Climate Camp to stay in Trafalgar Square for duration of COP15
Greybeard | 07.12.2009 20:23 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | World
On 5th December climate activists occupied Trafalgar Square in London. Initially the plan was to stay for 48 hours. The decision has now been taken to continue the occupation until the end of the Copenhagen summit. Direct action events are taking place daily, with the camp as a base. At the camp there are big banners, marquees and tripods. The Save Vesta's Magic Roundabout, evicted from the Isle of Wight, has moved to Trafalgar Square, to join up with the climate camp. It is hoped that this camp, within sight of the Houses of Parliament, will grow and become a centre of protest during this two week period. The more people who come to the camp, even for an hour or two, to show solidarity, the greater the impact will be.
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07.12.2009 21:21
07.12.2009 21:33
07.12.2009 23:12
08.12.2009 08:12
08.12.2009 09:21
08.12.2009 10:19
08.12.2009 11:11
Although partly sceptical of climate camp, this seems a reasonable way to draw attention to the summit in Denmark - like the years long vigil outside South Africa House (on Trafalgar Sq) was a good way of showing solidarity and drawing attention to apartheid...I spent many a cold night there and on balance, it was worthwhile.
Just please do some actions, or at least plan some for a little time ahead and inspire people to go away and take action themselves!
cough cough
08.12.2009 11:14
if you have a genuine critique based on the idea that this camp is too much talk and not enough action, get down there and spread ideas for actions or join in with those being planned...
more on the why
08.12.2009 11:16
Peer Pressure and Climate change in place of real change...
08.12.2009 11:45
The relationship between industrial society and nature is one of abuse, control and conceit, as much as the relationship between the slaves taken from Africa and those who took them, as much as the workers in Chinese factories and those who employ them, as much as the transfer of dirty technology to China was a direct result of a combination of Eco-activism in the US, the desire to maximise profits with cheap labour....
It would appear that most of the people who were part of Seattle, Genoa etc etc and who were part of the international anti-war movement have been side lined by a well orchestrated media/government campaign that has taken their eyes of the ball....
Inability to resist peer pressure is one of the results of conditioning - activist who do not address their own conditioning can and will be manipulated.
conor cruise o'brian
bottled water, gawd love 'em
08.12.2009 11:59
08.12.2009 12:30
It's all good
08.12.2009 14:48
- It is a base from which DIRECT ACTION is being organised and carried out on a daily basis, come and see for yourself and get involved!
- It is reclaiming space and demonstrating alternative ways of living, consensus decision making, etc.
- It is highly visible and outreach teams are talking to passers-by and so on in friendly, non-combative ways to talk about why climate change is such an important issue, why 'our global leaders'' solutions will not work, and why urgent, direct aciton is needed.
- It is an immensely fun and friendly environment. Fun things are good to do.
I think that answers most of the cynics questions, fair enough for asking, but perhaps now we can all get involved and make it threatening and radical. Even if you are cynical of it, it is a unique opportunity to have base from which all kinds of actions can take place.
And certainly no bottled water was consumed when I was there (I plan to return on Thursday for a few more nights, and keep coming back and forth). Washing up etc. was all done with water from the public toilets, and that is what uses the vast bulk of the water. Yes there were large water butts there.
This could be a genuinely pivotal event in the future of radical organising around climate change. It may well not be, but it has great potential because of the situation. If all those who are unsure about coming, or are cynical come along it could become the start of something quite big. Let's make sure that happens.
EDL Supporter
09.12.2009 12:04
EDL Supporter
why so bitter?
09.12.2009 21:27
Everyone can take part in commenting, demonstrating, direct action (what ever they take that to mean) in any way that they are comfortable with doing.
Just because you go storming up a chimney or holding up a train doesn't make you a better activist then someone who thinks that being visible and educating/talking to people about issues is a better sort of activism.
We need all types of activism and one thing good about Climate camp is that they do talk rather than scream over each other, they listen as well and take group decisions seriously, which is something we are asking the government to do right? We also need people to take over power stations and risk their sanity doing things that others would slate them for. So why are you so bitter towards each other?
When i see this i really don't think we stand a hope in hell. Fighting among ourselves over stupid things is just what they want us to do. Stop arguing and get on with what ever floats your boat, I can see why he called you an armchair activist though, because you sounded like a whinging daily mail reader not some big shot 'real activist' whatever that is...