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Tzipi Livni escapes International Court.

Erez Efrati | 14.12.2009 11:12

She was afraid to turn up yesterday at Hendon Hall.

So you see them too
So you see them too

Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni cancelled a visit to Britain this weekend over fears pro-Palestinian lawyers would seek to have her arrested.

Ms Livni had been due to speak at Sunday’s JNF Vision 2010 conference in Hendon, north-west London. She had also been expected to meet Prime Minister Gordon Brown for private talks.

But she pulled out of the trip for fear of lawyers obtaining an arrest warrant.
She is the latest senior Israeli politician to avoid Britain. In October, Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon was advised by a special inter-departmental team working with ministers to pull out of a JNF dinner in London.

Experts on international law from the foreign and justice ministries, and the IDF Attorney-General’s department, have advised cabinet ministers with a security background and senior IDF officers not to visit Britain, Spain, Belgium or Norway, while lawyers in these countries are seeking to arrest Israelis on charges of alleged war crimes through “universal jurisdiction” laws.

Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor, speaking at the JNF conference, said Israel was fighting the laws “tooth and nail” and would “not be shut down”.

A group of around 100 anti-Israel protestors demonstrated outside the Hendon Hall Hotel venue as delegates arrived.

Well done the Palestinians. Keep it up.

Erez Efrati
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14.12.2009 16:57

Interesting report! I was at the event yesterday and the two 'protesters' could have been protesting against anything - for not having sparkling water at the conference or the state of public transport in London - you could not tell! The first one got up and started shouting "F**king this and f**king that" - any credibility or clear message was lost when he clearly lost it and resorted to using profanities!!! The second 'protester' was simply lead out when it was noted that he had come in with the other guy! Was a scene from Monty Python!
Tip: If you are going to protest, think through a clear and coherent message, maybe use banners.
Shame you couldn't be there, the food at the conference was excellent... and it was nice and warm inside too!
Up the revolution!
