You Say You Want an Insurrection
Crimethinc | 13.01.2010 21:49
You Say You Want an Insurrection
So do we—a total break with domination and hierarchy in all their forms, involving an armed uprising if need be. Until that’s possible, we’ll settle for recurring clashes in which to develop our skills, find comrades, and emphasize the gulf between ourselves and our oppressors.
But how do we bring about these confrontations? How do we ensure that they strengthen us more than our enemies? What pitfalls await us on this road? And what else do we have to do to make our efforts effective?
So do we—a total break with domination and hierarchy in all their forms, involving an armed uprising if need be. Until that’s possible, we’ll settle for recurring clashes in which to develop our skills, find comrades, and emphasize the gulf between ourselves and our oppressors.
But how do we bring about these confrontations? How do we ensure that they strengthen us more than our enemies? What pitfalls await us on this road? And what else do we have to do to make our efforts effective?
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14.01.2010 19:19
Their politics are improving...?
15.01.2010 10:28
is this anything at all? create a problem so as to cause hate and fear amounst the people?
Is this to make yourself feel a bit better about your own lack of direction, violence isnt a skill.
Still it's not dificult to be a violent revolutionary in a country where there are more reasonable people, try that shit in Russia/Cuba/ South America/ eastern Europe/ North Korea or china and you will find yourself dead.
So really, all your saying in this whole peice is, I live in a country with freedoms and little real oppression and I prove this by the fact that no one has "disapeared me" yet.
thank you for setting the action of all those working for a better world back by you frivolous and childish actions.
@troll - insurrection is GLOBAL
15.01.2010 18:11
Ohh, and when was the last time you saw a peaceful protest in China? The regime is evil but I've news for you moron, insurrection works in China, and very few people get killed doing it.
It's preiodically reported there are thousands of riots a year, surely not true (it's a translation of the official term "mass incident") but indicative nevertheless:
Eastern Europe:
South America:
(there's ten countries there, some of them the police are rather trigger happy, but we're talking 10s of deaths out of hundreds of thousands of protesters):
Insurrection is a fact of life in most of the world... Britain must be in the bottom quarter at least of countries for militant protest nowadays...
Think global, insurrect local..
15.01.2010 22:22
Fuck those Chinese know to insurrect :)
It is heart warming to see entire communities rising up to defend themselves. As I am sure most people who frequent Indymedia know non-violence is racist, patriarchal, privileged, and most of all, ineffective.