay with migrants whatever, we would wait for them with nothing to fear ...

but we must meet quickly to decide what to do in the future, an emergency meeting will take place tomorrow between activists and migrants, we must position ourselves to fight and we must assume it or we look for an alternative solution

No border No nation Stop deportation!

Calais Migrant Solidarity
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