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Piss-Poor EDL Defending England's Heritage

Bladder Wrack | 07.12.2009 14:07 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

The EDL's finest turned up in Nottingham on Saturday aiming to do battle like street-fighting knights of the realm.

After downing medieval refreshment in a Wetherspoons tavern, they set off on their march to Nottingham Castle to show once and for all how much they love England and its historic heritage - by protecting the castle from dastardly multicultural visitors by unleashing an almighty torrent of smelly urine across the castle keep.

The picture reminds me of the yobbish student from Sheffield who like this excremental neo-nazi outfit, got drunk and pissed on a war memorial.

These neo-Nazi EDL cretins just can't help themselves. If chucking bottles and scuffling with the police was not bad enough, they decided to expose themselves in broad daylight, urinate in public en-masse, while women and children walked by. An army of racist football hooligans behaves like an army of racist football hooligans which is why the EDL will always be loathed not just amongst anti-fascist demonstrators and the general public, but amongst fellow members of the far right.

Trevor KKKelway and chums thought they were so big and clever assembling a ready-made army of travelling fighters on a shoestring budget, who would turn KKKelway into the next Nick Griffin, to take over from the BNP when it fades into insignificance, and move into the national far right political scene and the election circuit, but with a bunch of ignorant uncouth soccer hooligans who after a pint or two of cheap lager don't give a shit about Britain's cultural heritage, the EDL make the National Front seem professional.

Gordon Brown and the police chiefs of Britain's largest cities allow the EDL to incite racism and violence on the premise that they are practicing free speech, but free speech does not mean chanting racist slogans, making Hitler salutes, chucking missiles and scuffling with the police, and most certainly does not mean the freedom to spray one of Britain's most historic castles with foul-smelling piss.

Whether or not the EDL are working with the state as some people suggest, or are merely KKKelway's ego trip, they have earned a reputation of racism, fascism, yobbish and ignorant behaviour that will be impossible to shake off. Having initially been championed by American neo-conservatives as a useful tool of pushing the British political agenda rightwards, they are now regarded internationally as a joke.

The laugh is on the EDL, and so long as they continue to use football hooligans and BNP/BPP members its marches, they will never achieve their aims of dividing and conquering the United Kingdom along racial and religious lives, turning community against community, when its army's elite commanders cannot control their bladders!!!

The EDL are a piss-poor excuse of a far right organisation.

Bladder Wrack


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Too thick to be a real threat

07.12.2009 14:28

Agreed. I don't we should worry too much about those dumbasses gaining popularity. They behaved so badly on the Nottingham demo that they're going to lose a lot of potential support, but they're too thick to even see that.

You only have to look at the aggressive way they were marching towards & surrounding the random people in these cars in the evening post vid to see how they could put off the average member of the public


Great photograph

07.12.2009 14:41

EDL, defenders of Englands heritage and culture? I've heard them say this many times.

Generally if you want to defend heritage and culture you don't pop your tiny cock out and piss all over it. Just goes to show that the only thing they're interested in is fighting, xenophobia, and racist heil hitlering.

A member of the public

agreed, but

07.12.2009 14:45

EDL should still be fought and battled against and argued into the surrender to fascism!


Horses For Courses

07.12.2009 15:10

You're spot on about the EDL's far right fellow travellers despising the EDL's hooliganism for putting off the man in the street with their yobbo behaviour. I have just been scanning the England seperatist far right website where their fellow English fascists seem to agree that football thuggery will not turn them into the next National Front.

Most English seperatist far righters would prefer them to march in regimental fashion like the Orangemen, or like a Spanish fascists, or Jobbik black-shirts, so their bad behaviour is misfiring big-time.

And the good news is there is nothing much KKKelway or Alan Lake can do about it, for it's a sure bet that football hooligans will always behave like football hooligans no matter what discipline their leaders try to instill into them.

If Trevor KKKelway and Alan Lake want the EDL to be the next BNP they are fighting a losing battle.

The most they can do now is disband the EDL right away, before they get tarred by the brush of failure, for the EDL is as successful as their beloved fuhrer Adolf Hitler's piss-poor paintings.

Your fascist organisation is only as able to operate according to the make-up of its members. Having mostly brainless matcho thugs in your gang getting pissed aptly "bladdered" all the time, means the EDL aren't capable of doing anything more than fighting and making complete and absolute arses of themselves.

Buy a couple of Reliant Robins and you will not win the F1 Grand Prix title. GUARANTEED!!!!!!

Even your typical Indymedia fascist troll has not got an answer for this, lol

lizzie lux

Excellent Story!

07.12.2009 15:45

Well done Indymedia. This picture and accompanying story about the EDL pissing on English heritage should be reposted everywhere, and can be done so with a creative commons licence. Repost, email, tweet, blog, facebook post, and even utilise the power of your inkjets and print out and post the old-fashioned way.

It would really put the boot in if large A3 posters of the EDL's disrespect of English heritage is fly-posted across the towns and cities where the EDL will meet in the future - Southampton, Newcastle, Hull, Edinburgh, etc...

If enough coverage is given to this incident, showing the EDL up once and for all as a bunch of hypocrites, the EDL will be finished in a week.



No UAF around for violence on Saturday

07.12.2009 18:08

There weren't any UAF around at all when this kicked off:

The police even commended the UAF for being peaceful, unlike the EDL. There was loads of room by the Robin Hood statue and Lace Museum during the events in that video, the EDL weren't being squashed by the police as some have claimed.

BTW, here's the full res version of the pic:

and it is under a creative commons license:



07.12.2009 18:09

The EDL and the relief of Nottingham Castle. lol

Barney Rubble

No Justification

07.12.2009 19:38

The ignorant neo-nazi trolls who lurk on Indymedia like a smell from an unflushed toilet have done their usual in defending the indefenceable. There's no justification for behaving like cavemen. And if PC Plod happens to be watching, and recognises some of the small-penised morons opening their bladders willy-nilly, pissing in public, let alone over a historical listed landmark, is a criminal offence.

You lot are just like the student in Sheffield who urinated all over the war memorial.

If you are fighting to protect England's heritage as you love to claim, you do not piss all over it, no matter how many pints you have had in Wetherspoons beforehand. Even your comrades in the BNP are laughing at you if you take a look in the mirror.

No you stupid trolls, there was NO EXCUSE FOR THIS SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOUR!!!


Toilet Duck

What A Bunch Of Absolute Pricks!

07.12.2009 19:45

Everyone's laughing at the EDL.



Nice defence EDL

07.12.2009 20:29

Last time I was kettled on an animal rights demo I refrained from pissing on the bunnies... just saying.



07.12.2009 20:33

These wannabe nationalist scrotes are a total embarrasment for the nationalist cause and I hope their parents can see this photo.

I don't buy into this grand muslim conspiracy thing, but if Sharia law means cutting off the cocks of EDL valdals who excrete over historic buildings, I'm all for it.

Shame the EDL won't be around in 5000 years time!

Former BNP Member