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Self-Harm in Immigration detention July/August/September 2009

John O | 08.12.2009 14:17 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

Figures on self-harm in immigration detention between July and September 2009 inclusive under the following headings:

1) Number on incidents of self-harm requiring medical treatment

2) Number of individuals on formal self-harm at risk.

There were no deaths in any of the centres during this period.

[Figures for the first 6 months of 2009]

Number of incidents of Self-Harm requiring medical treatment

Down 10% on previous quarter

   July August September
Brook House 3 2 5
Campsfield House 1 2 0
Colnbrook 4 5 7
Dover 10 1 1
Dungavel 0 0 0
Harmondsworth 0 0 0
Haslar 0 0 1
Lindholme 0 0 0
Oakington 1 3 3
Tinsley House 0 2 0
Yarl's Wood 1 1 3

Total 56

Number of individuals on Formal Self-Harm at Risk

Up 21% on previous quarter

July August September
Brook House 35 19 18
Campsfield House 8 11 12
Colnbrook 58 39 46
Dover 13 5 3
Dungavel 19 11 4
Harmondsworth 20 18 15
Haslar 7 8 3
Lindholme 1 0 1
Oakington 9 7 10
Tinsley House 6 5 3
Yarl's Wood 11 8 11

Total 444

End of Bulletin:

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Freedom of Information Act 2001

John O
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EDL Supporter

09.12.2009 11:52

Self harm - Just an act for attention, to try to make people feel sorry for them, so they can life a life on benefits like most of the people on here, so they don't have to work another day of their lifes, again like most of the people on here. If they were asylim seekers why didn't they seek asylum in the first country they got to eh?

EDL Supporter

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Dear dick'ead (EDL supporter)

10.12.2009 08:38

1) Living off benefits: no-one wants to live off £35/week. Asylum seekers are NOT allowed to work, seek work, try and earn anything to improve their lot. You also insult the many UK born people who are forced to live from benefits due to unemplyment, sickness, disability.
2) Seeking asylum: Greece is often the first country of entry into the UK. They have a zero acceptance of asylum applications, in direct contravention of the Human Rights law that says people have a right to seek asylum. People, regardless of their situation, persecution, dangers they face, are held in appalling conditions before being deported. Many have been 'disappeared' once returned. Greece is the paid fall-guy of Europe, doing the dirty work of other European countries.
3) Why this country: Most who seek asylum here have links - family, historical links through colonialisation/invasion, language. I've met asylum seekers who worked as translators or guides to the british army and who were then left to be tortured when the army moved on.
4)Self-harm: The EDL claims to represent british people. They don't. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer self-harm as a result of abuse, stress, pain. Often, they are unloved children, which I suspect you were yourself. Why else would you seek to target the most vulnerable people in the country who have no voice of their own.


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