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Titnore Woods update!

AK | 19.12.2009 16:04 | Free Spaces | South Coast

Breaking news on the campaign to save Titnore....

Last Thursday plans to build approx another 400 homes was published bringing the grand total of the housing development to 1250! Which will tally the cost of the project to more than 3 billion pounds...What madness is this when Worthing has over 1000 empty buildings?!
It has also been uncovered that Heron Land Development is headed by a convicted crook of the Guiness insider trading case back in 1990.
More reasons for your support to save Titnore Woods people!



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publish info when it is important/useful

20.12.2009 01:03

that was not an urgent update.
it was speculation about more houses being built.
what more do we expect?

we should be using ukindymedia for information that can be acted on.

posts such as this latest one are nearer the mark...

'To show that you oppose their plans to tear down an irreplaceable natural space come and join the counter demo at 5.30pm outside Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing on January 28th 2010.
Please visit Camp Titnore. Enjoy its beauty, help to build new defences and walkways. Donations of wood, nails, polyprop and corrugated iron would be much appreciated.
Camp Titnore needs you!'


pubished wheb important

20.12.2009 15:46

I had problems when publishing, the more recent article you read was the one I tried to publish first!
So I was only adding more info I thought was relevant with the update...for eveyone else read the Save Titnore Woods newswire first then the update..cheers
