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Local coverage of Smash EDO Remember Gaza demo

... | 29.12.2009 21:24 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast

Bickering has already started amongst readers of the local Brighton paper The Argus about the Smash EDO January 18th Remeber Gaza demo.




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29.12.2009 21:33

Remember that if you want to be sent a text with the meeting point for the Remember Gaza demo once this is revealed you can now email your number to or text it to 07538093930. Please put UPDATES in the subject header. Alternatively, it will be advertised on the Smash EDO web-site and on Indymedia.

See you on the 18th!


Argus Front Page

29.12.2009 21:35

for those not in Brighton the front page of the print edition of todays Argus was:


So its official

Brighton is clearly the place to be on J18 - 2010



31.12.2009 15:31

yeah sorry for my last outburst, you was right to hide it. I'd been reading reports on the Gaza situation and it all just came bubbling up. I think it may be would be worse if people felt nothing. I apologise and wish the campaign all the best in the new year.

Feeadore Shmertzl