Offshore Wind Farms in the High Seas!
Dzimbo | 08.01.2010 18:52 | Energy Crisis | Free Spaces | Ocean Defence
The BBC has published an article about plans to build new Offshore Wind Farms in sites beyond the UK territorial waters. The Crown Estate has already provided private companies with exclusive agreements for the use of these sites, which it does not own! Could this be an attempt to extend the UK territory? Could it be an attempt by the companies to establish independent nations to avoid taxes? Or could it be our chance to exploit the situation and establish an anarchist utopia?
According to a recent BBC article (, "Successful bids for nine new offshore wind farm zone licences within UK waters have been announced.
A consortium including Npower and Norway's Statkraft won the licence for the biggest zone, in Dogger Bank, which could produce nine gigawatts of energy."
Interesting. Reading a bit further, it is revealed that "The winners have signed exclusive agreements with the Crown Estate, which owns the UK seabed.".
Even more interesting. "They will be positioned up to 205km off the coast, compared with 25km currently.", we are told. Which of course, is the most interesting fact of all!
It is a fact that the UK territorial waters only extend 12 Nautical Miles, which is about 22 km, off the coast of the country.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has defined a further zone, extending another 12 Nautical Miles (22 km) further from the territorial waters, named the "Contiguous Zone". Within this zone, now extending to a total of 24 Nautical Miles, or 44 km from the coast, the government has limited legal powers which only apply to Immigration, Customs, Taxation and Pollution.
According to The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea again, the area beyond the Contiguous Zone, and up to 200 Nautical Miles (360 km) from the Baseline is called an "Exclusive Economic Zone". Within that zone, the country it belongs to has the right to exclusive use of the natural resources, but no specific ownership rights. National law does not apply in this zone. The Exclusive Economic Zones are regulated by international bodies, International Law, and Marine Law.
According to that, the "exclusive agreement" provided by the Crown Estate to the highest bidders is not enforceable. Since access to the Exclusive Economic Zone cannot be regulated, it is easy for other parties to exploit the situation. The Crown Estate insists that it somehow owns this territory. This claim does not seem to have any legal standing.
In the past, we have seen the case of the Principality of Sealand, an established independent state with de facto recognition by means of a UK court decision. We have also seen the aggression to eliminate offshore radio broadcasting. In both examples, the right of the UK government to prosecute the actions outside its territorial waters was questioned. A separate law was needed to cover offshore unlicensed broadcasting, which was passed, resulting in a new threat for broadcasters, which eventually caused their demise. Sealand is still there, as there is nothing they can do about it, even though it is now within the 12 Nautical Mile territorial waters limit. This is because when it was established and declared its independence, the territorial water claim of the UK was only 3 Nautical Miles.
Since the Dogger Site does not even touch the Contiguous Zone, let alone the UK Territorial Waters, this is an attempt to occupy a neutral territory. This could be exploited in a number of ways.
For a start, once structures have been built, it can be claimed as land, therefore an extension of the existing UK territorial limits and territorial waters. It could also be claimed as an independent nation by the companies that will build the structures and exploit the energy potential of the site. In such case, it can mean that Energy companies can set up their own tax havens in the high seas.
But apart from the negative aspects, there is a very positive one as well. As soon as structures are built, before any other party has enough time to claim an extension of the UK territory or the establishment of an independent state, the structures can be squatted and modified. A sea colony of anarchists could then create their own utopia and claim their independence. Any aggression by the British Navy would constitute a breach of Marine Law as an act of International Piracy. Prosecution would not be an option. British law does not apply to the Dogger Site yet. It is up to us if it ever will.
Seasteading has been considered widely by several anarchists as a way of forming a utopia that would not need to subject itself to the oppression of a host state. The most difficult part of the realization of such an idea is the huge financial cost involved. This is a great opportunity to let a corrupt government along with its sponsors do their dirty tricks, provide the infrastructure, and then take over and show them that their laws can also be used against them.
The location is ideal, the structures are ideal, plus their very nature would also provide such a sea colony with plenty of electricity!
A very optimistic dream or a very good chance? You choose! In any case, the government and big business are doing their magic tricks again, this time dealing with fictional property..
A consortium including Npower and Norway's Statkraft won the licence for the biggest zone, in Dogger Bank, which could produce nine gigawatts of energy."
Interesting. Reading a bit further, it is revealed that "The winners have signed exclusive agreements with the Crown Estate, which owns the UK seabed.".
Even more interesting. "They will be positioned up to 205km off the coast, compared with 25km currently.", we are told. Which of course, is the most interesting fact of all!
It is a fact that the UK territorial waters only extend 12 Nautical Miles, which is about 22 km, off the coast of the country.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has defined a further zone, extending another 12 Nautical Miles (22 km) further from the territorial waters, named the "Contiguous Zone". Within this zone, now extending to a total of 24 Nautical Miles, or 44 km from the coast, the government has limited legal powers which only apply to Immigration, Customs, Taxation and Pollution.
According to The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea again, the area beyond the Contiguous Zone, and up to 200 Nautical Miles (360 km) from the Baseline is called an "Exclusive Economic Zone". Within that zone, the country it belongs to has the right to exclusive use of the natural resources, but no specific ownership rights. National law does not apply in this zone. The Exclusive Economic Zones are regulated by international bodies, International Law, and Marine Law.
According to that, the "exclusive agreement" provided by the Crown Estate to the highest bidders is not enforceable. Since access to the Exclusive Economic Zone cannot be regulated, it is easy for other parties to exploit the situation. The Crown Estate insists that it somehow owns this territory. This claim does not seem to have any legal standing.
In the past, we have seen the case of the Principality of Sealand, an established independent state with de facto recognition by means of a UK court decision. We have also seen the aggression to eliminate offshore radio broadcasting. In both examples, the right of the UK government to prosecute the actions outside its territorial waters was questioned. A separate law was needed to cover offshore unlicensed broadcasting, which was passed, resulting in a new threat for broadcasters, which eventually caused their demise. Sealand is still there, as there is nothing they can do about it, even though it is now within the 12 Nautical Mile territorial waters limit. This is because when it was established and declared its independence, the territorial water claim of the UK was only 3 Nautical Miles.
Since the Dogger Site does not even touch the Contiguous Zone, let alone the UK Territorial Waters, this is an attempt to occupy a neutral territory. This could be exploited in a number of ways.
For a start, once structures have been built, it can be claimed as land, therefore an extension of the existing UK territorial limits and territorial waters. It could also be claimed as an independent nation by the companies that will build the structures and exploit the energy potential of the site. In such case, it can mean that Energy companies can set up their own tax havens in the high seas.
But apart from the negative aspects, there is a very positive one as well. As soon as structures are built, before any other party has enough time to claim an extension of the UK territory or the establishment of an independent state, the structures can be squatted and modified. A sea colony of anarchists could then create their own utopia and claim their independence. Any aggression by the British Navy would constitute a breach of Marine Law as an act of International Piracy. Prosecution would not be an option. British law does not apply to the Dogger Site yet. It is up to us if it ever will.
Seasteading has been considered widely by several anarchists as a way of forming a utopia that would not need to subject itself to the oppression of a host state. The most difficult part of the realization of such an idea is the huge financial cost involved. This is a great opportunity to let a corrupt government along with its sponsors do their dirty tricks, provide the infrastructure, and then take over and show them that their laws can also be used against them.
The location is ideal, the structures are ideal, plus their very nature would also provide such a sea colony with plenty of electricity!
A very optimistic dream or a very good chance? You choose! In any case, the government and big business are doing their magic tricks again, this time dealing with fictional property..
Hide the following 16 comments
what about the rest of us?
08.01.2010 19:17
What happens to the rest of us on the mainland who are depending on their facilities? Do you think we are going to sit back and lose out whilst you get something for nothing?
Gas and oil...
08.01.2010 19:54
Let's hope the designs for these farms incorporate plans for large sea level rises -- if they don't they could all be put out of operation sooner rather than later...
I hope people won't deliberately delay the planning of offshore wind
08.01.2010 23:07
jolly roger
Another pointless comment that doesn't add anything to the article..
08.01.2010 23:22
Spizz, oil rigs are a very dodgy subject on their own. Read up about it if you're interested.
I wander where this energy goes?
09.01.2010 11:38
And I wander how much of this consumption is discretionary; used by consumers and businesses who can make an active choice of wether of not to spend money on electricity or not, and how much is used by GOVERNMENT on things like local government buildings and ROAD LIGHTING?
And electricity is only a part of the total energy consumed, there is also gas, oil, coal, befoul etc. used directly. If humans stop using this energy directly, electricity demand is going to go up and up.
Wind farms are green capitalism, only capitalism isn't green it says: we own it, so we can consume it!
Green man
Generating green energy or new money?
09.01.2010 15:00
Why is the life cycle of the wind farms 25 years the same as a pension scheme or mortgage?
Could the 'green energy revolution' dig us (or should I say them bankers and industrialists) out this latest economic crisis? or delay it for another generation to deal with?
And why do we need to invest (or create new debt) here's a recent article that explains quite well:
It's all about saving the economic system rather than the environment!
Here's another interesting article;
Still, I shouldn't be so negative. These off sure wind industrial complexes could create fantastic artificial reef habitats for marine life;) if not lucrative tax havens.
Green man
09.01.2010 16:06
Please follow the link to see the energy consumption of various countries.
is a disease
09.01.2010 18:14
Even if you managed it, I think you would be bored and miserable being stuck in a wind turbine's tower. You can't go for a walk, theres no one there, and you havnt got an internet connection, it would be pretty crap to be honest.
But, if you somehow build a thriving metropolis.... Having spent a few hundred million developing this wind farm, do you actually think we will sit back and let a bunch of anarchists take it over? We'd send the navy to manhandle you off the structure and put you in prison.
Jamie, you are a fantasist. A walter-mitty character who hasn't thought this through
It is called robbery, in the case you didn't know...
10.01.2010 07:26
How typical...
@ Israel
10.01.2010 09:14
"...the structures can be squatted and modified."
How typical..."
Bit like the country of Palestine wouldn't you say? Only that was already inhabited.
irony detector
10.01.2010 15:30
Now the interesting bit with your comment is that you're somehow implying that YOU are going to be spending money on the wind farm. The wind farms will be built by private companies for their own profit with their own money. The taxpayer will not be paying for that. Which, as expected, proves that you actually WORK for or OWN one of these companies.
Sending the navy to manhandle us off the structure would constitute an act of piracy, according to marine law. Since UK laws are not in effect there, putting anyone in prison is not an option according to the existing legal system. Which proves that big business and the government are so involved in illegal activities that you take it for granted they will act, illegally, to ensure the rescue of your financial interests.
So, the moral of the story is, that if a group of people decide to do that, there is absolutely nothing you can legally do. You and your beloved government have made sure you can do whatever you want within your territory. But outside your territory, nobody is going to respect you or your money. So keep to your territory that you've tried so hard for, but don't you dare go anywhere out of it cause they will coming to get you! You have no idea what goes on in international waters, and you really wouldn't like to find out. I'd say trying to set up anything in international waters is taking a risk. It is invading somebody else's territory. International waters are home to some, who you never hear about. Expansion of existing countries in international waters is a threat to these people. Oil rigs are enough as it is, but we're now talking about a whole new policy which means occupying large areas of international waters to satisfy your greed. Do you think they are going to sit back and let you steal their last remaining freedom, bit by bit? Think again...
Nice one "Israel" and "irony detector"
10.01.2010 20:03
10.01.2010 21:51
seriously, it aint your development site. keep off
look with your eyes not your hands
i doubt anarchists could get organised for this proposal
unless they can find a tub boat that runs on chip oil or something equally stupid
Piracy and marine law
10.01.2010 23:07
no it isn't. Are you qualified to advise on marine law?
Qualified to advise...
11.01.2010 14:54
12.01.2010 18:01
2. i still think that it wouldn't be piracy as you say. Its so obvious it wouldn't - its not even commercial
3. I work for british rail, whatever thats got to do with it