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Sabotage at Broken Cross Open Cast Coal Mine (Mainshill Solidarity Action)

Anonymous | 28.12.2009 20:30

In the early hours of the 25th December

In the early hours of the 25th December, a group of autonomous activists delivered their Christmas present to Scottish Coal. Four machines were sabotaged at the Broken Cross open cast site, the largest of its type in Europe, just 5 miles from Mainshill Solidarity Camp.
This is a message to Scottish Coal that regardless of the time of year, we will resist. Not just at Mainshill, but at all of their sites across South Lanarkshire, which is one of the most heavily mined areas in Europe.
As the "festive" season comes to an end, the destructive work will commence again at Mainshill. Eviction is looming as their work progresses. Numbers are needed as ever on site to help out and fill defences.



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Well done!!

28.12.2009 21:07

Nice one people! Don't let the buggers get you down!


See you soon

28.12.2009 21:37

Looks like a brilliant action you guys have going on. I'll see you all in a few weeks.



29.12.2009 15:50

looks like things are getting stronger up there in terms of actions against machines and stuff...brilliant. hit them in their profits! solidarity to those involved on the action.

toad in the hole

wanna join you all

30.12.2009 13:12

How do I go about joining the camp?

Any directions/closest train station etc?

All info would be great, thanks.


Info can be found

04.01.2010 17:42

on the website which is at

Hope to see you soon!
