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Running Rings Round the EDL

LOL fash | 07.12.2009 21:25 | Anti-racism

EDL trolls may be boasting about their exploits on Saturday but the truth is they Nottingham was more than they could cope with.

First they showed themselves up for the rabid mob of thugs they are in front of the national media. Here's a hint lads: when you're in front of the cameras try to behave yourselves. We don't like people who kick dogs in Ingerland.

The majority of EDL were penned in and under tight police control all day. The cops forced them to go home early. Most were escorted to the trains and coaches before 5pm.

The few small groups who avoided the pen to roam around the town met with serious resistance from local youths who gave them the runaround. A lot of the EDL's 'hardened warriors' proved to be a lot less hard after a few hundred yards of running and received some rough justice. Drinking all day may make you feel like a real man but you wont feel so great wheezing at the top of the hill whilst the local kids give you a slap.

Most of the EDL didn't really look up to a fight as they staggered around the streets thrusting their crotches out and flailing wildly.

My final tip to the defenders of English virtue - if your trying to hijack a bit of local history for propaganda, do your best to avoid pissing all over it. No wonder you were happy to let the old bill lead you home. Your sheep pen must have stunk.

LOL fash


Display the following 55 comments

  1. getting sick of all this edl stuff — stine
  2. Ran rings? — Zefiris
  3. ... — Observer
  4. First black, then muslim, now japanese! — Maori antifascist
  5. Violence — Arthur
  6. to ARTHUR — LOL
  7. So it is now wrong to protest against Islamic terrorism — Nottingham resident.
  8. Irony: "Oh, and for the record I'm Japanese" — anon
  9. EDL — Arthur
  10. Islamic extremism is just a fig-leaf excuse for the EDL — anon
  11. Keep Crawling Arthur — Fred
  12. Not just Muslims or Asians — Just watching
  13. to ARTHUR — oh dear
  14. Shariah law. — Arthur
  15. Stop The Pissbladders! — Robe Sphere
  16. Piss Off Back To Stormfront, neo-Nazi EDL Trolls! — Demmy God
  17. @ arthur — david
  18. FAO Arthur and the non racist EDL — Concerned of gipton [ the real one]
  19. Yes. — Observer
  20. Dear Arthur — Luther Blisset
  21. sorry fash, you fail yet again. — {A}
  22. EDL — Arthur
  23. Arthur is a twat — Anarchist Antifa
  24. arthur is running rings around Indy .. but whose running rings around you ? — durruti02
  25. Piss off back to Stormfront, Divide and Conquer Neo-Nazi troll! — Troll Deflator
  26. @ Durrutti — Anarchist Antifa
  27. SILLY... — SOD
  28. Nonsense Arthur — Observer
  29. So ethnics can't be patriotic? — British Sikh
  30. A Japanese, a black person, a british sikh...come off it — Anarchist Antifascist
  31. @British Sikh — London Anarchist
  32. I am an ethnic minority though — British Sikh
  33. Dear British Sikh — Luther Blisset
  34. Baah Baah Blagsheep — Old Mother Goose
  35. EDL infiltrated by Sikh Extremists — Concerned of Mumbai
  36. Nobody cares about EDL race mixers — Luther Blisset
  37. Return To Stormfront, neo-Nazi EDL/BNP Trolls!!! Get a F*ckin Life!!! — Troll Destroya
  38. Bogwatchaz — Lord Snitchfield
  39. about patriots — alfonse capone, back fromthe dead,seriously p'd off with EDL trolls
  40. Definition of fascism — anon
  41. Advice — Observer
  42. No Pasaran - Fascists off our streets — redskin
  43. EDL Tossers — EDL are Shite
  44. Neo-Nazi Troll Lobotomy Service — Dangermoose
  45. EDL,WHO ARE THEY AGAIN? — fran
  46. edl and the army — worrying
  47. Listen — Article
  48. Sure above was EDL? — Local boy
  49. Photo — Photo
  50. Fact — Alastair Darling
  51. Piss Off Back To Stormfront, neo-Nazi EDL Trolls — Leona
  52. Lincoln Loyal - Lincolnshire's EDL Head Honcho — Exposing Neo-Nazis in the EDL
  53. Still Lovin' Hitler — Man From The Pru
  54. EDL Treehuggers — Daisy Chane
  55. EDL Train Fares Don't Come On The Dole — denni