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Newfoundland Fishermen Involved in Slave Trade And other News Notes

ARC | 25.12.2009 17:39 | Animal Liberation | Anti-racism | Ecology | Cambridge | World

5 news notes

Hungary's Hunting Hall (Antlers Of Hundreds Of Animals)
Hungary's Hunting Hall (Antlers Of Hundreds Of Animals)

Sealclubbing Newfoundland Fishermen Profited from
the Slave Trade as well as Mammal Agony and Fish
Haiti and Jamaica plantation owners contracted
for that part of Newfoundland fish, the offal, which
no one else would eat. It was given to their slaves. Slave trade
has largely been abolished but the bloody sealhunt has continued.

Slave Trade Abolitionists In the UK and US Were Also Animal Protectors
.. most of whom were vegetarian or fruitarian
Among them were William Wilberforce and Susan B
Anthony, Harriet Beecher Stowe and her father

Benin's constitution recognizes officially the animal sacrifice of voodoo

Catalonian Parliament Has Banned Bullfighting

Vegetarian, Vegan and Fruitarian Diet Growing In All Religious Paths Buddhist Muslim Catholic Quaker Jewish online course in vegetarian diet (Jesuit priest's
16 page article on why he became vegetarian)

(Sarah Palin, hunter and vice presidential candidate who helped
defeat John McCain, continues to tour the country. There
are many cartoons on the internet about her attempt to kill Santa's

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