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FITwatch Copenhagen - mass arrests, cages and deportations.

Fitwatch | 17.12.2009 16:16 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Policing | Repression

Police found it difficult at times to contain hundreds of people in the detention cages, having to resort to dogs and pepper spray. They will now face a legal challenge. But is this the new style for the policing of European summits?

Recent protest at the COP15 summit in Copenhagen saw the arrest of hundreds of protesters, up to 900 on Saturday’s march. They were then held in wire cages set up in a warehouse on the edges of the city for up to 12 hours under legislation giving police powers to make ‘preventative arrests’. Most were then released, but those charged with offences, including very minor public order offences, were deported.

The arrest of such large numbers of people signalled a clear strategy of clamping down on potentially disorderly protest, a policy of prevention being better than cure. But while many UK protesters are shocked by the treatment, it is an approach to policing they should be used to. The Danish police have clearly learned a lot from the Met.

The Politi have simply put their own slant on the British tactics of kettling. On Saturday thousands amassed for a mass march to the Bella Centre, but the police had already decided that sections of the march would never reach their destination. Police vehicles hurtled though the crowd, supported by riot police to break up the demonstration into smaller, more controllable sections. Initially they detained everyone who would sit still for several hours on the streets. They then transferred people to specially set up cages, where people were held for up to 12 hours.

The arrest of such large numbers clearly had a marked effect on the demonstration. Set up to target the ‘black blocks’ the arrests encompassed a wide range of people, including journalists, frightened teenagers and, bizarrely, a group of Hare Krishna. The more clued up black blocks, meanwhile, evaded the arrests and set about sporadic rioting in another area of the city.

The real danger of police tactics like these, is that they have the potential to deter people from taking part in large scale protests at European summits – whether that be protests against climate change, or against the domination of the G8 or WTO. In the UK, the numbers involved in political protest dropped markedly as kettling became more commonplace - as people were simply worn down by constantly having to face hours in police cordons every time they took to the streets.

It is yet to be seen whether the kettling tactics employed at COP15 by the Danish police are used elsewhere. Mass preventative arrests are a significant move away from the crowd dispersal techniques – tear gas, baton strikes etc - more normally seen in Europe, (although such dispersal methods were also used in Copenhagen, particularly when disorder was sporadic or unexpected and the police were unable to prepare).

There will undoubtedly be legal challenge to the Danish policing, as the arrests were arbitrary and the detention disproportionate. But political activists also need to resist this particular form of police bullying from the ground up. Anyone heading for the next summit may want to bear in mind that mass containment is easy for the police to pull off when people are passive and willing to be contained. Attempting to contain a resistant crowd is a whole different ball game.

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on tactics

18.12.2009 09:57

Yes, there has been much more public order sharing of policing between different European police forces, but no we shouldn't 'claim' credit imperialistically for another export, that of the kettling tactic. The German police for one have for much longer than the British have been kettling been arresting large numbers on demos and temporarily jailing them. Yes they are very similar - the British cops basically imprison on the street though for a shorter time and with less paperwork. It varies from country to country in Europe, so we can't generalise that they just do dispersal or that this mass arrest stuff is a new tactic.

The British police also much much more rarely use vehicles to go into crowds. Here the policing tends to be more close-contact and intelligence-led.

I don't think I agree that these might deter people doing summit hopping - after all, we've seen extreme violence at European summits in Scandinavia before, and in Italy of course were someone got killed. Maybe we just have a short memory here (& don't even react much to our own deaths!). I don't think numbers dropped here to do with kettling at all.

ex-hopper (for now!)


21.12.2009 15:20

Agree absolutely that this is not such a new tactic. It was rumoured that the cages in Copenhagen were brought from Germany where they were due to host G8 protesters. The aim of the article was, in fact, to say exactly that, but also to draw parallels with what has happened here.

It was not suggested in this article that numbers of people on European summits dropped due to kettling, but I do think that kettling had a lot to do with the drop in numbers in the UK. Prior to the long detention at the mayday protests in 2001 it was not unusual to get thousands on the street for an essentially anarchist protest. After that, as every protest was kettled, numbers dropped markedly.

Across Europe there is, I think, a greater level of seriousness in politics, and people are less likely to be detered by being penned in by a load of coppers.

But your comments were helpful. Many thanks.


p is for pedantry

24.12.2009 21:17

an old lady in copenhagen soberly informed me that the cages were 'left over' from the ungdomshuset riots in 2007 and that the police seemed particularly pleased with themselves that they were using them again.

Barbara Cartland