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Funeral Motorcade For The Deer

Anthony Marr | 13.12.2009 00:44 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Social Struggles

The current hottest battle in the “Deer War” is at the Shawnee Mission Park, Kansas City, which local activists have dubbed “Death Park”. There were supposedly some 575 deer living in the 3.7 sq.mi. urban park. Local officials estimate the maximum deer population density to be 50 per sq.mi., which produces the maximum allowable total number of 185 in the park. Up to December 9, 313 deer had been culled by “Dr. Death” Anthony DeNicola. This yields a remaining population of about 260, about 75 higher than the limit of 185, and 75 is about what the Park Board has allocated to the bow-hunters, 15 of whom have been granted permits to do the dirty deed, with pleasure of course.

Project report by Anthony Marr


Urban deer massacre (“culling”), combined with unadulterated fun-killing (bow-hunting), is a national disgrace.

Through my last 6 Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions (CARE-1 – CARE-6, 2003-2008, each covering 25-42 states over 3-7 months), I have worked with activists in no less than 25 states whose by-and-large pro-culling and pro-hunting officials discharge their “deer management” duties by means of bullets and arrows.

The current hottest battle in the “Deer War” is at the Shawnee Mission Park, Kansas City, which local activists have dubbed “Death Park”. There were supposedly some 575 deer living in the 3.7 sq.mi. urban park. Local officials estimate the maximum deer population density to be 50 per sq.mi., which produces the maximum allowable total number of 185 in the park. Up to December 9, 313 deer had been culled by “Dr. Death” Anthony DeNicola. This yields a remaining population of about 260, about 75 higher than the limit of 185, and 75 is about what the Park Board has allocated to the bow-hunters, 15 of whom have been granted permits to do the dirty deed, with pleasure of course.

The purpose of my trip to Kansas City (from Vancouver BC Canada) is 3-fold:

1. To help local activists save these 75 deer if possible

2. To pave the road to non-lethal deer management at Shawnee Mission Park

3. To forge the Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)

The means were three.....

Anthony Marr
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Would be more useful?

13.12.2009 13:40

Tony, it would help if instead of JUST saying "don't control the deer numbers THAT way" if you spelled out for us your proposals. For example ........

a) How your group will acquire the approximately 3 square miles of forest land so that 75 deeer might be captured and relocated. Yes, I said 3 square miles because 25/square mile is a much more reasonable maximum deer population. At 50+ per square mile the forest will be destroyed as at that feeding pressure no forest reproducton will take place.

In other words, that 50+ being considered allowable is a short term maximum letting the deer live for a few years but killing the forest in the long term.

b) How your group will acquire the funds necessary to capture and sterilize enough of the remining deer to keep their population in balance with the environment. Obviously this bit of woods is far too small to support enough wolf packs to do the job "naturally" though probably at the moment there are coyotes and wandering loose dogs doing a bit of that.

Need to face the reality of life, Tony. If an herbivore like deer have no predators controlling their numbers then those numbers keep increasing till they consume all available food and begin starving. In the process, the habitat gets destroyed. Yes I understand your moral concerns that humans not be the predators but you need to try to expalin to us how you imagine a natural balance might be restored and we have a healthy population of deer in a healthy forest.


mdn, abused as a child?

16.12.2009 02:19

Pay no attention to MDN - along with "Max", "Pete", "Arthur" and a few others, he is a professional troll.
