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Manpower meets hammer force

Captain Swing | 08.12.2009 16:55 | Workers' Movements | South Coast

On the night of 6th December Manpower offices in Bristol were attacked with girlpower hammers.

On the night of 6th December Manpower offices in Bristol were attacked with girlpower hammers.
Allthe big plate glass windows on the front of their office were smashed. This action was taken in the face of seemingly overwhelming attacks on workers everywhere by capital and state. Manpower were responsible for hiring 30,000 non unionised "workers" (read "scabs") to break the recent strike action by postal workers. Well, some of us don't forget that, as the old saying goes, an attack on one is an attack on all!
Manpower are just a symbol, the epitome of agencies profitting from the race to the bottom, forcing thousands into shitty jobs with no dignity, security or chance of escape, struggling so hard to kep heads above the shit. They oil the wheels of the corporate state , where people are totally expendable to the needs of the bosses and the profit machine. Huge pay increases and rewards for the few, cuts and threats for the rest of us. The class divide between rich and poor is growing all the time, so we think it's time we started acting like it! In the social war, they have nothing to offer us but target practice. Fight the power!

Captain Swing


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exellent news

08.12.2009 20:07

well done to all involved.......stay safe.

angel of the north


08.12.2009 20:49

Ecxcellent - these bastards made a killing out the tories welfares to work schemes circa 1980 ( cheers Thatcher and your PFI ). These schemes promised training in construction / building trades but were just work for your dole. A note to some of the people thinking of utilising this 'free labour' ( particularly you bourgois charities e.g Family First ( another lying exploiter sticking all the poor school leavers essentialyy on Community Service ) in todays EU funded PFI PPP Welfare to Work schemes which give employemnt to the middle classes and exploit the poor citing bullshit good yoof/eco/cultural causes - we did your places up last time - which stopped some of it. These are the real fraudsters milking the benefits system. Training on these places was either piss poor or ( usually ) non-existent ( like the health and safety ). I variouslywas not trained in all aspwects of the building and construction trade whilst the so-called trainers pocketed loot like the state collaborating scum the were and still are. Social Entrepeneurs - we're coming for you.


arts council,too

09.12.2009 15:19

dont get me started on the arts council...bastards.

not funded


09.12.2009 15:33

> Ecxcellent - these bastards made a killing out the tories welfares to work
> schemes circa 1980 ( cheers Thatcher and your PFI ). These schemes
> promised training in construction / building trades but were just work for
> your dole.

No they didn't.


Ashby Delazouch

smashing some windows eh?

10.12.2009 19:30


sarcastic brummie