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06/02/2010 - Worldwide Revolution

John Hadley | 11.01.2010 02:45 | G20 London Summit | Globalisation | Repression | Workers' Movements | World

Time to show the Banks and Governments who is in charge ... There will be NO New World Order ...

Start: 2010-02-06 13:30
End: 2012-02-06 13:30
Timezone: Etc/GMT-7








John Hadley
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6th feb it is then !

11.01.2010 06:07

Glad to see someone taking initiative to go after those thieving banks and lying government. I guess that this will be taking place in London too. If someone can give me more information on this I would love to go. My email address is Smash the system !! See you there!

James Dixon

grow up you fool.

11.01.2010 15:32

Dear sir

please don't use anarchist imagery in vain, why is your video some pro capital riot mock up, and all your others conspiracy madness or anti-Semitic drivel, mm-mm I wonder.

You are clearly not an anarchist.

Depending on which real school of anarchism one comes from, anarchists maintain that revolution will either come from the self-organisation of the working class or that we currently are engaged in the insurrection now with countless individual acts, neither of these positions has anything to do with morons announcing the time or date on facebook!!!.

so please sod off



PS nice production on that vid where is it from, an advert?
PPS By New World Order do you mean Jews?



11.01.2010 15:37

Every city everywhere?Im up for it but my main question is where exactly are people supposed to go and demonstrate?Il go as far as i can afford to

mail e-mail:

@rchie Is Nuts

11.01.2010 18:25

Where does it say anything about Jews?

Idiot !


Agree with @rchie

11.01.2010 18:34

This is baked up. you can't have a revolution made up of a few kids wearing black, it takes a critical mass of people from all walks of life, or a slow "liberal" revolution made up of push after push and paradigm shifts.

We can have the former, i recon we can organize a revolution in two years, but at the moment not a single person is working towards it, not in the right way. you want an anarchist revolution? go to every workplace, every school, every hospital and yes, every police station too, organize millions of meeting, show people how to organize, promote your agenda logically, and let it grow from below.

if you have the energy then good, but it will just go to waste on this kind of action, the most you'd get out of that is an RTS scenario. and you won't even get that realistically! and if we decided collectively to have a revolution then let's go for it, let's not waste time breaking windows and getting beaten by the cops. it's the grassroots or it's nothing, and at the moment we are not "the grass roots". we can be, with a lot of effort and a coherent strategy, and when we are, we won't have to work too hard on toppling the regime, the regime would bend over backwards for us.

but if we continue our current path, then i see very little chance of having a "one off revolution". our ideas aren't exactly a hard sale, we have the right perspective, we have the heart where it should be, and we are saying what is on the tip of the tongue for many, for most. but our heads are on backwards, we are not a coherent movement and we let our selves be presented to the average joe as a bunch of crazy lunatics, and the average joe reacts with preferring the situation as is to our solutions.

also, if you put your emails on this thread there is something wrong with you!

p.s. leave that NWO shit behind, it's the same old order that there has been for generations + new technology to enforce it, there's nothing new about it, and it isn't the masons or Illuminati, even though i'm sure some of them really do believe they rule the world

crazy unicorn

These two come from Facebook and are making up stuff...

11.01.2010 18:50

The two people on here that are making negative comments are the same two people who are going around Facebook and Youtube posting bad stuff. They apparently have their own websites going on with their own agendas and have nothing better to do than come on here or the video itself and post rubbish which isnt true at all.

If you dont think there is a new world order, then why does every politician around the world keep asking for one? Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Bush, Obama, Kissinger, Sarkozy, Berlusconi? By the way, none of these people are Jewish or Illuminati ... Even better, why does the video which was made by the BBC mention it?

No, all conspiracy ... You're both nuts. Why dont you take your space ship and fly somewhere where someone actually cares what you have to say. I for one admire anyone that stands up to their government. And if you think that the banks havent stolen enough money from people in the last two years and caused enough unemployment, then again, you're nuts. There are thousands of people all over the world which have agreed to take part in this. Do you really think anyone cares what two ignorant fools like yourself think?

You Are Both Funny

Über Zeit !!

11.01.2010 18:55

Über Zeit, etwas über diese! gut gemacht Jungs und vielen Dank für die Mühe! senden Sie mir die Einzelheiten peter.muller @

P. Muller

@ all trolls

11.01.2010 19:29

i might go and brick a police station, then what ya going to say or do about it?
nothing. because the burning is coming.
the last, big on its way.
(admittedly, it probably wont be on this date in feb, or organised via facebook and at this mobilisation). but still, it will come one day.

solidarity to all those that act in the struggle, the constant war......

the cisco kid

Translate pls....

11.01.2010 19:56



11.01.2010 21:20

Just so you know, someone independent from this revolt was asked to make the video and has nothing as such to do with the organisation of this event. secondly this event is not just being organised through FascistBook. Hundreds of e-mails have been sent out to various organisations and from those alone in the past few days there has been an excellent response.

mail e-mail:

I agree with me (i can read too)!

11.01.2010 22:13

Hello I feel slightly misunderstood so I'll clarify

I have not posted on this topic in any other forum (facebook/youtube whatever) nor have I read any comments. So whoever “you are both funny” is arguing with elsewhere is someone else.

The “new world order” is often used as shorthand for a Jewish conspiracy by the likes of David Icke, whose video is also posted by “cartoonhe4d" the poster of the pro-capitalist riot video linked to on youtube , “cartoonhe4d" also has an anti-semetic rap called “not kosher give a Jew some gold!”

my position not exactly the same as "crazy unicorn" though I suspect we come from a similar traditions. (i.e. anarcho-syndicalism or communism) Unlike “CU” I believe we can start small with small actions but ultimately need the mass to succeeded such as the CNT/FAI in Catalan , the Machnovista of Ukraine or the Anarchist Federation of Korea, Me and CU ,whoever they are, could probably have a rational discussion.

If someone had bothered to read my words the might have noticed that I specifically refer to the insurrectionist tradition (IE the path of many comrades in Greece) in a positive light. Insurrectionism, as I understand it, maintains that the insurrection is right now and forever. That the fight needs to happen everywhere in totality immediately, not for a day decided on facebook,

Both of these are anarchist positions that have merit and can be discussed.

A facebook group is a social network not a social revolution.

Concepts such as “new world order” create a sense that there is something new (a conspiracy) that needs to be resisted., This is completely wrong, capitalism is not new or distant. Capitalism is a social relationship that needs a social revolution.

I will happily discuss the many virtues of insurrectionist, syndicalist or communist ideas with people from these anarchist traditions but whoever is behind this post is nothing of the kind.




and another thing.....

11.01.2010 22:40

And another thing the Greek site is a (very interesting) round up of various acts of insurrection worldwide but I cant seem to find the lets all do it on this day page. Maybe because they are listing some of the many acts of insurrection that are happening all over all the time eh!

And yet another thing Indymedia is designed to not store your ISP for a reason leaving your gmail address whilst calling for a violent revolution is either stupidity or your very very confident of your success in ending capital and the surveillance state come next month.....


2000 members already!

12.01.2010 03:18

It would appear that in the last few days they have already managed to find 2000 people to stand behind them, when I read the comments from most people they are giving full support. I wonder if @rchie can even find 2 people to listen to his boring blah blah blah?

There is only one language that the governments and banks understand and these guys seem to speak it.

Well done, lads, smash the system!

Steven Bradey

2000 members already!

12.01.2010 03:23

It would appear that in the last few days they have already managed to find 2000 people to stand behind them, when I read the comments from most people they are giving full support. I wonder if @rchie can even find 2 people to listen to his boring blah blah blah?

There is only one language that the governments and banks understand and these guys seem to speak it.

Well done, lads, smash the system!

Steven Bradey

Ill try another way of explaining this.

12.01.2010 17:26

I'm continuing to post here because I believe this posting could be dangerous to genuine revolutionary's.

I suspect that unlike the muppets falling for this crap I have actually been involved in revolutionary action for a while now, (often in horizontally organised blocks numbering way over 2000 coincidently) but the point i'm trying to make is that this is a risky game coming from someone who is a best naïve or at worse dangerous.

My point is certainly not a call against revolution I am simply pointing out that whoever is making this call is not an anarchist or from any of the genuine anarchist traditions

for the following reasons

1 they are centralised
2 they are trying to get participants to reveal them selves on facebook
3 they wish to “show who is in charge”
4 they refer to the “new world order” a concept not found in anarchist thought anywhere but often in the ramblings of the conspiracy far right.
5 they have made a video for David Ike (of the conspiracy far right)
6 they have anti-Semitic videos (not even fucking subtle ones either just straight forward racism!)
7 they are trying to give their facebook network a degree of cool by linking to a Greek site that doesn't even mention them.
8 Conspiracy theory(such as the NWO) implies that there is a single entity or group that can be removed and replaced, this lets the big conspiracy (i.e. capitalism) off the hook. We need a social revolution. (try looking it up)

I believe that the poster “cisco kid” is genuinely coming from a insurrectionist position because they call for a constant war and rightly recognise that the insurrection is never going to be organised over face book in February Now I may wish to discuss this over a cocktail of her /his choice as we would have something to discuss because they are advocating a decentralised anarchist approach I might question the usefulness of an random attack on a police station, but I certainly wouldn't stop them........

this call for “revolution” shows none of the indications of either the anarchist approaches of “cisco kid” or “crazy unicorn” so please whoever you are don't use the imagery of our movements in vain.

And please if your reading with freedom in your heart . don't fall for this shit.


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will a new world order come out of the recessions?

12.01.2010 22:16


I didn't even realise we still are in a recession? Are we? I guess so
Havn't really noticed - my shares are pretty much worth that they were before the "crisis" which is great news because i sold them about a 3rd of the way down and bought them on the rise again.

When the markets were plummeting, a lot of the 'left' were shouting with joy that this was the end. The smart people sold and then bought up on the cheap. Even the stupid commentators were saying this is the time to buy -- and it was!

So stop crying about being so undone. Its your own fault for not grabbing an opportunity when it was there. I mean, even Warren Buffet was saying to buy. If I actually listened to these leftist doommongers then I wouldn't have made a penny and would be a lot worse off. So what reasons should i listen to the left now?


Keep talking about the revolution instead of making one ...

13.01.2010 10:24

It would seem that once again while you spent all night thinking of what you should be typing on this page that you missed out on the revolution completly, Archie. This is why your revolution doesnt work. Its not done on forums, or with words, or keystrokes - its done with the heart.

Never mind, Archie, stay at home where you will be nice and safe, the REAL men will have the revolution for you :P

Pfffmm ... PMSL ...


What the fuck is this?!

13.01.2010 13:22

The video calling for this 'revolution' (nothing will come of it, and as @rchie says, it is organised centrally, organised on Facebook(!), etc. etc.) is clearly made by the right wing 'libertarians' who have been drooling over conspiracy theories for years.
It refers to a New World Order - there is a world order, it is always changing, thus always in a sense, new. But anti-NWO types are traditionally coming from a conspiratorial, right wing, perspective. The David Icke link deomnstrates that. It is pro-capitalist in its intentions (note the "Free the free market" slogan, and posh, suited males in the staged protests in the video), thus diametrically opposed to anarchism. Yet it has misappropriated anarchist imagery for the purposes of this so-called news article.
The last comment on there by some idiot was deeply sexist ("leave it to the REAL men"), again this betrays the reactionary and right wing roots of this fanatic 'anti-NWO' protest -- although as I said, my guess is we will see no protests whatsoever, let alone a the emergence of a revolutionary situation.

This is farcical, and clearly 'organised' by somebody with no experience whatsoever of organising or resisting, with no understanding of the global capitalist system, and with a dangerous affection towards right-wing fanatics and conspiracy theories. At least they may learn something about organising through this venture, which will inevitably fail.


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