Police do that...We do this!
Retaliation Always | 03.01.2010 15:10 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World
In light of all the news about police repression, mixed with recent negative press for militants, and the mouthing off of detractors who seek to put down the black bloc and other militant forms of anti-capitalist globalisation, I thought it necessary to publish some pictures I found to remember when people have fought back and in some cases have won and others, lost dearly. Please fight on, lets not come apart now, the struggle must continues. Retaliation Always.
Yes we can argue until the cows come home about the usefulness of A tactic over B tactic or combining them both to make D tactic or Z tactic. We can do that as the world carries on not giving a shit. And we know that most people dont. Thats sad but its true.
So we must fight on. We must take the struggle further and deeper and stronger than ever before. we must retaliate, so as the future activists are not put off or disheartened after they get a kicking and then nothing happens from "our side". We scurry off and bend our knees to the state and the pigs. Building our communities, our alternatives, yes, but fighting back too.
The Fight Must Get Tougher.
Retaliation Always.
So we must fight on. We must take the struggle further and deeper and stronger than ever before. we must retaliate, so as the future activists are not put off or disheartened after they get a kicking and then nothing happens from "our side". We scurry off and bend our knees to the state and the pigs. Building our communities, our alternatives, yes, but fighting back too.
The Fight Must Get Tougher.
Retaliation Always.
Retaliation Always
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Dosn't work for minority views
03.01.2010 16:01
keep your head down
mate, fuck, mate woah... mate!!
03.01.2010 16:54
The struggle for equality takes many forms, don't privilige rioting and the cops as our only response and our only enemy.
makhno's horse driven modem
i'm amazed anyone has time for this
03.01.2010 18:29
Is this just a case of youths with too much time on their hands? Like the Mods and Rockers?
Keith C
Best comic strip of 2010
03.01.2010 18:56
Jamie The Antifascist (GingerMilitant)
the purpose of the spectacle
03.01.2010 21:48
In other words, you guys have got to be the dumbest terrorists / streetfighters of all time. Unless of course this is a police provocation... to be honest it is hard to tell the difference between cops and anarchists these days.
anonymouse debordist
action not reaction
03.01.2010 22:06
we don't only react you know! thank fuck. we are at our best when we are acting not reacting, and when we use a variety of tactics fitting each one to the situation rather than to our preferred pose/role-play/identity.
many supposed black bloc folk are actually very much like me, in my experience, its a minority of those who stay forever outside the black bloc who seem to stick to their roles in such unimaginative ways, and who are constantly reacting instead of acting.
sometime black-bloc-er sometime other type of activist
03.01.2010 23:25
retaliation always
Stupid propaganda
03.01.2010 23:45
@ Ruby
04.01.2010 00:16
However, I do take your point - and I'm being generous in my interpretation of your post, I think - that we do need to
(a) address the fears of the ordinary person who may be seriously and sincerely wondering about viable alternatives to consumer-based capitalism about what life might be like if organised differently;
(b) disseminate the actual practices, the local technologies and make these technicalities freely and widely available, a public library hosted on a web-site for example; and
(c) seriously re-evaluate how we protest, walking from points A to B sloganeering, but accomplishing (by and large) sweet FA. When the Black Bloc pushed forward in Seattle, for example, this was a significant turning point in the approach of protesting. Sooner or later we have to take a stand and draw a line in the sand.
If not now, then when?
Blunt Truth
Defeat is not a good reason to fight.
04.01.2010 00:20
Unity is strength and the anarchists are weak on that point. They need to create liberated areas in the countryside to surround the cities and refuse to fight the cities of reactionary political streangth first. The must build a base area that does organic communal food, to support the Monopoly Capitalist discarded workers and so they become independent and free of the fascist trend which is monopoly capitalist reaction to the organic revolution.
If they cannot unite the discarded workers they are not really ready for building and strengthening. So organizing for the new society is the first priority. The citys are only after the little stage of fighting their weakest spots of militarism, then mobility because of their victories and support therefore of the peoples, then the final stage of positional peoples war which is the largest cities. They are making a mistake of only taking on the city cops who represent the most efficient worst destructive force of the last most worst empirist empires and class society on earth. Once the Feudal-Imperial cops are defeated and the workers state comes into being then the classless society can occur. They stretch for the top of the ladder without going through the first, second an next rungs to the top. Such is a form of Guverraism or Warism which only leads to sometims small victories (though continuous) but most often the strengthening of the reactionary forces of militarism, and the unemployed with no where to go to but the billionaires and trillionaries cannon fodder militarism. And the exploiting rulers still in place liying and propagandizing that the polluted society is the best every. Workers of the world, unite!! Viva socialist liberation!!
Tailend Hobo
@ Tailend Hobo
04.01.2010 13:27
I agree that viable, alternate centres need to be established ... transition spaces for the fall-out from capitalist exploitation. I urge us all to figure these ideas out in basic, real practicalities, because if the average Joe Six Pack is unable to visualise alternatives, they will be unable to see past the mainstream media disinformation (for example, the climate camp smear campaigns generated and sustained by the cops and media; and the "summer of rage") that alternatives +are+ possible and even desirable. We could, as Tailend Hobo suggests organic farms, using alternative technologies, promote different forms of organisation and conflict resolution, building on an ethos of justice and equality, outside of the city systems. It'll take greater minds than my own to work out how to make this happen, but I would argue that if we don't seriously examine such ideas and practices, and to develop concrete alternatives, we will not be ready to offer meaningful options for the average person; this means that by default people will gravitate to what they already know because they know it and because they are familiar with it. In such circumstances, people are likely to just gravitate to these established exploitive practices even though they know they are exploitive and non-sustainable ... just simply because they don't know the alternatives. The brain-washing processes are quite comprehensive, from multiple points simultaneously and relentlessly, and if we want to take people with us, then we would have to work out ways of "deprogramming" the typical consumerist passive mind-set in order to obtain people who can and do contribute and disseminate the information.
In short - we must, as a matter of urgency, start to look forwards into a transitional future that is inclusive and ready to accept and help develop the growing numbers of capitalist casualties and outcasts who are already looking for meaningful alternatives to the dominant paradigm.
George Best
@ all of us
04.01.2010 20:48
Retaliaiton Always
retaliation always
05.01.2010 16:29
If you slag off those that engage in direct confrontation, ask yourself this - is it just that you are afraid?
The point of street conflict is to have something that won't be controlled, that won't capitulate, that has collective strength and is a vent for collective anger.
That's not to say other things are wrong. We need strong unions, active communities, coherent politics. But we also need time and space to come together and see that we are strong.
Love this. The best arguments can be simply put.
love it