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Target David Attenborough

International Climate Brigades | 11.12.2009 14:31 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles

International anti-fascist climate activists have disrupted a policy briefing of the Optimum Population Trust (OPT)(1) in Copenhagen. More than 30 activists from Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the UK occupied a conference room at the DGI-byen Hotel in the centre of town where OPT officials were due to brief anti-population campaigners and members of the press on its stance on the Copenhagen negotiations. The meeting had to be suspended.

Last week, in the right-wing populist newspaper The Sun (2) and in a television programme for the BBC, Attenborough had pledged his support for the OPT and their fear of overpopulation. This came after the Trust announced a new carbon offset scheme: instead of planting trees, they'll spend the money of those obsessed with their green egos on discouraging the birth of children in 'developing nations'.

The OPT have an ingeniously simple way of eradicating poverty in developing countries – eradicate the poor! And every African child that does not get born (now a ‘non-person’ as the OPT call it) won’t contribute to carbon emissions. Because the poor have this terribly unsustainable aspiration to improve their lives:

“In short, one less birth into poverty is not only one less person to suffer poverty and the expected severe impacts of climate change, but also one less to produce more greenhouse gases in (hopefully) escaping poverty. In recent years millions of previously-poor Chinese have been doing just this: getting richer, so inevitably causing more CO2 emissions”(3).

A British member of the Camp for Climate Action who was part of the action said: “It’s time to draw a line between us and the green austerity movement and anti-human campaigners. It’s time to oppose David Attenborough and the Optimum Population Trust.”

The negative focus on a population increase of poor people in the majority world is the kind of policy position they share with the fascist right. BNP leader Griffin has let it known that "every person we take from the third world with a tiny climate footprint and bring them [sic] into the western world, we're massively increasing their impact of carbon release into the world's atmosphere.” (4)

The OPT want to reduce the world's population by half to its 'optimum' level. They claim to object to control and coercion in this effort, though border control and deportations are very much part of the picture. All this in the name of carbon offsetting.

For the activists who successfully shut down the Trust's meeting in Copenhagen, this is anathema to the spirit of the ecology movement. Drax 29 defendant Paul Chatterton wrote last week: “this isn’t a movement against carbon, but one for greater equality and justice ... our fascination with the environment has brought a fascination with austerity and rationing.” (5)

With this in mind climate activists in Copenhagen will continue to target the proponents of false solutions this week, whether they come in the form of carbon trading or population management.


International Climate Brigades
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Leave him alone

11.12.2009 15:41

To put David Attenborough in the same article as Nick Griffin is just ridiculous. He may have different opinions about OPT than me (though I think his beliefs are being distorted to fit your neat categorisation) but that man first alerted me to climate disaster and the fragility of balance in nature when I was a kid. That's what made me care and want to do something to stop the polluters and the exinction of creatures I didn't even know existed. I'm over 40 and my guess is that the poster is younger, taking for granted they they know thousands of species of animals, birds, reptiles, insects exist and what threatens their further existence. Before Attenborough, most of us didn't know shit.


Worrying action

11.12.2009 16:09

I'm really concerned by this action.

Talking about population is a real taboo. Anyone who dares to mention it is immediately labeled a fascist. Just because the far-right use these issues doesn't mean we should be scared off talking about them. There are now about 7 billion people on the planet. In 1900 there were around 1 billion. We need to move a zero-carbon economy. We eat oil. We move by oil. We are heated by fossil fuels. The only way we have got to a population of 7 billion is by fossil fuels. In a post oil world the population will be smaller than it is now. We can choose to move there by lowering the birth rate or letting chaos ensue as we don't have enough food, fuel, water to sustain all the people on the planet.

As far as I am aware (and I have to admit I don't know much about it - I didn't see the BBC programme and I'm not in the habit of reading the sun), the OPT are planning to provide access to reproductive health care for people who don't currently have access to it. Bringing people out of poverty and giving women control over their lives are greatly enhanced by access to contraception and abortion.

Carbon off-setting is generally a load of dangerous crap. However, giving the poorest access to contraception is very worthwhile - I certainly appreciate the free contraceptive services available to me.

I have been a climate change activist for many years (I was in Den Haag for COP6 in 2000), have been to all the climate camps (except this years), amongst many other things. I am really worried by this action.

To dismiss people as fascists because fascists pervert a subject is really dangerous. Its about time we had a serious debate about how we move from a fossil fuel dependent world with 7 billion people to a zero carbon furture.

Concerned - ecologist

Whom in this has behaved as a facist would?

11.12.2009 16:22

Who has violently prevented another group from meeting and speaking because they disagree with their viewpoint?

Fascists come in all colours - including, it would seen, Green.

By their actions shall ye know them...

The American Christian right

11.12.2009 16:30

The American Christian Right has invested a lot of time and money into attacking family planning / contraception in third world countries. They have made great efforts to stop the U.S. giving 'Aid' where it might be used for family planning.

The Catholic Church is another great opponent of family planning / contraception.

This carbon offsetting, according to their (the OPT) website, is a way of giving access to family planning to people who don't have it. The American Christian Right and the Catholic Church are enemies of women's rights to choose. I don't think we should be attacking people who are advancing those rights.

When I was in Den Haag for COP 6, I found it really difficult to think of effective actions. Climate chaos is not something that can be attacked, like genetic modification. In the end I didn't do any actions, I just helped with activist infrastructure. The need to act can be really strong, especially if you've traveled to another country. I would say it is often better to do nothing than act for actions sake.

Concerned - ecologist


11.12.2009 16:36

...I missed your alternative to population reduction.


It's tough one

11.12.2009 16:40

It's hard to make a judgement either way. Do I believe the Malthusian fear of population growth is valid? No, not particularly. And the plans do sound worryingly authoritarian and show disregard for equality. They also fail to recognise class as one of the defining aspects to climate change, the fact is that poor people in the Third World are not the ones creating climate change.
However, contraception is not a punishment - far from it. I bet most of us who oppose this plan also were disgusted by Papal condemnation and refusal to provide working condoms out in the Third World.
My personal conclusion is that contraception shold be made available, but not as a means of carbon offsetting (which is clearly a total rich man's way off offsetting guilt, and is a sham). Carbon offsetting should not be part of the solution, nor should other authoritarian methods; it'd be all too easy to sleepwalk into a Green Police State. And go easy on David Attenborough, as has already been said he was a platform by which many people learnt about the rich diversity of the world and encouraged people to defend it - even if I don't agree with him now. Besides, individuals aren't to blame, the system as a whole is what needs changing, and Attenborough is not a figurehead or mastermind behind global capitalism, let's face it.

sorry - anon

judge for yourself

11.12.2009 16:53

OPT welcomes the long overdue reversal of government pro-population growth policies announced on 18 October 2008 by new Immigration Minister Phil Woolas in an interview with The Times: "This government isn't going to allow the population to go up to 70 million...There has to be a balance between the number of people coming in and the number of people leaving."

OPT has called for balanced [zero net] migration since 2003, as part of a policy to enable UK population to decrease to a long-term environmentally sustainable level. But on 19 November 2008 new figures from the ONS revealed a near-record net inward migration level of 237,000, up 46,000 on 2006. See figures below.

Environmentally unsustainable migration

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11.12.2009 17:49

I take back any reserve I might have had before in my condemnation of OPM.
Climate change is a worldwide issue - how the fuck is introducing racist immigration controls going to stop it happening. You reveal a racist edge to your policies, even if you're right and we need to curb population, why does it matter where that population resides?! It shows you care about the blood of people from the U.K more than anywhere else. To you and your OPM I extend a hearty fuck you.

sorry, anon


11.12.2009 21:32

If the population has expanded from 2 billion to near 7 billion in less that one generation, then it seriously needs to be looked at!
How big do we let it get? 50 billion? 500 billion?


Immigration and climate change

11.12.2009 23:01

Climate change makes it even more important that borders should be abolished. It's western industrialised society that has contributed the most to climate chaos, yet it is the exploited in the global south who will suffer the most as a result of it,


Reality check

12.12.2009 00:18

The OPT and its supporters on here are missing the point. The organisation can't claim to oppose coercive measures and yet make no secret of its desire for tougher immigration controls. Lets not worry ourselves about that though shall we? When did border controls last cause anyone any harm eh?!

And people tend to have more kids in poorer countries because infant mortality is higher and life expectancy lower.

Can't you see from what a position of complete and utter privilege this argument is coming from?
This analysis also either reveals a shoddy understanding of the UK's history of exploitation, or sheer imperial arrogance.

This is not to say that population growth shouldn't be discussed, simply that the OPT ignores the real issue - the endless growth in profligate consumption.

Note the blatant positive correlation between low income countries & low carbon footprint. In Burundi for example, 93% of the population live on under $2 a day. It is also the country with the lowest carbon footprint per capita.

Lets concentrate on destroying the obscene capitalist machine instead of building walls to keep the poor from taking 'our' resources.

Important action - nice one people!

mail e-mail: -
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12.12.2009 09:47

I have not researched the OPT at all, but there does not seem to be any mention of immigration in the post. Is your solution really to maintain an inflated population in a zero carbon economy? A reduced global population must be part of the answer.


population and eugenics

12.12.2009 11:38

"The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based “think tank” and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being promoted as a more cost-effective way to reduce CO2 emissions than investing in alternative energy sources and offers a way for elitist racists to feel ethical in their quest to exterminate the third world masses."


the new evangelicals

13.12.2009 11:44

Well this is just bloody stupid.

Calling for a gradual reduction of the world population - something which most sane people would agree is necessary for the survival of our and other living species - is hardly calling for the "extermination of poor people", or a "way for elite racists" to come together. This is lazier intellectual work than even the BNP would engage in.

And Attenborough and Griffin in one post? I worry about the evident decline in the intelligence of those involved in climate change issues. It's gone from an informed perspective about 10 years ago, to one which seems like a cult - attacking anyone and everyone regardless of their perspective.

All this evangelical posturing and the use of terms such as 'deniers' and 'believers' - even though i feel strongly about this, I couldn't get involved, it would make me feel sick.

How depressing.

JC of Nazareth

obvious racism

13.12.2009 21:56

if it was simply about the climate and world population, surely the most effective action would be to reduce births in the developed world, since we pollute and consume the most.

this organisation does not simply want to reduce or prevent the growth of the world's population, they specifically want to reduce the population of developing countries.

how complicated is this? why can't you people see it? its written very clearly in all their literature.

they don't mind people in rich countries breeding, they just dont want the people in poorer countries to.

well done the activists who did this action.


population reduction good, OPT bad

14.12.2009 17:01

The general idea of population reduction is a good one, in fact you might say it is common sense. If we don't do it ourselves nature will do it for us and it won't be pretty.

What is bad is when some people who support the idea also support racist authoritarian policies like immigration controls. But that doesn't invalidate the original argument.

And interestingly the main report which is referenced to spiked-online rings alarm bells. Spiked is run by the people formerly behind Marxism Today, who did a political about-turn some time ago and are now ultra-right libertarian free marketeers who believe in things like legalisation of child pornography. You often see them in the mainstream press writing controversial articles in various topics. They are rabidly anti-environmentalist, so avoid them like the plague and treat them with extreme caution. They have a serious hidden agenda.

See here for more details:

anon anti-fascist

Paul Chatterton links to Spiked Online?

14.12.2009 17:38

I wonder if the Paul Chatterton quoted in the article is linked to the Spiked Online people?

The Great Debate has close links to Spiked Online:
Frank Furedi is the "spiritual leader" of the former Living Marxism people at Spiked:

Tenuous links maybe but suspicious.

Although Chatterton seems to be from the anti-authoritarian left whereas Furedi is from the right, and very anti-environmentalist.

Spiked and Living Marxism do have a history of entryism.

anon anti-fascist