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SHAC activist handed draconian prision term

Lincs | 18.01.2010 14:10 | Animal Liberation

A SHAC activist convicted in December has been sentenced today to 3 years in prision for peaceful protest

The SHAC activist was one of a group that liberated a large number of rabbits destined for a painful death inside HLS.

They also peacfully vandalised a sports car and other equipment at the farm in Linconshire.

The judge handed down a draconain senatnce of 3 years on two counts and had the arrogance to insist that protestors are not allowed to impose their beliefs on others.

We can and we will



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Which prison?

18.01.2010 14:51

Does anyone know which prison Lewis has been, or will be, sent to?

No doubt he'll still be in the courthouse cells.

Prisoner Supporter

Funnily worded article

18.01.2010 15:52

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but a lot of these kind of posts don't seem to be written the way an animal rights activist would write them. Almost as if someone with an agenda wants to get in first...

Anyone else feel this, or am I just paranoid?


sent to

18.01.2010 16:40

He has been sent to HMP Lincoln, please send letters of support & solidarity to:
Lewis Pogson (new prisoner),
HMP Lincoln,
106 Greetwell Road,
LN2 4BD.


The other aricle at the top of the main newswire

18.01.2010 16:41

seems to make more sense with Lewis' prison address included ... no real need for this one?



18.01.2010 18:26

ok, release the rabbits i can understand, but destroying the sportscar?
this sentence sounds fair and i agree with the point about forcing your beliefs on others. Not in my name.


oh really

18.01.2010 20:48

Impose your views on me, well you can try chum.

but you will fail. Painfully.


Not in your name

18.01.2010 21:55

It wasn't in your name, the action was claimed by the Animal Liberation Front, not you.
The damage was caused to send a clear message that what happens at that farm is unacceptable and it was because of the damage that the farm stopped functioning for 3 months. If you think it is wrong, fine, but it is a very important part of the Animal Liberation Movement,
In the same way direct action has been majorly important to all social change movements.


This dodgy post should be removed..

18.01.2010 22:32

I would suggest that this suspect article be removed, as there is the real one elsewhere on the newswire which is far more accurate. If you read this one carefully, it is quite evidently posted by a non-supporter.


"peacefully vandalised a sports car"? WTF?

18.01.2010 23:48

This must be a subtle spoof or more likely a post by the opposition to make animal rights look stupid.

No one would say "peacefully damaged a sports cars", that's the sort of thing an animal abuser would say in a parody of animal rights.

And "draconian prison term"? Three years is a lot and he should have got a medal instead, but much less than other sentences we've seen recently.

[the judge] "...had had the arrogance to insist that protestors are not allowed to impose their beliefs on others." Well that's what judges do, we know that and they know that. Another obvious parody from an animal abuser.

"We can and we will". Again, an animal rights person would say how can those animal abusing scum impose their beliefs that it is OK to torture and murder on animals, not "we want to impose our views on others". Parody designed to make us look like authoritarians when the opposite is true.

Fucking hell, Indymedia needs some kind of system to authenticate messages as being from a specific identity. It can still be anonymous, it just needs to be able to connect a post or comment to a history of previous ones to stop these kind of disinformation attacks.


Clearly not posted by a supporter

19.01.2010 06:59

Please hide this article.

Lewis Pogson denied having anything to do with the alleged raid and pleaded guilty throughout his trial. Anyone who really supported him would know this.

See mainstream media articles covering the case, e.g.
