Beyond Bloctivism: Critical Response to the Greenpolice
Philosophe Sans Oeuvre | 05.01.2010 01:48 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Ecology | World
The following article is a critical response to a communiqué from the black bloc ‘Greenpeace-Greenpolice’ which contests the role of ecology in recent political conflicts taking place around the recent COP 15 Summit with the intention of drawing support away from the Reclaim Power action at the Bella Centre on the 16th December.
I was glad to see that the 'Greenpeace-Greenpolice' document had been posted up on Indymedia so that it can be discussed. I first encountered it on one of the large organisational meetings at Ragnhildgade a day or two before the Reclaim Power action in Copenhagen, and it was given to me as an anonymous handout without any explanation. Two things struck me about it on my initial reading: firstly, that it was a well-written piece of postmodern sophistry, and secondly, that it may have been disseminated as deliberate 'misinformation' by some covert E.U. intelligence service, as a means to confuse, divide, and conquer the gathering protest movement against COP 15.
Now that we know it was composed by someone associated with the black bloc and the reason for its publication we can a bit less paranoid about it. I also attended the Copenhagen Climate Justice protest on Saturday 12th December; I wanted to be involved in the action so I stayed close to the black bloc. At the beginning, I was walking with the 'System Change' section of the procession when the sound-bombs went off, and I must have narrowly missed out on getting a ‘preventative arrest’ with the other nine hundred that day. But I wasn't aware that black bloc members were physically prevented from joining the non-violent ‘System Change’ protesters, and if they were refused entry into the ‘non-violent’ section by the Climate Justice Now organisers then that's clearly a bad move politically, even if we accept that there were undoubtedly agent provocateurs amongst us who had orders to disrupt the peaceful protest march, and that every political movement must occasionally discipline its own forces to comply with the plan of action-alas, utopia hasn’t arrived just yet. Yet I never heard anyone discuss this ‘refusing entry’ incident during the course of the following week, which certainly doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. What I did hear afterwards were one or two people arguing that the whole procession should have stayed behind in support of those innocent people held on ‘preventative arrest’. Perhaps if the hundred thousand people had stayed in one spot and demanded their release the riot police would have had to back down, and that might have been a highly symbolic victory for the protestors that day. Personally, I think I would have preferred it if the protest had taken this direction, that would have been much more interesting; as it turned out the Saturday peaceful protest was a dull trek through town occasionally enlivened by the odd sound system or samba band, culminating in some well-intentioned speeches which seemed to have little effective power.
But as far as my limited understanding of the black bloc as a protest strategy, I'm all for it. They offer much needed protection from the riot police who try and intimidate the non-violent protestors into giving up, and also give the inexperienced protestors the courage to resist. I think protests need this ‘antagonistic edge’ which the black bloc has now come to represent, and this mode of political resistance is essential to prove that through their determination and through sheer strength in numbers the people can effectively surmount state-power and expand the scope of what is politically possible. But I think that the black bloc’s activities should ultimately filter in with the broader counter-hegemonic struggle against exploitative neoliberal government. Whether this effective surmounting of state-power is expressed through closing down the financial district of a city centre or through inflicting collateral damage on a symbolic piece of private property will all depend on what is tactically viable on the day of action. The point is that these activities should make people question why it might be right to occasionally break a shop window, or shove back a riot police who is violently trying to prevent government delegates from creating a 'People's Assembly'. Whilst a protest can be rendered ineffective if the media coverage only concentrates on the question of what degree of police brutality is necessary to prevent a broken window, it’s also true that protests which lack a black bloc element-(regardless of what colours the activists wear on the day)-fail to attract significant media coverage and appear to the public as a contained and powerless display of affected politics. In contrast, an effective protest is one which manages to reveal the real weaknesses in state-power through direct actions which generate media interest, and inspire a broader public into getting directly involved with the political issues which affect them. It is the possibility of success, rather than the occasional acts of violence or vandalism, which is arguably the most thrilling aspect of direct action.
During the COP 15 protests many of the most intelligent and inspired people I met were associated with the black bloc-and they were certainly the most defiant. On the 16th December, inside the controversial rabbit cages which the Danish police set aside for protestors at Valby, the black bloc arrestees managed to tear up the internal walls of their cells in active rebellion against the riot police, who in turn would repeatedly carry out their threat to pepper-spray them inside their cells-and these prisoners did so order to demonstrate that their political convictions were much stronger than the legal violence of the state. During my time in the cells that day there was also good discussion about the current relevance of black bloc tactics-about whether the sporadic vandalism of the black bloc did more harm than good for the Climate Justice movement. To me, this isn't even a question: the black bloc anarchist wing of the movement are vital to have onside for the reasons given above, and they're not genetically determined to be a nuisance nor psychically programmed to throw a brick every five minutes. If there's the possibility of making a great direct action so long as they can keep strategically inconspicuous in the meantime then of course that is compatible with their tactics. Currently, the main thing which unites all protest blocs is our shared objective of trying to throw a huge spanner in the works of neoliberal government, at a time when it’s most vulnerable, to show people that an alternative politics is both possible, and preferable. It will have to be quite a big spanner, and will require our collective cunning in order to get it past security.
Yet the 'Greenpeace-Greenpolice' article seems to argue that no one political situation is preferable to another. Its appeal to conserve a 'living excess' from the reach of all political calculations only does so at the expense of precluding any means of measuring the value of different social organisations (of people, of other forms of life: in short, of a political ecology). And, if there's no way of rationally deducing which kind of political organisation is preferable over another then we may as well give in to our intuitions and do whatever feels best right now, whether that’s throwing a brick through a window, or throwing in the towel, or both at the same time.
But let us examine the arguments of this text in close detail:
First paragraph:
Argument: Suggests that we should feel suspicious about the similarity of the rhetoric of those organising the COP 15 and those organising the protest: rhetorically at least, they appear similar.
Refutation: Rhetorical similarities are merely that: One must still rely on words like ‘freedom’ or ‘power’ even if these words are also used by the Nazi’s or George Bush.
Second paragraph:
Argument: Despite stylistic differences, both COP 15 organisers and protest organisers rely on similar institutional spaces and communicative technologies as a means of achieving political organisation; therefore, they both may be equally culpable as oppressive powers which limit human freedom.
Refutation: Although both COP 15 organisers and protest organisers utilise similar institutional spaces and communicative technology, this does not mean that their respective politics are by any means equivalent. Political positions are determined by a set of scientific and metaphysical convictions which ground them. For example, a neoliberal capitalist might argue that competition and free-markets are the best way of enabling life to flourish on this planet, whilst a social ecologist might contend that there are more reliable means of making life flourish than the loaded dice of the free- market. It depends on which argument you find most convincing after considering the evidence, and this is the essence of what forms a political view. As for human freedom being something outside of politics, one must also be free to participate in a collective political movement, and perhaps we are more emancipated through the collective organisation of our environment rather than through an individual’s crude struggle against nature.
Third paragraph:
Argument: Questions whether the protest may itself be a part of the state system, which is allowed to exist to represent 'political resistance' without actually doing so. Furthermore, it implies that by actively struggling against the media spectacle of the COP 15, protestors are inadvertently legitimating its existence as a political forum. What does it mean to want to save humanity? From who, or from what? For who, and for what? If all political positions share the singular aim of saving humanity, then this could nullify all political conflict, which may be essential to a healthy human culture.
Refutation: The protest is in an antagonistic relation to the state: it is not outside or isolated from it, in the same way that the politicians inside the COP 15 were equally human as those who were outside it. This needn’t be cause for concern. It’s true that the COP 15 protest drew attention to the COP 15 conference, but this was because a serious political struggle was taking place over who represents the real interests of the environment along with a concern for the future generations who will live in it. That the environment has become an issue which can no longer be swept under the plush red carpet is partly due to grass-roots political activists raising awareness of environmental issues. That’s why it was crucial for activists involved in these issues to try and make their voices heard with whatever means were at their disposal: brute force and old media dominance for the neoliberal western governments, genuine popular support along with creative means of enticing the media for those associated with the Climate Justice movement. The abstract question of what it means to ‘save humanity’ can easily turn into a theoretical dead-end if it paralyses the possibility for direct action; neoliberal capitalists might have one idea of what it means to save humanity, whilst the anarchists clearly have another. It’s up to everyone to consider the evidence and decide on what is right. Afterwards, individual opinions may then coalesce into differing political groupings and that’s how united political struggles are born. There is nothing sinister about the fact that opposing political groupings can both claim to be saving humanity. Both the rhetoric of George Bush and the anarchists claim to be standing up for individual freedom, but their political struggle for organising a society in which individual freedom can flourish is premised upon entirely different conceptions of what it means to be free and how it might be manifested on earth. Just as there is a world of difference between George Bush’s means of defending freedom and an anarchist’s conception of the free individual, theoretically anarchist politics has much more in common with the protest movements against the COP 15 than those delegates representing neoliberal governments in the West. Sometimes it’s necessary to join forces with your enemy’s enemy and leave the theoretical discussion until later. The Reclaim Power protest should have been one such occasion.
Fourth paragraph:
Argument: The COP 15 is the most recent example of an emerging ‘managerial turn’ in contemporary politics. This managerial turn allegedly seeks to measure and quantify all former political externalities (such as social life, environmental concerns, and even resistance itself) in order to incorporate it into a more complete state dominance. Yet there is something immeasurable within the field of state-power which cannot be reduced into any objective schema: the living excess.
Refutation: Whilst it’s correct to state that there has been what could be termed a managerial turn in neoliberal western governments, which now concentrate on managing the growing incorporation of free-market competition into all spheres of life, rather than claiming to represent a distinct political position. This is because we have all accepted that free-market capitalism and individualism is most liberating means for organising society, right? The argument that there is something ineffable about human life which exists outside all objective modes of analysis makes truth a relative concept and inadvertently plays into the hands of neoliberal ideologists, to the extent that it can sometimes justify the reduction of the state (that’s welfare, education, and health, as well as police, armaments, and prisons; although in practice it’s usually the former that faces the cut-backs) and consolidates the present inequalities in society as being a product of that ineffable difference between individuals: some people are just born to rule.
Fifth Paragraph:
Argument: Ecology has come to function like a ‘universal religion’ and one should be suspicious of the fact that all political positions are trying to claim its authority. To be a political activist for the environment is ultimately a matter of submitting yourself to a tyrannical future goal, which in the process sacrifices all that is valuable about our essential humanity. If ecology is concerned with environmental equilibrium, then isn’t this analogous to an oppressive politics which quietens all dissent? Furthermore, it teaches us to distrust our own inner human nature, even causing us to ‘police’ ourselves.
Refutation: One doesn’t need to be suspicious of a word, although one might benefit by examining its differing uses before categorically condemning it. Differing interpretations of the concept of ecology are part of a political struggle. One conception of ecology, such as James Lovelock’s ‘Gaia Theory’, may argue that the earth will always find its own ‘equilibrium’ and that it’s pure hubris for human-beings to try and prevent climate change. This conception results in a political position known as ‘quietism’, which contends that future-orientated political projects are against the natural tendencies of human beings, whilst what is natural for us just so happens to be how things currently stand. Another conception of ecology, such as the one articulated by Barry Commoner in ‘The Closing Cycle’, might argue that our shared reliance on the earth’s finite resources ought to be the thing which unifies us as a species and inspires us to protect the natural ecology of the planet for the good by ensuring the biodiversity of life itself. This conception of ecology results in a political position which has been termed ‘eco-socialism’; it relies on the conviction that we can all work together for the common good and that collectively we can reach agreements and define the nature of this common good. The argument that all political commitment to a future-oriented goal sacrifices ‘everything that makes life worth living’ is as infantile as arguing that peeing in your pants is an active rebellion against the tyranny of the toilet bowl. We all ‘police’ ourselves to some degree-and this only has a nominal relation to the way in which actual police forces may or may not serve to further the interests of oppressive governing powers.
Final remarks:
Insinuation: If the success of the COP 15 summit in some ways depends upon popular interest, then perhaps we shouldn’t give it any attention or go anywhere near it?
Implication: The failure to significantly breach the Bella Centre perimeter fence was partly a result of the split starting points of the Green, Blue and Black blocs. Perhaps if we had started out from the same station then we may have managed to hold back the police for longer and create a ‘cop-free’ autonomous zone for the ‘people’s assembly’ to take place.
Insinuation: And if the police are the new essence of global politics, then shouldn’t we renounce all politics?
Implication: The exceptionalist understanding of politics as something which occurs only outside of the established channels enables those parties in power to maintain their grip whilst the possibility for resistance withdraws-and diminishes.
By way of concluding this close reading, I’d like to again re-emphasise that I think that this communiqué from the black bloc is very well written and has a very seductive argument which I imagine could easily confuse those who lack the theoretical sophistication of its author. Regardless of the intentions behind the piece, I imagine it must have been music to the ears of those undercover police agents who secretly attended the organisational meetings and hoped to divide and conquer the protest through disrupting its plans.
There should always be room for opposition within any political movement, and the author of this communiqué is right to call into question the role of ecology when all colours of the political spectrum are claiming it for themselves. Likewise, the reasons behind the various struggles which made up the protest movements surrounding the COP 15 can not be subsumed under the theme of ‘ecological concern’ no matter how it’s defined. Nevertheless, in my view, it is only by collective action and careful strategising that we can reveal the weaknesses in state-power, and it’s only through collective organisation that we construct a political ecology in which ‘the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all’.
Now that we know it was composed by someone associated with the black bloc and the reason for its publication we can a bit less paranoid about it. I also attended the Copenhagen Climate Justice protest on Saturday 12th December; I wanted to be involved in the action so I stayed close to the black bloc. At the beginning, I was walking with the 'System Change' section of the procession when the sound-bombs went off, and I must have narrowly missed out on getting a ‘preventative arrest’ with the other nine hundred that day. But I wasn't aware that black bloc members were physically prevented from joining the non-violent ‘System Change’ protesters, and if they were refused entry into the ‘non-violent’ section by the Climate Justice Now organisers then that's clearly a bad move politically, even if we accept that there were undoubtedly agent provocateurs amongst us who had orders to disrupt the peaceful protest march, and that every political movement must occasionally discipline its own forces to comply with the plan of action-alas, utopia hasn’t arrived just yet. Yet I never heard anyone discuss this ‘refusing entry’ incident during the course of the following week, which certainly doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. What I did hear afterwards were one or two people arguing that the whole procession should have stayed behind in support of those innocent people held on ‘preventative arrest’. Perhaps if the hundred thousand people had stayed in one spot and demanded their release the riot police would have had to back down, and that might have been a highly symbolic victory for the protestors that day. Personally, I think I would have preferred it if the protest had taken this direction, that would have been much more interesting; as it turned out the Saturday peaceful protest was a dull trek through town occasionally enlivened by the odd sound system or samba band, culminating in some well-intentioned speeches which seemed to have little effective power.
But as far as my limited understanding of the black bloc as a protest strategy, I'm all for it. They offer much needed protection from the riot police who try and intimidate the non-violent protestors into giving up, and also give the inexperienced protestors the courage to resist. I think protests need this ‘antagonistic edge’ which the black bloc has now come to represent, and this mode of political resistance is essential to prove that through their determination and through sheer strength in numbers the people can effectively surmount state-power and expand the scope of what is politically possible. But I think that the black bloc’s activities should ultimately filter in with the broader counter-hegemonic struggle against exploitative neoliberal government. Whether this effective surmounting of state-power is expressed through closing down the financial district of a city centre or through inflicting collateral damage on a symbolic piece of private property will all depend on what is tactically viable on the day of action. The point is that these activities should make people question why it might be right to occasionally break a shop window, or shove back a riot police who is violently trying to prevent government delegates from creating a 'People's Assembly'. Whilst a protest can be rendered ineffective if the media coverage only concentrates on the question of what degree of police brutality is necessary to prevent a broken window, it’s also true that protests which lack a black bloc element-(regardless of what colours the activists wear on the day)-fail to attract significant media coverage and appear to the public as a contained and powerless display of affected politics. In contrast, an effective protest is one which manages to reveal the real weaknesses in state-power through direct actions which generate media interest, and inspire a broader public into getting directly involved with the political issues which affect them. It is the possibility of success, rather than the occasional acts of violence or vandalism, which is arguably the most thrilling aspect of direct action.
During the COP 15 protests many of the most intelligent and inspired people I met were associated with the black bloc-and they were certainly the most defiant. On the 16th December, inside the controversial rabbit cages which the Danish police set aside for protestors at Valby, the black bloc arrestees managed to tear up the internal walls of their cells in active rebellion against the riot police, who in turn would repeatedly carry out their threat to pepper-spray them inside their cells-and these prisoners did so order to demonstrate that their political convictions were much stronger than the legal violence of the state. During my time in the cells that day there was also good discussion about the current relevance of black bloc tactics-about whether the sporadic vandalism of the black bloc did more harm than good for the Climate Justice movement. To me, this isn't even a question: the black bloc anarchist wing of the movement are vital to have onside for the reasons given above, and they're not genetically determined to be a nuisance nor psychically programmed to throw a brick every five minutes. If there's the possibility of making a great direct action so long as they can keep strategically inconspicuous in the meantime then of course that is compatible with their tactics. Currently, the main thing which unites all protest blocs is our shared objective of trying to throw a huge spanner in the works of neoliberal government, at a time when it’s most vulnerable, to show people that an alternative politics is both possible, and preferable. It will have to be quite a big spanner, and will require our collective cunning in order to get it past security.
Yet the 'Greenpeace-Greenpolice' article seems to argue that no one political situation is preferable to another. Its appeal to conserve a 'living excess' from the reach of all political calculations only does so at the expense of precluding any means of measuring the value of different social organisations (of people, of other forms of life: in short, of a political ecology). And, if there's no way of rationally deducing which kind of political organisation is preferable over another then we may as well give in to our intuitions and do whatever feels best right now, whether that’s throwing a brick through a window, or throwing in the towel, or both at the same time.
But let us examine the arguments of this text in close detail:
First paragraph:
Argument: Suggests that we should feel suspicious about the similarity of the rhetoric of those organising the COP 15 and those organising the protest: rhetorically at least, they appear similar.
Refutation: Rhetorical similarities are merely that: One must still rely on words like ‘freedom’ or ‘power’ even if these words are also used by the Nazi’s or George Bush.
Second paragraph:
Argument: Despite stylistic differences, both COP 15 organisers and protest organisers rely on similar institutional spaces and communicative technologies as a means of achieving political organisation; therefore, they both may be equally culpable as oppressive powers which limit human freedom.
Refutation: Although both COP 15 organisers and protest organisers utilise similar institutional spaces and communicative technology, this does not mean that their respective politics are by any means equivalent. Political positions are determined by a set of scientific and metaphysical convictions which ground them. For example, a neoliberal capitalist might argue that competition and free-markets are the best way of enabling life to flourish on this planet, whilst a social ecologist might contend that there are more reliable means of making life flourish than the loaded dice of the free- market. It depends on which argument you find most convincing after considering the evidence, and this is the essence of what forms a political view. As for human freedom being something outside of politics, one must also be free to participate in a collective political movement, and perhaps we are more emancipated through the collective organisation of our environment rather than through an individual’s crude struggle against nature.
Third paragraph:
Argument: Questions whether the protest may itself be a part of the state system, which is allowed to exist to represent 'political resistance' without actually doing so. Furthermore, it implies that by actively struggling against the media spectacle of the COP 15, protestors are inadvertently legitimating its existence as a political forum. What does it mean to want to save humanity? From who, or from what? For who, and for what? If all political positions share the singular aim of saving humanity, then this could nullify all political conflict, which may be essential to a healthy human culture.
Refutation: The protest is in an antagonistic relation to the state: it is not outside or isolated from it, in the same way that the politicians inside the COP 15 were equally human as those who were outside it. This needn’t be cause for concern. It’s true that the COP 15 protest drew attention to the COP 15 conference, but this was because a serious political struggle was taking place over who represents the real interests of the environment along with a concern for the future generations who will live in it. That the environment has become an issue which can no longer be swept under the plush red carpet is partly due to grass-roots political activists raising awareness of environmental issues. That’s why it was crucial for activists involved in these issues to try and make their voices heard with whatever means were at their disposal: brute force and old media dominance for the neoliberal western governments, genuine popular support along with creative means of enticing the media for those associated with the Climate Justice movement. The abstract question of what it means to ‘save humanity’ can easily turn into a theoretical dead-end if it paralyses the possibility for direct action; neoliberal capitalists might have one idea of what it means to save humanity, whilst the anarchists clearly have another. It’s up to everyone to consider the evidence and decide on what is right. Afterwards, individual opinions may then coalesce into differing political groupings and that’s how united political struggles are born. There is nothing sinister about the fact that opposing political groupings can both claim to be saving humanity. Both the rhetoric of George Bush and the anarchists claim to be standing up for individual freedom, but their political struggle for organising a society in which individual freedom can flourish is premised upon entirely different conceptions of what it means to be free and how it might be manifested on earth. Just as there is a world of difference between George Bush’s means of defending freedom and an anarchist’s conception of the free individual, theoretically anarchist politics has much more in common with the protest movements against the COP 15 than those delegates representing neoliberal governments in the West. Sometimes it’s necessary to join forces with your enemy’s enemy and leave the theoretical discussion until later. The Reclaim Power protest should have been one such occasion.
Fourth paragraph:
Argument: The COP 15 is the most recent example of an emerging ‘managerial turn’ in contemporary politics. This managerial turn allegedly seeks to measure and quantify all former political externalities (such as social life, environmental concerns, and even resistance itself) in order to incorporate it into a more complete state dominance. Yet there is something immeasurable within the field of state-power which cannot be reduced into any objective schema: the living excess.
Refutation: Whilst it’s correct to state that there has been what could be termed a managerial turn in neoliberal western governments, which now concentrate on managing the growing incorporation of free-market competition into all spheres of life, rather than claiming to represent a distinct political position. This is because we have all accepted that free-market capitalism and individualism is most liberating means for organising society, right? The argument that there is something ineffable about human life which exists outside all objective modes of analysis makes truth a relative concept and inadvertently plays into the hands of neoliberal ideologists, to the extent that it can sometimes justify the reduction of the state (that’s welfare, education, and health, as well as police, armaments, and prisons; although in practice it’s usually the former that faces the cut-backs) and consolidates the present inequalities in society as being a product of that ineffable difference between individuals: some people are just born to rule.
Fifth Paragraph:
Argument: Ecology has come to function like a ‘universal religion’ and one should be suspicious of the fact that all political positions are trying to claim its authority. To be a political activist for the environment is ultimately a matter of submitting yourself to a tyrannical future goal, which in the process sacrifices all that is valuable about our essential humanity. If ecology is concerned with environmental equilibrium, then isn’t this analogous to an oppressive politics which quietens all dissent? Furthermore, it teaches us to distrust our own inner human nature, even causing us to ‘police’ ourselves.
Refutation: One doesn’t need to be suspicious of a word, although one might benefit by examining its differing uses before categorically condemning it. Differing interpretations of the concept of ecology are part of a political struggle. One conception of ecology, such as James Lovelock’s ‘Gaia Theory’, may argue that the earth will always find its own ‘equilibrium’ and that it’s pure hubris for human-beings to try and prevent climate change. This conception results in a political position known as ‘quietism’, which contends that future-orientated political projects are against the natural tendencies of human beings, whilst what is natural for us just so happens to be how things currently stand. Another conception of ecology, such as the one articulated by Barry Commoner in ‘The Closing Cycle’, might argue that our shared reliance on the earth’s finite resources ought to be the thing which unifies us as a species and inspires us to protect the natural ecology of the planet for the good by ensuring the biodiversity of life itself. This conception of ecology results in a political position which has been termed ‘eco-socialism’; it relies on the conviction that we can all work together for the common good and that collectively we can reach agreements and define the nature of this common good. The argument that all political commitment to a future-oriented goal sacrifices ‘everything that makes life worth living’ is as infantile as arguing that peeing in your pants is an active rebellion against the tyranny of the toilet bowl. We all ‘police’ ourselves to some degree-and this only has a nominal relation to the way in which actual police forces may or may not serve to further the interests of oppressive governing powers.
Final remarks:
Insinuation: If the success of the COP 15 summit in some ways depends upon popular interest, then perhaps we shouldn’t give it any attention or go anywhere near it?
Implication: The failure to significantly breach the Bella Centre perimeter fence was partly a result of the split starting points of the Green, Blue and Black blocs. Perhaps if we had started out from the same station then we may have managed to hold back the police for longer and create a ‘cop-free’ autonomous zone for the ‘people’s assembly’ to take place.
Insinuation: And if the police are the new essence of global politics, then shouldn’t we renounce all politics?
Implication: The exceptionalist understanding of politics as something which occurs only outside of the established channels enables those parties in power to maintain their grip whilst the possibility for resistance withdraws-and diminishes.
By way of concluding this close reading, I’d like to again re-emphasise that I think that this communiqué from the black bloc is very well written and has a very seductive argument which I imagine could easily confuse those who lack the theoretical sophistication of its author. Regardless of the intentions behind the piece, I imagine it must have been music to the ears of those undercover police agents who secretly attended the organisational meetings and hoped to divide and conquer the protest through disrupting its plans.
There should always be room for opposition within any political movement, and the author of this communiqué is right to call into question the role of ecology when all colours of the political spectrum are claiming it for themselves. Likewise, the reasons behind the various struggles which made up the protest movements surrounding the COP 15 can not be subsumed under the theme of ‘ecological concern’ no matter how it’s defined. Nevertheless, in my view, it is only by collective action and careful strategising that we can reveal the weaknesses in state-power, and it’s only through collective organisation that we construct a political ecology in which ‘the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all’.
Philosophe Sans Oeuvre
Hide the following 5 comments
An important addition to the debate
05.01.2010 15:48
Your refutation of the Greenpolice communique is successful I feel, and this is coming from a supporter of black blocs.
I hope we don't get a load of fellow black blockers on here moaning about this being a typical sell-out weak piece. It isn't, and should be seen as an addition to the idea of Black Bloc's and their role in the anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian struggle, as opposed to a banket criticism, which it's not.
The Fourth Paragraph
05.01.2010 16:02
Critique of the refutation: neoliberalism supposes that the liberal position supervenes all and is, in fact, the only means to a good life. Neoliberalism is liberalism predicated upon the quantities of economics and toleration of the non-economic. The non-economic is, definitionally, incapable of being an end. Thus the neoliberal and the liberal can ignore the irreducable living excess.
The living excess falls outside of the liberal and neoliberal worldview. Living supposes that a person is an end in and of themselves. The entire notion that all is Quantity and nothing Quality is, as Marxists might suppose, a dialectic. The refutation above does not refute this at all. For if the refutation were true then it would resolve the dialectic and it does not do so. Being alive is still a mystery. We might all suppose we know "the solution" but we all have doubt.
Ineffable Qualities outside all objective modes of analysis do not make truth relative. It would be nice for some ideologies if it did so. They make life interesting. They ensure that there are things, such as beauty, love and happiness that are bland isomorphisms of some quantity. The "invisible hand of the market" is an "Ineffable Quality" of free market capitalism. It is tolerated. That is the turn by which western governments have adopted the managerial, economic ideology.
Having ineffable qualities would justify the extension of welfare, healthcare and so on in order to service those qualities. This does not support neoliberal thought as it is equally possible to say: "some people are born to revolt" and "some people are born to be overthrown" and "some people are born to argue".
The managerial turn supposes that economics contested through politics is the only means to the achievement of the end of a good life. This is a distinct political position. It excuses personal responsibility for actions by one person with consequences for other persons if that person is "managing". It is not simply a supposition that free-markets are "the most liberating" but that anything outside the free-market can be managed. It is the qualitative response of the liberal: toleration.
Wu Ming
05.01.2010 16:28
Anarchism is the answer, in one form or another!
Another world is possible, as proven by RECLAIM THE STREETS actions
Yes, exactly, and the fact they didn't stay behind speaks volumes about infiltration of "our movement", even if people are used to blac bloc "going their own way" during a demo, the joke-15 was not the time or place to be separating. Infiltrators were hard at work, for sure, in my opinion.
As for the article, well done, its good.
I dont agree or disagree with all your "refutations", or rather, I dont think they "needed" to exist, as such,as your other points were as valid and probably spoke more about what you really feel. That doesn't mean I agree or disagree with the refutations for any particular reason other than, i think they're unnecessary.
No doubt you know "your stuff", although knowing our stuff is now pointless, in my opinion, if we are not going to shift up a gear and develop new methods of delivering the same actions:
ie. Should the blac bloc "dissolve" itself from every international summit and concentrate soley on "local" fights (ie.militant direct action in our towns and villages and streets) and community building and defense? Or should we "forget the usual tactics" and take the fight even MORE militant and arm ourselves for missions against the state and banks? Or go "fluffier" and chill out for a bit until the "movement" gets its arse in gear, and help build and sustain our communities, or both?
So I think rather than your refutations, your piece is good for raising these questions about the blac bloc...good effort. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
Maybe others out there can help with answers and postulations, to further the "debate" about joke-15 here and after, our beloved blac bloc and the REAL way forward as we get ready for the next round of big elitist meetings this year and onward, as the world continues to be heaped up to its eyeballs in capitalist-globalisation fuckeries!
welcome to 2010, eh comrades?
Black bloc
06.01.2010 14:00
Black bloc is a tactic, it is not a group or organisation. Like fitwatch or any other tactic it can be used by any group at any time for any purpose they see fit.
Additonal comments on feedback
07.01.2010 13:30
Also, these actions weren’t all failures. The No Borders action on the Monday was a successful action which liked good in the media, and the new protest unit known as the bike block completely outwitted the police who as yet have no tactics for dealing with them. The actions on the Sunday and Wednesday, could only be stopped through severe policing methods (such as the mass pre-emptive arrests of innocent protestors, using batons to stop government delegates from LEAVING the Bella centre, pepper-spraying prisoners INSIDE their cages, etc)-which should make people question why the police had to react in such a harsh manner. It exposed the violence of behind neoliberal capital which can seem so eminently reasonable (unless you’re living with the consequences in the developing world, or you’re poor, or you’re a Muslim living in Scandinavia, etc). When a nice country like Denmark has to use this degree of force in order to prevent a ‘people’s assembly’ from taking place then something is clearly wrong with the COP 15, and by extension the political system which has caused such conflict which cannot be resolved by the illusion of western democracy. If the state has to bare its teeth so visibly, then maybe it’s because they recognise our threat.
Obviously, the System Change movement is not in a position to physically overpower the state-that would be absurd, and counter-productive. The strength of this political movement derives from the fact that the tide is now-thanks to financial ruin-turning against neoliberalism, and people are becoming more politically conscious of how the European way of life has devastating consequences for both the environment and for the people paying the price for them in the developing world. In terms of anti-capitalist political activism, what it has on its side is speed, communications, and the increasing number of people who are warming to the cause. It doesn’t matter how many undercover police agents infiltrate the affinity groups because the movement is growing too fast, and more perplexing for them-it’s a horizontal organisation. The fact is that they didn’t create the Climate Justice movement and soon they won’t be able to contain it. Hence the reason why the police at COP 15 would prevent government delegates from leaving the Bella Centre and joining a non-violent ‘people’s assembly’ outside. Hence the reason why the police used overwhelming force to conduct their little invasion into Christiania after Klein, Hardt and Mueller had made such an impressive rallying cry for the Reclaim Power action. The use of excessive force in these incidents cannot be explained as simply a concern for general security (they didn’t need to go in to Christiania, and they charged none of the arrestees; the government delegates could have left Bella Centre without posing any threat to security, yet they were forced back by batons). It’s clearly about the police trying to prevent a media spectacle from taking place: the police, and by extension, governments-are still vulnerable to this threat. Perhaps the success of an action has less to do with what happens on the day and more to do with winning political legitimacy in the long-run: the profit-driven media just wants a good story that they can sell, and it doesn’t matter which side wins; one goal should be to get them on side. In the meantime, we have our own channels of communication.
The Wu Ming has exposed the main flaw in my argument. I think you’re right to argue that the neoliberal worldview understands all things as quantifiable externalities, and aims to bring them all under managerial control. My argument risked augmenting this kind of ideology by implying that life was not exempt from some form of objective measurement. It also has an authoritarian consequence: if everything is measurable then we-or rather, the most knowledgeable manager-should be able to organise everything in advance. Yet the problem of life as ‘an end itself and for itself’ is a tricky one: is this not a simply a metaphysical claim? My current field of research investigates this problem in relation to Marx’s conception of ‘that development of energy which is an end in itself, the true realm of freedom’ (Capital V3) which provides Marx with the motive for communism. My question concerns how more exacting epistemological criteria might be found for this true realm of freedom as manifested through the undetermined work The danger with preserving the mystery of life as a ‘living excess’ is that it risks becoming a barrier to thought rather than an instigation. As scientists probe the depths of the universe to understand how things work, so political activists must investigate the mysteries of life with the belief that occasionally we might get some objective purchase on them. In my view, one thing we can be certain of is that the present way of organising our resources in the rich north is grossly unfair to those in the developing south, is clearly unsustainable, and limits the potential for general human development in various ways. I’m also confident in the mass of scientific evidence which green pressure groups use to back up their arguments on ecological issues. We can still dwell on the mysteries of life whilst being able to recognise the basic contours of a fair and just society, and just don’t think this ‘living excess’ should be used as a reason to discount the logical and scientifically credible views of those Green activists who were struggling to make their voices heard in the protests around the COP 15.
As for black bloc as a protest tactic-who knows what’s next for them, given that they don’t exist as an organisation or party, not even an imaginary one. But I expect there will always be uses for people who have the courage of their convictions. Time to start learning Spanish.
Philosophe Sans Oeuvre