Bringing The Class War Home Any one for a Greek Riot? | 08.12.2009 15:09
The Tories physically attacked working class communities and caused a quarter of a century of impoverishment. The Labour Party has introduced over 3000 new crimes since 1997 and has whittled away our hard-won liberties – such as Habeas corpus, the right not to be tortured, etc, etc, and even, with their supposed solutions to anti-social behaviour, the right to a trial by a jury of our peers – to a higher degree than any other peacetime government. ALL mainstream political parties follow the same socially and environmentally destructive Neoliberal (and highly fascistic) economic trajectory that has been responsible for so much suffering in working class communities. As The RED FACIST FRONT OF THE SOCLIST WORKERS PARTY have just shouted slogan fucking slogan told us to vote Labour?
Monday 7 12 09 The Independent announced the findings of research produced by accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers which suggest that the rich and the middle class are facing the biggest squeeze on their living standards in decades. Today the same paper has reported that a million public sector jobs , including frontline roles in the NHS and the police, may have to be axed if the Government is to cut its deficit. And as our good friend Mr Bone has pointed out; “A poll in today’s guardian shows over 50% of people to believe class is a defining issue in Britain.”
The Barnsdale Brigade (and pretty much everyone we know) are in the low income bracket so we cannot genuinely say that we overly concerned about the fortunes of Middle England (let’s face it, they never showed any concern for us). But this is not the time to say ‘I told you so!’*
In the coming months and years The Class War will heat up as the problems of impoverishment become more immediate to more people (of all classes). People who were once comfortable with their lot will begin to question the legitimacy of one of the most class divided societies on the planet. There will be no better opportunity to galvanise our ongoing campaign against classism and build a political movement that truly represents the interests of the working class.
Our attempts to organise against classism failed partly due to funding, but also because it is a problem that is largely invisible to those who do not suffer it’s blows. As we said on the Action Against Classism website…
Economic inequality in the UK is at the highest it has been since records began in 1961. A child’s social class background at birth is still the best indicator of how well he or she will do in school and later on in life. The lower your socio-economic position the greater your risk of low birth-weight, infections, cancer, coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, accidents, nervous and mental illnesses – in other words, class kills!
Class remains as important an issue as climate (in fact the climate issue will not be solved until class is taken into consideration), but it has been almost universally ignored for over 20 years thanks to the politician’s and the media’s pretence that we’re somehow all middle class now. But that time has passed, the veneer is cracking – it’s time to organise! Any one for a Greek Riot?
Monday 7 12 09 The Independent announced the findings of research produced by accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers which suggest that the rich and the middle class are facing the biggest squeeze on their living standards in decades. Today the same paper has reported that a million public sector jobs , including frontline roles in the NHS and the police, may have to be axed if the Government is to cut its deficit. And as our good friend Mr Bone has pointed out; “A poll in today’s guardian shows over 50% of people to believe class is a defining issue in Britain.”
The Barnsdale Brigade (and pretty much everyone we know) are in the low income bracket so we cannot genuinely say that we overly concerned about the fortunes of Middle England (let’s face it, they never showed any concern for us). But this is not the time to say ‘I told you so!’*
In the coming months and years The Class War will heat up as the problems of impoverishment become more immediate to more people (of all classes). People who were once comfortable with their lot will begin to question the legitimacy of one of the most class divided societies on the planet. There will be no better opportunity to galvanise our ongoing campaign against classism and build a political movement that truly represents the interests of the working class.
Our attempts to organise against classism failed partly due to funding, but also because it is a problem that is largely invisible to those who do not suffer it’s blows. As we said on the Action Against Classism website…
Economic inequality in the UK is at the highest it has been since records began in 1961. A child’s social class background at birth is still the best indicator of how well he or she will do in school and later on in life. The lower your socio-economic position the greater your risk of low birth-weight, infections, cancer, coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, accidents, nervous and mental illnesses – in other words, class kills!
Class remains as important an issue as climate (in fact the climate issue will not be solved until class is taken into consideration), but it has been almost universally ignored for over 20 years thanks to the politician’s and the media’s pretence that we’re somehow all middle class now. But that time has passed, the veneer is cracking – it’s time to organise! Any one for a Greek Riot?
Hide the following 8 comments
Deeds not words!
08.12.2009 16:07
Class is central, to all the green campaigners we say this: it is not us who is "dividing people" we are already divided! working-class is NOT a dirty word. if you have no concept of class then you are not a revolutionary, you may be a radical campaigner you may be worthy of respect but by dismissing class you dismiss it's overthrow.
What we need is direct action AND mass involvement discussion with people as equals. we need to create a self aware working class and show people and ourselves that meaningful action is possible. this means spraying "landlords are scum" on every estate agents and then telling people exactly why you did it what we could have instead and exactly how they could do the same thing and then up the anti. Tell people how to fight the boss and win: streets and shop floors are equal in their importance.
We remember Alexi, ian, blair and all those many who die at the hands of the police. they are not just doing their jobs my job doesn't lead me to kill people. we do not forget, we may forgive but we do fight back.
we remember all those millions who die because of class and capitalism. inaction is incrimination.
all social revolutionaries socialists, anarchists, unionists, syndicalists working class militants all it's time to start doing, it's time for words and deeds.
our time is coming......
(god that got a bit crimethinc toward the end, sorry)
Fen Tigger
08.12.2009 16:39
But (sorry), I have to point out a couple of things.
I appreciate people all come from their own perspective and that's fine. But being born into a certain family doesn't determine your worth as a person. And that works both ways. I probably sound like some middle-class wannabee radical; but I'm working class and conscious of it. This doesn't mean revolutionary activity shouldn't be class based, and a class analysis is often necessary (especially with something like climate change, where it's often overlooked). It does mean we should recognise certain things. One is that the proportion of people who fit into the traditional working class mould is not huge (although more people consider themselves working class than they have done in the past, and it's still a majority), and those in industrial labour jobs, etc. is low.
I agree the Greek riots are exciting and I support them. But that's a lot of students who aren't necessarily traditionally working class as well as others. So perhaps we should broaden our definition of working class?
Most importantly, stop the hating on the middle classes! Fight Power Not People. Fight the Class System not the Middle Classes!
But good article, would be interesting to know what your anti-classism stuff is about, and how you're organsing for the Greek Riots translation into English!
New crimes
08.12.2009 17:03
talk to your neighbour
08.12.2009 19:08
talk to your neighbour
08.12.2009 20:23
@ durrutio2
08.12.2009 20:31
so rioting will show the "leaders and the bosses" that our anger can crush their world, the world they need to keep on moving and making profit and driving war and greed and more war and more greed.
durrutio2, you sound more like an apologist for new-age-socialists, to me. nothing wrong with that, but maybe you should re-read some anarchism before you start telling others that riot has no place in the struggle. how people express their anger at the "system" is also a symptom of the "system"...........
NOT durrutio2
09.12.2009 10:15
mahatma coat
09.12.2009 14:09